Minecraft: swords. How to enchant a sword in Minecraft

When you first appear in the world of Minecraft, you have absolutely nothing. You will have to get your first resources with your bare hands and with their help create your first devices that will help you survive in the cruel world of this game.

However, it is worth talking separately about one of the types of weapons that are available in the game. If you are interested in what weapons it is better to fight with opponents and mobs, then you should definitely read about swords. This weapon is both easy to manufacture, and undemanding to resources, and quite powerful. In Minecraft, swords come in several forms, and they differ greatly in their characteristics. Sometimes you can knock a sword out of a mob, but it’s much easier to collect materials and craft this weapon yourself. But first things first. Now you will learn in detail what the sword is, how to use it, how to make it, and also what the differences between the types can be.

What is a sword?

minecraft swords

In Minecraft, swords are a type of weapon that can be used to smash objects, but their main purpose is to attack the enemy. Armed with a sword, you can already give battle to mobs who would like to destroy you. You can strike with the sword, but each strike takes two units of strength from the weapon. Naturally, each of the types of swords has its own indicator of strength, as well as damage and critical strike. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to this type of weapon, since it is the most common in the game. In Minecraft, swords will bring you as much benefit as, for example, a shovel - you just use these items to achieve completely different goals.

Craft craft

how to enchant a sword in minecraft

Like almost all other items in the Minecraft game, swords must be crafted from materials that you will mine in the world. In fact, creating this type of weapon can be very simple, because it requires only three ingredients, and two of them are the same. In any case, you will need one stick that will serve as the hilt of the sword. But the blade can be the most diverse.

The simplest sword is made of planks, and the best one is made of diamonds, and you can also create these weapons from stone, iron or gold. You just need to place the stick in the lower central cell of the workbench, and above it place two other elements that will differ depending on which sword you decide to make. As a result, you get your weapon, which you can use immediately. Just put it in your right hand, and when you click the left mouse button your character will strike.

There are also stories that in Minecraft you can also create a sword from paper, but in fact this is only partially true. The fact is that in the original version of the game this can not be done - only with the installation of add-ons or modifications.

Wooden sword

minecraft diamond sword

So, if you haven’t installed a sword mod in Minecraft, then you will only have five basic options available, but they are enough to defend against mobs. The first and simplest sword is made of wood. So that you have something to compare with, you must immediately bring the damage that you can inflict with your hand when you are not armed with any weapons in principle. In this case, you will do one unit of damage, but if you are lucky, a critical hit will remove two units from the enemy. Naturally, your fist does not have a margin of safety, that is, you can beat them as much as you like. But the wooden sword has a safety margin of 60 units, which means that you can only make thirty hits before your weapon breaks. However, note that the damage of such a sword is 4 units, and the critical damage is eight. Thus, the advantage of even the weakest sword over the fist is obvious and undeniable.

Stone sword

minecraft paper sword

It’s worth saying right away that a wooden sword is only the simplest and initial option, it is not recommended to stick to it throughout the game. He has very little strength, low damage and low crit, so use this weapon only at the very beginning, when you do not have the opportunity to do something more impressive - at least a stone sword. Of course, it is not so much superior to the wooden model in the damage done, but it greatly surpasses it in strength. You can inflict five points of damage to an enemy for a regular strike and 9 for a critical one. But at the same time, the safety margin of the stone sword is 132 units, which means that it will be enough for 66 strokes, and not 30, as is the case with the wooden version. Thus, a stone sword becomes much more popular, because getting a stone is not much harder than getting a tree - and only if you do not have tools. When you get a pickax, stones will become your expendable resource, and a stone sword will turn into the simplest weapon.

an iron sword

minecraft enchanted sword

Although an iron sword, it is a real middle ground. The fact is that it is one of the most effective in its form, but at the same time it ideally combines efficiency with accessibility. The damage from such a sword is six units, but the critical one immediately increases to 11. And at the same time, his safety margin is 251 units, which is very impressive. You can strike 125 hits before your sword breaks. Naturally, making it a little more difficult than the previous two, because the blade is made of iron ingots, which must be smelted from the extracted material in the furnace, but the result is worth it.

Golden sword

Minecraft Sword Mod

The developers perfectly conveyed all the properties of gold, because this game is very realistic. Therefore, you should not expect that the golden sword will be very durable and very powerful. Rather, it is an element of decor and luxury. You can admire it in solo mode or show off to your friends in multiplayer, because gold is a rather rare resource, and much more useful things can be made from it. And the sword melted from this material does only four points of normal damage and eight points of critical damage - just like a wooden sword.

Moreover, his safety margin is almost two times less than that of wood, and is only 33 units, that is, the sword is designed for only 16 strokes. This quite clearly indicates that it is, in fact, not intended for battles, but serves as a bright decoration and a sign of your high level in the game. In Minecraft, you can only make paper swords with the help of mods, but you won’t need it, because the golden sword is a great example of a combination of weapons and decoration.

Diamond sword

minecraft make paper sword

And here is the most powerful weapon of this type in the game - a diamond sword. Minecraft will give you access to diamonds in a very limited quantity, and you will have to seriously think about how exactly you are going to use them. There are a huge number of ways, each item that you craft using these resources will be very useful, powerful and effective. Including the sword - just look at its characteristics. It deals seven points of damage, and the critical damage from a successful strike is as much as 12 points. But what really impresses is its strength. He has 1562 units of this parameter, which means that you can inflict 781 blows to them - this is several times more than that of the most durable of the previously considered swords - iron. So think about how serious this investment is. Try to find and mine as many diamonds as possible in order to be able to make many useful objects, including a diamond sword. Minecraft does not have a more powerful weapon if you play without any extras and mods, so judge for yourself - this sword will be a great investment.

Lock function

Initially, the player could use the sword exclusively for strikes, which made the battle rather boring. It is clear that not a variety of combinations during the battle are the main focus of this game, but still gamers wanted at least some kind of variety. Therefore, in the end, blocking was added - it is activated with the right mouse button and also takes away units of strength. This made sword fighting much more interesting and unpredictable. But what made the swords really impressive was the ability to enchant them. In Minecraft, an enchanted sword gives you certain advantages, so do not neglect this opportunity.

Enchanted Swords

The first thing you need to know is how to enchant a sword in Minecraft. This is done very simply - you only need the sword itself and the enchantment table. When you have enough experience, you can spend it on creating charms. They are randomly selected in the amount of three, and from them you can choose one that will become active for your sword. That’s the whole secret of how to enchant a sword in Minecraft.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5944/

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