Rosa Caramella: description with photo, reproduction, growing characteristics and rules of care

Rosa Caramella is a flower that was bred in Germany. This was done in 2001 in the Cordes nursery. This plant belongs to the group of scrubs. Its difference is a beautiful and noble color. It was because of him that the rose was so named. On the one hand, she is discreet, but at the same time surprisingly beautiful. Not a single gardener who can breed beautiful flowers can walk past her.

rose caramel

Flower description

The article has photos of Caramella rose, which confirm that it really looks amazing. This plant has tremendous stamina. It is able to grow even in the most difficult climate that exists on the territory of the Russian Federation. The buds of this flower have a caramel color, from amber yellow to pastel. For such a wonderful creation, you need to thank the breeders from Germany.

Information from the Encyclopedia of Roses

If you want to know the exact data about the described Caramella rose, the encyclopedia of roses will help in this. What information is given there? Plant color: amber yellow. On the stem there are from one to three flowers, their diameter is 10 cm. A faint aroma comes from the flower. The plant reaches 12 m in height and 70 cm in width. This rose calmly tolerates powdery mildew and black spotting. These factors do not cause her any disease. The rose also tolerates rain, its flowers do not break. It blooms several times.

The foliage of the bush is large, has a brilliant appearance, grows in large numbers. The bush itself is branched, standing straight. The plant can be planted in groups. The bud has a goblet shape, large in size. The flower, usually cup-shaped, has up to 85 petals. In diameter reaches 10 cm. The leaf is green, medium, dense. In reviews of the rose, Caramella writes that it withstands frosts and hot summers very well.

rose caramel photo

Flower Information

Basic information about the flowers has already been described above, however, some more nuances should be noted. The shrub grows both in height and in width. Over time, it acquires a natural beautiful shape. Against the background of a small shrub, the flowers may appear large, especially in the summer.

Bud Data

On the buds you can see smears of orange. A symmetrical wave passes along their edges. As for the fragrance, it is barely perceptible. May resemble the smell of honey and fresh fruit. This aroma is quite suitable for a flower with a pastel color.

rose caramel reviews

Flowering nuances

Rosa Caramella blooms with proper care for it throughout the summer period. Her flowers look like small inflorescences. Against the background of dark green leaves, it looks as beautiful as possible.

Rose shoots

When purchasing a plant, you need to pay attention to what kind of rose shoots. They are powerful, thick and strong. It is difficult to pull them to the ground, this must be taken into account. To protect the rose from snow and storm in winter, you will have to use something like a wire frame. You need to pull a plastic film over it. Some gardeners still manage to bend the trunks to the ground, but if you are concerned about the beauty of the bush and its safety, it is better not to do so.

Disease resistance

The description of the Caramella rose in the encyclopedia makes it clear that the plant can withstand severe weather conditions. However, there is still a risk that she will become ill. Therefore, to insure yourself, you should have antifungal drugs with you. If it is rainy and damp in the summer, then it is better to treat the plant with them for prevention. Due to the fact that the plant tolerates both summer and winter, it will be able to please its owner with beautiful flowers for several years.


An ideal planting begins already with the process of selecting seedlings. You need to choose annual roots. They will take root in a new place. If at first it seems that they are small, then you should still not be afraid. The main thing is that they were dug and stored correctly. The bark must be mature. To the touch it should be firm, not dry and without wrinkles. If the hands have a slightly dried root, then you need to put it for one day in cool water.

The place for Caramella rose should be chosen so that it would be possible to put a support over time. Even with the fact that the plant itself can take its natural form over time, this does not mean that there will be no problems. Just in case, you need to have a place in order to put support. When planting, it is advisable to leave about 2 meters between the bushes.

Watering a plant

It must be done at least once a week. Moreover, watering should be plentiful. Often this is not worth it, optimally 1-3 times every 7 days. These roses also love not only enough moisture, but also fertilizers. This is especially true for places with a dry climate.

rose caramel description

Should I shelter for the winter?

Even though the plant is resistant to winter, it is still worth preparing for snowfall or strong snowstorms. If we are talking about growing a plant in a southern place, then it will be enough to cover only the roots and root sections of the plant. By winter, you can throw sawdust. In cold areas, you can additionally cover the plant with dry leaves or spruce branches. If the rose has already grown or it is not possible to use the described method, then you can use a plastic wrap and a small frame. This is described above.

Pruning bushes

Pruning should be moderate. This is done at the end of the growing season, before the plant takes refuge in the winter. It is imperative to remove unripe shoots, as well as young ones. Do not leave them in the hope that they will survive. This will not happen for the reason that they will be frozen in any case due to the high moisture content in them.

Unhealthy and weak stems should be cut from the bush. Otherwise, in the winter, they can become bare and get sick with fungal diseases. As a result, the whole bush will be infected, and it will have to either be treated or completely cut off. If we are talking about pruning long stems, then under the root they should not be cut. Otherwise, the bush may weaken.

In spring, it is advised to cut off those shoots that grow inside the bush, as well as weak and frozen. The purpose of spring pruning is to get rid of all the weak spots on the bush, giving strong central stems to grow and develop faster.

Rose flower


Rosa Caramella is a beautiful and attractive flower. If you want to propagate it, you should cut the stalk and plant. This will not hurt the main plant. If you follow all the rules of planting and caring for a plant, then it will delight the gardener for a long time!


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