Oleg Roy: quotes, aphorisms and winged phrases

Oleg Roy is a famous writer, author of several dozen books. He writes stories not only for adult readers, but also for children. His works are popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries. In addition, the writer is engaged in charity, because he always wanted to help people. Below are quotes and aphorisms of Oleg Roy.

About life

In his works, Oleg Roy discusses not only the relationship between people, but also about life. In his reasoning, there is no complicated philosophical terminology; there are simply observing people and life itself, the ability to stop and think about important things.

"In youth, it seems to a person that for happiness it is necessary to surround yourself with visible things - a house, a car, a summer house, a beautiful wife - all this can be felt and demonstrated to society, and the invisible - that which is called true happiness, remains unmanifest. But understanding this only comes with age. "

In this quote from Oleg Roy about life, he does not urge people to not strive for material wealth, but to concentrate fully on their inner world. He believes that it is natural that young people do not yet understand the whole value and importance of kindness, caring for someone, compassion, fidelity. Rarely what young people know how to appreciate it. But the most important thing is that a person, becoming an adult, is able to appreciate these things.

"It is worth recognizing that in the pursuit of originality we forget about how much joy and pleasure the simplest things bring like a smile, a hug and sincere participation."

In this quote, Oleg Roy wants to show people that there is no need to strive to be original in everything. In this desire to stand out in everything, people stop paying attention to important things. They cease to appreciate simple human joys. Therefore, it is better instead of thinking how to stand out from the crowd, people would smile more and give a good mood to others.

bench under a beautiful tree

About friendship

Friendship is one of the most important human values. Finding a true friend can be as difficult as your half. But not all people know how to value friendship, and someone is ready to consider almost all acquaintances as their friends. But friendship is a much more complicated concept.

"If a modern resident of a metropolis can confidently say that there are at least two people in his circle who can" wear "the title of a true friend, then he can safely consider himself a fortunate fate."

This quote from Oleg Roy talks about how difficult it is to make friends especially in a big city, and even more so, to take care of friendship. After all, in order to have strong friendships between people, you need to take time for this person, try to get to know him better. And now, in the modern rhythm of life, when people want to have time to do faster and more, sometimes there is no time to just call and ask your friend’s affairs.

Therefore, if you are sure that you have best friends, then you are in luck. You managed to find people with whom you can not just chat and go somewhere, but also share something important. So you managed to find the time to strengthen your friendship.

"A child should understand that friendship is not an exchange of caramels, but a small world in which there should be no rubbish in the form of grievances, dust under the guise of gossip and artificial greenery (notes)."

Friendship must be taught from childhood. Adults should teach the child to understand that true friendship is not based on the exchange of sweets or toys. It is more important how a person relates to another: whether he is ready to help, whether he can be patient, does not deceive, is ready to listen - this is what friendship is built on. And if you don’t talk with the person about the importance of friendship in childhood, then he will believe that making a person a friend is easy - just give him something.

But friendship is one of the important human values. This is especially true in the era of the Internet, when people can communicate on social networks. But nothing can replace the sincere smile of a true friend.

girl walks

About women

Women have always been and remain a mystery to men. Some, trying to understand them, write various smart books and give advice. Someone is joking about women's logic. But no wonder women have always inspired and inspire men.

“No matter how many feminists shout, waving slogans that a woman’s goal is personal development, career and self-realization, in fact, most girls (I mean normal girls) think very differently. For them, love, care and awareness of everything that next to them is a strong man who will protect from all worries and hardships. Well, the rest will come later. Therefore, women are looking for such a man and feel really happy only when they meet him. "

This quote from Oleg Roy addresses the topic of feminism. Now more and more women are striving for independence, he does not want to yield to men in anything. But if earlier feminists fought for their rights, now most women simply seek to prove their superiority over men.

They do not give them help, they are afraid to seem feminine and because of this, many men are simply afraid to get acquainted with such ladies. And then these same ladies complain that they do not have real men among their acquaintances. But once the ladies become softer, more tender and allow the man to pamper them, how many will be happy to do everything for their loved ones. Therefore, women should not forget that their real strength lies in their weakness.

writer Oleg Roy

About love

Many people have tried to explain what love is. But even writers find it difficult to find the words to describe this feeling.

"Love ... It seems to be such a simple, familiar concept from childhood. But at the same time it is difficult to find another word in Russian (yes, I think in other languages ​​of the world), in which there will be so many different meanings, so many mysteries and secrets. How many people live on Earth, so many poets and psychologists, writers and linguists, artists and lovers themselves are trying to understand and explain the meaning of the word, and so far no one has fully succeeded, because how many people are so many kinds of love, and even more of that - the same person experiences life every time this feeling is different. "

From this quote from Oleg Roy, you can understand what people wanted to understand, and what kind of feeling is this, love. Even scientists have tried to explain it scientifically. But its charm is precisely in the fact that there is no exact definition, because the feelings of each person are unique. And even love for one person can change. And this is exactly what makes love so beautiful and mysterious.

“It is unrealistic to convey in words the magic that arises in our souls and the world around us when we love and love? Is it so important for us to know why we are ready to turn mountains and turn rivers back for the sake of one word, one look, one smile "It’s enough that every lover is really capable of it."

When a person is in love, he seems to have wings behind him and it seems to him that he can do everything for his half. And this wonderful feeling, it was thanks to him that people managed to create amazing and amazing things. That is why one does not need to strive to define love, love is already beautiful in that it inspires a person and encourages him to take care of his half.

couple rides in a car

About people

In many quotes and statements by Oleg Roy, the writer discusses human nature. It is not without reason that they say that inside each person has his own small Universe. People tend to change, come up with ideals and try to comply with them. But sometimes in the pursuit of excellence, a person forgets that his loved ones love for what he is.

"There are no ideal people. There are never ideal people. There will never be ideal people. Be happy as you are. After all, someone loves you just like that and believes in you just that."

This does not mean that you do not need to try to get rid of any shortcomings. But you need to learn to accept yourself as you are. After all, someone appreciates you for being kind, helpful, or you can always cheer you up. And when a person understands that they love him not because he is some kind of ideal, but because he is he, then it will be easier for a person and he will be able to give joy to loved ones.

beautiful landscape

About Talent

Some people believe that every person has talent, and someone believes that it is not. For some reason, by talent, people mean acting abilities, musical and other types of arts. But a person can perfectly cook or be able to make people laugh, or maybe he knows how to manage finances best of all. After all, such seemingly everyday skills are also talents. Only they are designed mainly for close people.

“We consider many things in life to be commonplace, including the phrase that“ talent is buried in every person. ”Maybe at least once you should listen to it and start excavating gold?”

Each person has a talent; he does not have to be associated with art. It’s just that sometimes a person needs to be motivated so that he begins to develop his abilities and best qualities. That is why quotes from the books of Oleg Roy are popular - kindness, the desire to help and share worldly wisdom with people is read in their lines.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5965/

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