Types of switches: an overview of the main types and their characteristics

When arranging a lighting system , various types of switches are used. They are selected depending on the design of the premises, the preferences of the owner and the features of the equipment used. Consider the types of these devices, the nuances of their operation and installation.

Light switches

Keyboard Options

The main criteria for choosing the type of circuit breakers is the internal filling, the method of operation and the exterior modification. Button analogs are among the most popular versions of dimmers.

They are made for indoor or outdoor wiring, are simple in design, easy to use, have a very reasonable price. The principle of operation of such a unit is extremely simplified. In the inner part there is a mechanical relay in two positions, closing or opening the electrical circuit.

Often, from one point with the help of the devices in question, several lighting elements can be activated (for example, different lamps on the chandelier or light in the bathroom and toilet). To save space, often use options with two or more keys in one instance.

Dual switch

Push-button and rope analogues

Push-button types of switches operate using a spring device. When a key is pressed, they close, and in the case of the next action, they open the circuit. Initially, such models were mounted on table lamps, later they became in demand in the wall version. The non-standard design leads to a slightly overpriced cost compared to conventional counterparts.

The rope type is a somewhat transformed button option. A lever is added to the system, one shoulder of which acts on the button, and a rope or chain is added to the second edge. This design is often used for the original design. Among the practical advantages - they are easier to detect in the dark and facilitate the operation of the unit to the child.

Swivel and Slider Versions

The rotary view of the switches does not fundamentally differ in its electrical circuit from the keyboard models. They are equipped with two positions, however, the process is activated by rotating the handle on the case. These options are not used often, they are popular when wiring equipment in the style of "retro". This version is made only in a single version.

One of the simplest types in design is a slider unit. It closes and opens the circuit by moving the slider. Such modifications, taking into account the features of their capabilities and devices, are operated exclusively for use on portable devices. Stationary lighting works more effectively with other analogues.

Types of passage switches

In essence, the devices in question are on / off switches that close one of the branches of the electrical circuit. The adaptation circuit is based on two contacts at the output and one at the input, which acts on one of the outgoing lines. Design features include the ability to create a system that allows you to enable or disable one source from two different places.

The external design of the indicated types of light switches is identical to the keyboard analogs, with the exception of the ability to change the on / off position. For example, two models are lowered. If you turn one lever up, the light will turn on. Next, turn off the lighting at another point, for which the key also switches up. Subsequent activation is carried out in the initial position by moving the button down.

Classic switch

Reverse Crosstalk Models

Such analogues are used in conjunction with walk-through modifications, if lighting from more than two places is required. The device circuit includes four contacts, in pairs at the input and output. In one position, the input elements are closed, and when switching, they change places with the outgoing lines. If necessary, such a device can be used as a conventional switch, but the inflated price casts doubt on the relevance of such a solution.

Light regulators

Such types and types of switches are also called "dimmers" (from the English word dimmer - dimming). The device under consideration allows you to smoothly adjust the lighting level from maximum to complete shutdown.

In fact, this device is a resistor of variable resistance, mounted in a circuit in series with respect to the load. Switches of this configuration are used in movie theaters, smoothly dimming the light before watching a movie. At home, dimmers provide optimal lighting intensity and also prevent the fright of young children who are afraid of a sharp change in visibility.


These types of electrical switches are made on the basis of a pair of fundamentally opposite circuits. Initially, they focused on the presence in the human body of a certain electric capacity, while the design provided for a capacitor device. After touching the contact, the capacitance changed, causing a pulse to activate or turn off the light. This solution made it possible to smoothly adjust the degree of illumination from a simple touch. Holding the finger for a long time turned off the lamp gradually.

Modern touch types of switches, the photo of which is shown below, are equipped with small displays, similar to the screen of a smartphone, control is carried out by means of a microcircuit. Such functionality allows you to equip the device with additional features, including a timer or backlight.

Sensor switch

Acoustic modifications

The specified type of circuit breakers allows without additional mechanisms to regulate the supply of lighting from any part of the room. The model has its pros and cons. Firstly, it is desirable to mount it in tandem with a switch of a different type. Secondly, triggering can occur spontaneously due to random loud sound. In addition, sometimes you need to turn the light on or off silently. Designs of the budget category do not always work the first time.

Remote switches

Such devices belong to one of the smart home control functions. After mounting the sensor, the lighting can be adjusted using the remote control. Full functionality depends on version and manufacturer. Among the minuses - the need to keep the remote control in good condition at hand, as well as the high price compared to other analogues.

Types of electrical switches

Types of high voltage circuit breakers

By appointment, these devices are divided as follows:

  1. Network analogues. They are used in networks with a voltage of six kilowatts. The main task is to pass and switch current in normal and emergency situations for a fixed period of time, including during a short circuit.
  2. Generator-type devices are oriented to work with a voltage of 6-20 kV. They are mainly used in chains of high-power electric motors and other electric machines. The modification transmits and commutes current not only in standard mode, but also during start-up or short circuit. Feature - a large indicator of the shutdown current and the achievement of a nominal indicator of up to 10 thousand Amps.
  3. Types of automatic load switches are designed to work with the usual standard current in the range of 3-10 kV, by switching non-critical loads. They are not designed for breaking currents.
  4. Devices for electrothermal devices are focused on voltage ranging from 6 to 220 kV. The scope of their application is large installations of the electrothermal type (steelmaking and other furnaces). They are capable of passing current in various operating conditions.
  5. Suspended sectional switches "reclosers". Units are controlled remotely, equipped with special protection, and are used on the poles of power lines.
    Light switch

Installation methods

An important factor in the installation of the circuit breaker is the way it is installed. It can be internal or external type. The first option is equipped inside the wall slab by cutting holes of a suitable size. This configuration is used more often, since wiring in modern houses is carried out mainly by a hidden method. Outdoor switches are used in wooden buildings with an open lighting cable or for holding a temporary system.

The high-voltage switch, depending on the variety, can be a support, suspension, wall or withdrawable type. In addition, such devices are often implemented in the circuit of complete distribution devices.

Wiring fastener

For the arrangement of household lighting systems, two types of fixing wiring to the contacts of the switches are provided. This is a screw or screwless version. The second circuit is a clip on a spring mechanism, where the cable is inserted and fixed. Such fastening prevents spontaneous loss of the core, and the spring reduces current vibrations. In this regard, the mechanism does not require regular pulling up of contacts. Among the minuses - a small surface between the clamp and the wire, and also not the calculation of the use of aluminum cables.

Electric switch

A screw-type connection is a standard mount in which the wire is placed in the terminal, and then bolted to the base. There is one drawback - under the current supply, all conductors vibrate, which requires regular tightening of the elements, especially when using multi-wire cores. In practice, the difference between the operation of any type of circuit breaker is not noticeable. This is due to the fact that modern household lighting devices do not have high power, which does not have a significant effect on bolt clamps.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5939/

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