Abolition of maternity capital. When will maternity capital be canceled?

Back in 2007, the government of our country took decisive measures to increase the birth rate in the country in order to improve the demographic situation. It's about maternal capital. Indeed, many families have found real material support from the state. Today, the topic is often raised when the abolition of maternal capital will occur. Rumors about this event are hotly discussed, and certificate holders try to use the funds as quickly as possible. But first you need to understand the current situation, or rather, it should be noted that it is too early to draw conclusions, because most of the conversations are empty, gossip that has not been confirmed by anything.

abolition of maternity capital

For certificate holders

If the right to maternity capital has already been obtained, that is, a certificate has already been issued, then there is no reason to worry. It can be used even after the current year, even when maternity capital is canceled as a state program. After all, it is possible to realize the received funds no earlier than when the child is three years old. But only if the family does not pay a mortgage, otherwise you can use the funds of state support immediately.

Otherwise, the conditions for the implementation of the certificate have not changed. As before, funds can only be disposed of for the purchase (construction) of housing, for the education of children, or to replenish the funded part of the mother’s labor pension.

Today, there are a lot of families who are provided with housing, so they are not going to spend state money yet and keep the certificate until better times. But at the same time they worry that if maternal capital is abolished, then they lose the right to state support. While there is no reason to panic.

maternal capital is abolished

If there is no certificate yet, but the baby is already born

In the current 2016, certificates are issued to families in which a second child or twins appeared. Nothing has changed in the legislation, so you can and should issue a certificate, if there is a right to do so.

Indeed, since last year, there have been rumors that officials have proposed abolishing maternity capital in order to save the budget due to the crisis. But in 2016, certificates are indeed issued, but the amount of state support has not changed compared to last year, because it was not indexed.

Recent gossip regarding maternity capital

Initially, the end date of the program was known - this is December 31, 2016. But whether maternal capital will be canceled and when exactly is still unknown. If no new decisions are made by the government, then the deadline must be adhered to.

Indeed, the State Duma has repeatedly raised the issue of extending the term of the state program, and most importantly, changing the conditions for the sale of funds. But so far these are just discussions. It is hard to say what the government will ultimately come to.

when canceled maternity capital

But in our country, among the people, talk about the abolition of maternal capital does not cease. They say a lot, some believe that at the end of the program it will not be possible to use the funds, others believe that the terms will be extended. Do not yet believe unreasonable gossip. When the law is passed, then only conclusions can be drawn.

Speculation and rumor

Since the abolition of maternity capital led to many different conversations, today the following assumptions can be heard from the inhabitants of our country:

  1. In the future, only low-income families, that is, the most needy segments of the population, will become participants in the program.
  2. It will be possible to direct maternity capital funds to the funded part of the pension not only for the mother, but also for the father.
  3. Material assistance should be provided not only at the birth of the second child, but also all subsequent children in the family.
  4. Ways to implement the funds will be more diverse, that is, it will be possible to direct the funds not only to housing, child education or mother's pension.

But the president of our country not so long ago expressed the position that the abolition of maternal capital would entail the emergence of other measures of social support to the population and nothing more. The State Duma has put forward many proposals, but there is no concrete solution yet.

Spend money now or worth the wait

Many young mothers are in a panic, whether it is necessary to take advantage of maternal capital now or you can still wait. If the maternity capital is canceled, this does not mean that the funds will be lost, no, the issuance of certificates will simply stop after the expiration of the state program.

abolition of maternity capital what to expect

Some families do not need to spend money now, but in the future they will have a unique opportunity to pay for children's education, which is a pretty tempting prospect. But over the years, the situation in the country can change dramatically, that is, it is possible that, for example, we are waiting for default, ruble denomination, rising inflation and much more. Accordingly, we all understand that money can depreciate up to this point.

In general, it is difficult to decide what actions to take now, because there is no concrete answer to the question: when will the maternity capital be canceled and what will happen to the certificate - no. Perhaps you should not hurry up and wait until the situation clears up, and only then take decisive measures.

What officials say

There are several scenarios that are being discussed today by officials.

At present, the demographic situation in the country has stabilized; accordingly, the program has fulfilled its task and there is no sense in continuing it.

The program needs to be extended until the concept of the family policy of the Russian Federation, that is, until 2025, is in effect.

It is necessary to make a program of material support for families with two or more children indefinite, but such opinions are few.

Why maternity capital can be canceled

There are several reasons for the abolition of maternity capital. What to expect and which of them is most relevant is unknown, but it is clear that the global crisis is hampering the extension of the program. It's no secret that in our country at the moment there is a budget deficit, which makes it difficult to pay for certificates.

officials suggest abolishing maternity capital to save

The second significant reason for the abolition of maternal capital as a measure of state support is the actions of fraudsters. After all, the program is targeted and you cannot use the funds at your own discretion, but many succeed. Although if there were more directions for using the certificate, such actions would be many times less.

But we must admit that the bill on state support measures needs to be amended. This has also been repeatedly mentioned. Maternal capital will be abolished or not, but significant changes in the conditions will appear in the near future.

Consequences of cancellation

In any case, material assistance will be provided to families, and not necessarily this program will be maternal capital. Many families are afraid that at the end of the program they will not be able to receive support from the state, but in vain. Perhaps, on the contrary, if maternity capital is abolished, then the state is given the opportunity to provide material assistance in the form of benefits, payments and subsidies.

will maternal capital be abolished and when

On the other hand, it is possible that the birth rate in the country will decrease, although not a fact. On the other hand, on the standard of living of ordinary people, the abolition of maternal capital may not be reflected at all. There is no answer and will not be at least until the end of this year.


Today on the Web you can find a thousand forecasts on this issue, and each of them is based only on conjectures so far, there is no official information. Despite the fact that ministries argue about the need to abolish maternity capital, the legislative act has not been signed, which means that we can only wait.

Today, families can receive and sell maternity capital funds in accordance with applicable law. If there is still no acute need for funds in the family, then you can wait. In any case, if our government decides to cancel the state program or suspends payments, citizens will have no choice but to act within the framework of the law.

ministries argue about the need to abolish maternity capital

The rumors that have appeared are not a reason to give in to the temptation to cash out a certificate and get involved in fraudulent schemes, because subsequently you will have to bear responsibility for your actions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5940/

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