Azalea: Plant Care

One of the most capricious and at the same time the most valuable and desired plants cultivated in indoor floriculture is azalea. Born in the mountains, where it is always fresh, cool, a lot of moisture and there is never dust and stuffiness, this beauty is hard to adapt to the conditions of captivity, despite careful breeding work. But if you still find an approach to it, it will become a true decoration of any collection. A compact bush with lush green, slightly pubescent leaves is good in itself, but a real miracle is the blooming azalea.

Plant care should be aimed at ensuring that the conditions in which it is contained are as close to natural as possible. At first glance it seems that it is very difficult. But the task is quite feasible, the main thing is to pay attention to three main factors: lighting, moisture and soil, and the result will be a healthy and beautiful azalea.

Plant care begins with a choice of location. Azalea is photophilous, so southern windows, well-lit balconies and terraces are preferable for it. In the natural environment, it grows on the slopes of mountains, on plateaus and other open areas, which are characterized by high insolation. Although the plant needs to be protected from direct sunlight in order to avoid the appearance of burns.

The next most important factor is hydration. Let us dwell on the question of how to water the azalea so that it fully develops. Both the drying out of the soil coma and its overmoistening are equally destructive for the plant. Therefore, watering should be regular and plentiful. It is carried out as the surface of the substrate dries. This uses (necessarily!) Soft settled water, since the plant is very sensitive to water hardness, and often failures in growing are associated with this. You can use the immersion method, but in any case, excess water should drain to avoid root decay.

In order for the azalea to feel comfortable, it must be sprayed. On hot days in the summer and during the operation of heaters in the winter, this procedure is carried out twice a day, and the rest of the time once a day. This is a very important condition, without which it is unlikely to succeed. There are decorative cultures for which the importance of air is a decisive factor, and one of them is azalea.

Caring for a plant will not give the desired result, if you do not take into account one more important point. The fact is that azalea, like all representatives of the Vereskov family, is a pronounced acidophilus. This means that it grows only on acidic soils, and impurities such as lime and chlorine can destroy even a healthy adult specimen (which often happens with plants donated or bought). Therefore, the soil factor should be given special attention. The substrate must necessarily have an acid reaction (pH 4.0-4.5). This is one of those rare cases when it is advisable to use a litmus test (it should turn red), since the acidity indicator can really play a decisive role. You can take a ready-made mixture for azaleas or make a substrate from coniferous land mixed with peat and coarse river sand (2: 1: 0.5). It is important that the soil has a good structure, is air- and water-permeable. The drainage layer must be powerful. Due to the fact that the plant has a surface root system, it is advisable to choose a flowerpot flat and low.

If the soil is correctly selected, good lighting is provided and irrigation is adjusted, it can be considered that the basic prerequisites have been created for the house to be decorated with beautiful blooming azalea. Plant care, in addition, involves the application of fertilizers during the growing season and the regular conduct of such procedures that stimulate branching and promote abundant flowering, such as pruning and pinching.

If possible, it is advisable to maintain the optimum temperature. In summer it is + 15 ... + 18 ° , during the ripening of flower buds (second half of autumn) - + 8 ... + 10 ° . High temperatures, stuffiness and lack of fresh air negatively affect the condition of the plant. At the same time, like many other indoor flowers, azalea does not tolerate drafts.

Undoubtedly, the plant is not simple, and sometimes only one mistake in agricultural technology can nullify all the efforts expended. If you still please the capricious beauty, her luxurious flowering will be the best reward for care. So grow azalea and it will make your life more beautiful.


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