What material is cheaper to build a house from? Where to buy materials for building a house

Having decided to build a house, we carefully plan the construction process itself, and also look for ways to save. Of course, the construction of residential facilities today is not the cheapest pleasure, but you should not save money when choosing building materials for building a house. Today, when you can use modern technology and no less innovative materials, you can cheaply build a very high-quality and solid cottage. Therefore, it is worth starting the selection of building materials competently and thoughtfully.

what material is cheaper to build a house

Frame: easy to build!

Today, frame technology is being used increasingly for housing. When choosing which material it is cheaper to build a house from, many choose the frame. As a rule, economical housing is built on its basis. The frame itself can be wooden or metal. It is noteworthy that, along with the speed of construction, such a cottage will be distinguished by environmental safety, good thermal insulation properties, durability and safety in operation. Manufacturers guarantee that frame houses can stand for about 40 years if the frame is wooden, and 100 years if the frame is metal.

The construction technology itself is simple, and therefore it is not necessary to attract a team of workers. First, the frame is built, which serves as the basis of the house. For warming, mineral wool or rock are most often used. Materials for building a house, namely the frames of walls, floors, are produced at the factory, and then delivered to the facility, where they are assembled. Outside, the frame is necessarily sheathed with non-combustible materials, from the inside, insulation and vapor barrier are required.

Frame house decoration

home decoration materials

To equip the outer part of the residential object, you can use the lining, siding, facing brick or plaster, as well as facade paint. Finishing materials for the home today are presented in huge numbers, so there will definitely not be problems with their choice. The peculiarity of frame cottages is that they do not shrink, so you can start decorating immediately after completion of construction. In addition, frame housing is the most economical. Firstly, due to the lightness of the material, a powerful foundation will not be required, but this is a significant cost savings on materials. Secondly, finishing - fine inside and out - may not be necessary, since the walls are smooth and even.

Today, the number of frame houses is approximately 12% of all those under construction, for example, in the Moscow region. But in view of the cost-effectiveness and convenience of the technology, more and more consumers deserve it. So, to build a two-story cottage on the basis of frame technology costs about the same as buying an apartment of the same area in an economy class high-rise building.

Wood is a traditional material

materials for building a house

Many people think that the best material for home is wood. They are right, but it is the tree that is the most expensive solution for the construction of housing. Of course, there are technologies to reduce costs. For example, the use of solid timber. Housing from it turns out modern, while the profile of the house will be traditional. But wooden construction has its drawbacks, and the most significant of them is shrinkage of the house, which affects possible deformation processes, as well as an increase in the time for further finishing. It is because of it that it is very important to comply with construction technology.

Glued beam: beautiful, but expensive

building materials for building a house

In the construction of housing, many come from what material is cheaper to build a house. However, such an approach is not always correct, since properties such as reliability and durability of housing should play a major role. In this regard, glued timber fits perfectly, as it does not shrink and does not deform. Probably, this is one of the highest quality materials for construction, since the beam passes through chamber drying. Its elements are glued together with a highly ecological composition, which is absolutely safe for residents.

Round log: house in the tradition of Russian architecture

Wooden materials for building a house are the best because They are characterized by excellent heat-saving properties, environmental safety, as well as a "breathing" structure. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly save on the construction process, since any processing to the building simply will not be needed. At the same time, the size of the savings will depend on how competently the house design is drawn up.

In any case, the construction of housing from a log will be economical. Firstly, the material is light, and the foundation for it will need a shallow one. Secondly, a rounded log allows you to create a certain color in the room, which means that there will simply be no need for finishing work.

Aerated concrete - a worthy alternative to brick

best material for home

Gas silicate blocks, as well as cellular concrete, are gradually replacing brick so popular since antiquity. Of course, it is losing ground gradually, and its main drawback is its low thermal insulation properties. That is, it turns out that in a brick house it will be colder than in a wooden housing. To warm it, quite a lot of funds will be required, and therefore, more often when choosing which material it is cheaper to build a house from, it is foam blocks and gas blocks that are used.

Firstly, they are distinguished by precise and unchanged geometry of forms, due to which it is possible to save on seams. Most often, a small amount of glue is enough for gluing the joints. Secondly, this material is quite voluminous, and therefore it will require much less than the same brick for the construction of a small house. Thirdly, to lay such material is much easier and faster. And fourthly, aerated concrete is lightweight, and therefore it does not require too deep a foundation. That is, it will be possible to significantly save on its construction.

Features of aerated concrete as a material

Using this material for construction, we can build a house that will meet the requirements of environmental friendliness and safety. By the way, it is environmental safety for many - the main indicator when choosing which material to build a house from. It is noteworthy that the aerated concrete wall is able to stand under strong fire for about seven hours, which is a very impressive indicator. Resistance to fire allows the use of aerated concrete for the construction of objects of various spheres, from residential to industrial.

build a house from improvised materials

Due to its high environmental friendliness, the material also shows good vapor permeability. This is achieved due to the fact that aerated concrete is created from natural and natural raw materials: sand, water, lime. Accordingly, it contains no impurities or harmful substances. It is also important that aerated concrete is easy to process, it can be cut with an ordinary saw, drilled, giving each block a specific shape. That is why the material is indispensable for those objects that will be given an interesting architectural appearance.

Choosing which material is cheaper to build a house, it is important not to miscalculate. For example, the decision to use gas blocks is more than advisable. First of all, because the walls of such material will be erected at low cost, respectively, already at this stage it will be possible to save almost twice. It is important that gas blocks as a material are a worthy choice, since its characteristics are much superior to more familiar materials, such as timber or brick.

Interesting and modern solutions

what material to build a house

A rather original solution may be the desire to build a house from improvised materials. For example, many have heard that in the United States for a long time housing was built from blocks of pressed hay or straw. It is noteworthy that the first such building was built in the XIX century, but it stood for several years, because it was eaten by cows. In more modern times, namely in 1940, thatched production practically came to naught, as industrial construction technologies appeared that made it possible to build more reliable and high-quality housing. However, there are still advantages of this type of construction:

  • low cost, since one straw block could cost about 1000 times less than a brick;
  • the material would be publicly available;
  • light weight, and for the construction of the building would not require a massive foundation, the construction would have been without lifting mechanisms.

How to be?

As you can see, the cost of construction depends on many reasons. This is the correct design of future housing, and a competent approach to the selection of materials, and compliance with the stages of construction technology. Only if the complex of these nuances is taken into account, is it possible to build a good and solid house that will not only stand idle for a long time, but will also be economical to maintain.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5955/

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