Second floor in a room with high ceilings: design, layout, cash calculation, list of necessary documents, design and decoration ideas

Sometimes the only way to place all functional areas in a small studio is to arrange a second tier under the ceiling. This is a stylish solution, which has recently been very popular among owners of small apartments. But how to properly equip the second floor? When repairing, you need to consider several important nuances.


When you try to arrange an additional tier in the room, you will first have to reckon with the height of the ceilings. This is not just about a mezzanine for storage, but about a full-fledged living space. Therefore, in an apartment with high ceilings (the second floor will otherwise be impossible to create - there will not be enough space) you need at least four meters in height. And better - more.

second floor in the apartment

On the second floor in a room with high ceilings, you can create an isolated bedroom, if the dimensions of the room allow. A man in a sitting position takes about one meter. For comfort, at least 15-20 centimeters should remain overhead at both levels, the tier structure will take the same amount. The ceiling and ventilation can reduce the ceiling.

Material selection

The second floor in high rooms must have a margin of safety in order to support the weight of the furniture located on it and the people who will spend time there. The modern market offers the possibility of arranging a dream apartment for almost any budget. The basis of the design can be made of wood, particleboard, metal, reinforced glass or polycarbonate. A full second tier cannot be made without soundproofing the floor: you need mineral wool or cork.

second tier in the apartment photo

Staircase construction

The second floor in a high room should be not only functional, but also safe, so it is very important to choose the right staircase. Small spaces require compact solutions that are unlikely to be the safest, but there are reasonable options. The height of the step should be approximately 16 cm, the depth of the tread - 26 cm.

In a small room, save ladders or ladders, goose step construction. Under the latter you can equip a bookcase or a small storage space. Ladders take up very little space, but such options are contraindicated for families with young children and those who doubt their dexterity.

second tier

Arrangement of the upper tier

The organization on the second tier of a berth is especially relevant in small studio apartments. Such a solution is able to withstand both asymmetry and bevel of the ceiling, because it is located under the roof itself. If space permits, a good option would be accommodation on the second floor with a bedroom adjacent to the bathroom. This reduces daily traffic and creates the conditions for preparing for sleep in the evening and effective awakening in the morning.

The berth can be placed in another way on a certain elevation in relation to the main space - to equip the podium. Such a second floor in a room with high ceilings (about 3 meters) will allow you to organize roomy storage systems. On the podium, you can additionally place a compact workplace or a coffee table and a rack for a comfortable pastime before going to bed.

bed on the podium

A more expensive option is an angular or U-shaped arrangement of functional zones on the upper tier. This will require more space at the lower level and serious implementation costs. But as a result, we get several segments for arranging the library, living room, game zone, a place for comfortable reading, playing on the console or watching TV. Expanding the space significantly increases the possibilities of pastime.

Rational arrangement of square meters - the organization of the second floor in a room with high ceilings for an office. Quite a bit of space will be needed to set up a desktop and equip bookshelves. If the area allows, then for convenience you can add a small sofa, several comfortable chairs and a shelving.

second floor with high ceilings

Arrangement of space below

The space under the stairs and the second tier can be used in different ways. Depending on the size, you can make a wardrobe, a bookcase, a niche for a small office or arrange a passage to the bathroom. If space allows, then good options for a studio apartment are a kitchen or a full wardrobe. It is important to consider that the second floor in a room with high ceilings limits the space below and may impede the entry of sunlight.

Important little things

High ceilings and a second floor combine perfectly in modern small studio apartments. But in an ordinary city apartment it’s hard to organize a structure at the top, which will be equal in size to the lower tier. Rather, the upper floor will resemble an isolated or open interior balcony. In this context, it may not be clear why a separate ventilation and air conditioning system is needed, but if you ignore the issue, then during the operation phase you may encounter unpleasant surprises.

second floor high ceilings

Warm air rises, so on the second tier it is guaranteed to be hotter and stuffy than on the first. It is better to entrust the air conditioning system to a professional who competently organizes ventilation for a specific project. A good solution for the second floor is fanlight windows for ventilation.

Even with a strong light source in the main room, the second tier will require additional lighting. Lighting depends on the needs and the specific project: if you plan to equip the office, you will need an overhead light, and if we are talking about a sleeping place or a relaxation room, then you can do with LED lamps or lamps based on them that are mounted on the ceiling or wall, and easily dismantled if necessary.

second floor in the apartment photo

Bureaucratic nuances

The second floor in a room with high ceilings, most likely, will not be able to formally coordinate with the BTI. Legalization of redevelopment (all the more so unusual as the arrangement of the upper tier in a city apartment) is a very complex and time-consuming process, but a competent lawyer will help to find a solution. Even the organization of the mezzanine is considered an increase in the area of ​​the room. For each region of the Russian Federation in this issue has its own characteristics, so you need to solve everything individually.

Issue price

In a room with high ceilings, the second floor (photos of different options for arrangement are in the article) can be equipped for any budget. The least expensive options are to buy an attic bed (this solves the issue of construction, staircase, organization of space on the second tier and below) or a structure made of chipboard. Reinforced glass solutions look very stylish, but it will cost a round sum. An essential item of expenditure is the ladder.

second tier in the apartment

If we are talking about an attic bed, for example, then you can keep within 30 thousand rubles. Typically, such solutions are offered for children's and teenage rooms, but you can find a suitable option for the studio. There are beds with a comfortable working area downstairs or ample storage space.


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