How to get baptized

Being one of the largest world religions, Christianity came to us from the Greco-Roman world, in the era of the loss of social and ideological unity by people, which teaches at the time of the mass migration of Jews to Greece and Rome. In these difficult times for Jews, the previous concept of the “Kingdom” did not correspond to their current problems, therefore the birth of “Christianity” could have occurred precisely in migration. Over time, it so happened that Christianity was divided into three faiths - Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. If we touch upon the question of how to be baptized correctly, we can say that, depending on the denomination, there are some differences at baptism.

So, in Orthodoxy today the three-finger sign of the Cross is used. To start the image of the sign of the Cross, it is necessary to fold the hand correctly, namely, bend its first three fingers together. This symbolizes the Oneness of the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The remaining two fingers also need to be pressed to the palm of your hand, which indicates the event when the Son of God came down from heaven, as well as the fact that Jesus has two essences - God's and human. Thus, depicting the cross, the hand should touch, first, the right shoulder, and then the left. The right side in Christianity symbolizes a place for saved people, that is, paradise, while the left side is a place for people who perish, that is hell.

Considering in more detail how to baptize correctly, it can be noted that this requires:

1. Attach three fingers bent together to the forehead, which symbolizes the illumination of thoughts, views and actions;

2. Lower your fingers to the level of the solar plexus, illuminating the soul, feelings and experiences;

3. Put three fingers on the right shoulder, asking the Lord for forgiveness of sins and reckoning among the saved righteous;

4. Move the hand from right to left, to the left shoulder, asking God for a guard against perishing sinners;

5. After baptism, one should bow, since the Calvary Cross was depicted on itself.

There is another version of how to be baptized from right to left . They claim that, using the sign of the Cross, from right to left, the Christian, thereby, closes his heart from the Devil.

In the literature of ancient years about the Law of God, one can find a description of the sign of the cross in such a way that the lower end of the cross must be done on the chest, which depicts an inverted cross. This cannot be done in any way, since this cross is a symbol of evil forces.

Thus, considering how to be baptized correctly, we can say that a Christian with a sign of the Cross asks God for salvation and deliverance from the fate of perishing people. The Orthodox Christian is trying to protect himself from the influence of evil forces, from troubles and misfortunes, from bad fate and accidents. Since ancient times, people turned to the church for salvation and deliverance from sins, the cross of Christ is part of the sacred sacrament, which opens the way to salvation.

Answering the question of how to be baptized Orthodox correctly , it should be noted that their main difference from Catholics is the fact that the latter depict the banner of the cross from left to right, thus opening the heart and letting the Lord God into it.

The cross of Christ represents salvation, so the person who portrays it on himself becomes peaceful, because he has faith and hope for the future.

Undoubtedly, one should know how to be baptized correctly, because faith helps many Christians to experience life's difficulties, find strength to move on, therefore using the signs of the Cross is one way to get closer to the Lord, ask for his help and protection from various troubles and failures. And it doesn’t matter what denomination a person belongs to, the main thing here is that he accepted the Lord God into his heart.


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