Tretyakov Gallery: how to get from the metro, address. Metro station "Tretyakov"

One of the largest art museums in Russia is the Tretyakov Gallery, the main building of which is located in Lavrushinsky Lane in Moscow. Today, in addition to the main building, the gallery also has a museum complex on Krymsky Val. The article will talk about how it is more convenient to get to the Tretyakov Gallery from the Oktyabrskaya metro station, Park Kultury and the Tretyakovskaya station.

The main building of the Tretyakov Gallery

Gallery History

Brothers Sergey and Pavel Tretyakov are involved in the foundation of the museum and a unique collection of paintings. When they only became interested in charity and collecting art objects, Pavel specialized in Russian artists, and Sergei was interested in the canvases of masters from Western Europe.

The exact date of the creation of the gallery is considered to be 1856, when Pavel Tretyakov bought two paintings by Russian artists: The Temptation, written by Nikolai Schilder, and The Clash with Finnish Smugglers by V. Khudyakov. It is believed that this is not the first work acquired by Tretyakov, but reliable information about earlier paintings has not been preserved.

The activities of patrons from the very beginning attracted the attention of the authorities. In the year 1862, investigators at two police stations in Moscow became interested in acquiring the painting "The rural procession on Easter." This work of Vasily Perov was recognized as a satire on the church, since the participants in the move were shown drunk, and their images are depicted primitively.

icon painting in the Tretyakov Gallery

Opening the gallery to the public

Doors for the general public in the Tretyakov estate were opened in 1867. The museum in Lavrushinsky Lane received the name "Moscow City Gallery of Sergei and Pavel Tretyakov." At the first stage of its existence, the museum included 1276 paintings, more than 470 drawings and 10 sculptures by Russian artists. In addition, the collection includes 84 works by foreign painters.

Realizing the importance of their work, the Tretyakov brothers sought to support Russian artists. For example, on the recommendation of Leo Tolstoy, they purchased the paintings "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan on November 16, 1581," painted by Ilya Repin, and the painting "Mercy", owned by Nikolai Ge. Both paintings were not approved by the authorities for display, however today they are genuine treasures of the museum.

By 1890, the Tretyakov Brothers Gallery acquired the status of a Museum of National Importance, since being private in essence, it was open for free access to all comers.

Today it is an important object of cultural heritage, which is visited annually by thousands of Muscovites and guests of the capital.

interior of the Tretyakov Gallery

How to get to the Tretyakov Gallery

From the metro with the same name to the main building in Lavrushinsky Lane the shortest route is only 400 meters. You can go this distance in 5 minutes.

The metro station "Tretyakovskaya" is the closest to the museum and named after the gallery. From her you need:

  • Get off to Bolshaya Ordynka street.
  • Walk along it to the intersection with Bolshoi Tolmachevsky Lane.
  • Then you should go to the square to them. Shmeleva.
  • After him, turn right, your own into Lavrushinsky Lane.

The exact address of the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow: Lavrushinsky Lane, Building 10 Building 1. This is the main building of the museum.

However, next to it is the Engineering Building of the Tretyakov Gallery, whose opening hours are different from the main building. It got its name from the technical services that are located in it, and from the very beginning it was used to guide parallel programs to expositions and educational initiatives. However, exhibitions of contemporary art are also in it. Among the exhibits there are works by both Russian and foreign artists. In addition, it hosts educational events for the general public.

Here are the exact hours of the Tretyakov Gallery Engineering Building:

Tue-Sun: 10:00 - 21:00

Monday at the museum is a day off.

Gallery Transport Accessibility

In the immediate vicinity of the main building and the Engineering Building there are several metro stations belonging to different metro lines. The most famous is the Tretyakovskaya station, which got its name from the museum complex.

station & quot; Tretyakovskaya & quot;

It is a transfer station and connects two lines: Kaluga-Riga (6) and Kalinin (8), which makes it convenient for those who travel from Cheryomushki, Novogireev, Konkova or Yasenev.

Ten minutes walk from the gallery is the Novokuznetskaya station, which belongs to the Zamoskvoretskaya line (on the green map). It is convenient to use the station for those traveling from Khovrino or from the Belorussky railway station, as well as from the Southeast of the capital, from areas such as Domodedovo or Tsaritsyno. The station is located on Pyatnitskaya street.

From the metro station "Polyanka" Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya line to the Tretyakov Gallery is also ten minutes walk. The Glade is also convenient because from it, in just fifteen minutes, walking through the picturesque Zamoskvorechye and the Museum Park, you can get to the New Tretyakov Gallery.

From the Engineering Corps to the New Tretyakov Gallery on foot

The distance between the main building of the Tretyakov Gallery and the New Branch on Krymsky Val is only 1.7 kilometers. In good, especially summer weather, this distance can be walked in twenty minutes.

Leaving the main building, it is worth going along Lavrushinsky Lane towards the Moskva River and turn left. Thus, you can stroll along the picturesque promenade, which overlooks the island of Baltschug and the monumental monument to Peter l. On the Crimean embankment, all conditions are created for both walking and cycling, skateboarding and roller-skating.

How to get to the museum complex on Krymsky Val

Following the Engineering Complex in Lavrushinsky Lane, the Tretyakov Gallery also acquired the building of the State Gallery on Krymsky Val, forming a single unit with the Central House of Artists. After such vast exhibition spaces appeared in the museum, it was decided that a collection from ancient times to 1910 should be placed in Lavrushinsky Lane, and modern and contemporary art should be placed in the new building on Krymsky Val.

How to get from the metro to the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val? Numerous guests of the capital often ask this question, but the answer is not very simple. The closest metro stations to the Novaya Tretyakovka building are Oktyabrskaya and Park Kultury.

Park of Culture

Leaving the Oktyabrskaya metro station, you should:

  • Turn left along Krymsky Val and, leaving Gorky Park on your left hand, go down to the underpass.
  • Go to the opposite side and, passing through the Museon art park, go to the Central House of Artists and the New Tretyakov Gallery, located at ul. Crimean shaft, d.10.

How to get to the Tretyakov Gallery from the metro? From the Park Kultury station you should go towards the Moskva River, cross the bridge and, leaving Gorky Park on your right hand, go down from the bridge to the left onto Krymskaya Embankment. The building of the New Tretyakov Gallery dominates the surrounding space and it will be difficult to miss.


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