Top Shaman Decks for Hearthstone

Most card game fans always strive to the top of their gaming community. The shaman deck in Hearthstone is one of the most effective ways to defeat opponents. And although much depends on luck and totems, called up using the main ability of the hero, this character remains one of the easiest ways to "ladder". Therefore, especially for you, we will consider the top deck of the shaman (Hearthstone).

shaman's top decks

Tempo Shaman

Let's start our review of various decks with the top 1 of the legendary shaman from the player Loyan. This assembly is based on very strong cards that were released in the Awakening of the Ancient Gods update. But let's start our top shaman decks in order.

  • From cheap cards, you can use Rockbiter, Vanguard Squire, Tunnel Trogg, Flame Juggler, Flame Totem and Totem Golem. These cards have great potential at the initial stage. With only 1-2 mana, you get many effects that increase the attack power of creatures. It only remains to hope for a successful starting pool and you can assume that the early initiative is in your pocket.
  • At the middle stage, for 3-4 mana, strong creatures and spells become available to you. "Thunderstorm", "Evil Eye", "Spirit of the wild wolf", " Tide of Mana Totem ", "Tuskarr Shaman", "Head of the cult", "Defender of Argus". There is no serious fighting force here either, however, all skills are aimed at supporting cheap creatures or increasing the number of cards and mana. The main thing that a shaman can get for 4 mana is the “Flaming Faceless” with 7/7 characteristics. This will force the enemy to spend their best disables, as well as buff the creatures dependent on the “overload”.
  • The last shaman becomes available only 3 cards. "Doom Hammer" will give an overload, but will allow 8 times to finish off weak creatures with 2 hp. Bloodlust gives all your creatures on the table 3 attack units. Even if the deck is full of cheap and weak cards, you will almost sweep the enemy. "Azure Dragon", although it costs a lot, but it allows you to get an extra card. And if the game drags on, then together with the “Thunderstorm” it will allow to remove a decent amount of enemy cards from the battlefield.
  • The last card should separately highlight "Something from the depths." The most important feature that allows you to win matches is that “Something” costs one mana less for each totem previously called up. That is, regardless of whether you used the hero’s skill, summoned the Tuskarr, or placed mana and flame totems, you can already use Something with parameters 5/5 on move 4-5.

top shaman hearthstone decks


Next on our list appears the top deck of the agro-shaman. This set of cards is aimed at lightning the destruction of the enemy with the help of cheap cards, which, despite the "overload", allow you to use a variety of combinations in one move. The main advantage of this deck is its relative availability.

  • Having many creatures in one mana, the player is able to play various combinations every turn. It’s best to start the game with “Sir Finley ...” and replace the base strength of the hero with something digestible. Leprognom, The Scolding Sergeant, and Tunnel Trogg are great creatures in just 1 mana, but Trogg is exactly the kind of trump card that can “fool around” and decide the outcome of the match.
  • The cheapest Lightning and Zmena Shock spells will help remove cheap creatures and give an overload.
  • Of the creatures for 2 mana, you need a Totem Golem.
  • Next come four spells for 2 mana. Storm Ax, Rank, and Lava Shock will remove enemy troops from the table. Ancient Knowledge is a great way to replenish a rapidly shrinking deck.
  • For 3 mana, the player receives the final creatures. The Silver Horseman, Spirit of the Wild Wolf, and Freestyle Elemental. The “Lava Burst" is used as a removal.
  • Separately, you need to mention the "Hammer of Doom" for 5 mana.

top deck of agro shaman

Some players may say that this deck does not fit well in the shaman’s top decks due to the large influence of randomness on the starting hand, since a lot depends on whether you get “Trogg” or not.


Next to our top shaman decks is the deck, which took No. 1 of the legend in October. This is a mid-shaman, designed for long games. To get it you need only 4900 dust.

  • At the start, you will need cheap cards: Tunnel Trogg, Lightning, and Ghost Claws. Then - “Bloodmage Talnos”, “Totem of the Tongue of Flame”, “Totem Golem” and “Portal: Whirlpool”.
  • For three mana, you will need the following cards: Spirit of the Wild Wolf, Totem of Mana Tide, Thunderstorm, Evil Eye and Tuskarr Shaman.
  • Next come immediately expensive cards for 5+ mana. Azure Dragon, Harrison Jones, Knight of the Thunder Bluff. And finally, the "Elemental of Fire" and "Something from the Deep."

top shaman hearthstone decks

The control

The latest in our top shaman decks (Hartstone) includes an updated build from the same Loyan player. With her, he successfully plays on a European server and stably stays in the top 100. The total cost is 8350 dust. That is why she closes the shaman's top decks.

  • It all starts with Earth Shock, Precious Scarab, Herald of Doom, and Lav Shock.
  • Further spells are Evil Eye, Healing Wave, Thunderstorm, Destructive Elements, and Twilight Guard.
  • Leaving the "Azure Dragon", "Experienced Hunter", "Slime Belcher" and "Lothib". You will also need the Elemental of Fire and the Volcanic Dragon.
  • For the most protracted matches will need “Neptulon”, “Doctor Boom” and “Ysera”.


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