How to build a house cheap

The saying that every man should do in his life is known to everyone and everyone. This applies to planting a tree, giving birth and raising a son, and building a house. And if the trees and sons are very poor, but every man copes today, the problem of building a house arises when finances, as they say, “sing romances”.

How to build your house, if there is no way to spend the huge amount of money that various agencies and construction companies request? We need to seek other opportunities than those offered to us by organizations interested in enrichment at our expense. In this situation, there is no other way out than to build a cheap house.

To reduce the cost of construction, you can try to do most of it yourself. This will save builders on wages.

The second clue to answer the question of how to cheaply build a house is this: save on building materials. It has long been clear to everyone that purchased material always comes out more expensive than DIY. Unbelievable? Probably yes. But it is a fact! Experienced builders argue that you can build houses from anything, if only the building had a good foundation. Therefore, the foundation should not be saved.

It turns out that people with extraordinary thinking, thinking about how to cheaply build a house, came to the conclusion that the most unusual materials are suitable for the walls of the building! It turns out that people build houses even from empty bottles, putting them with their necks inside. The result is an original, beautiful, sparkling structure, extremely warm and quite durable. It just seems that the glass wall will turn out to be fragile and cold. Practice says the opposite.

But not everyone decides to build a house out of bottles. Moreover, collecting such an amount of “building material” of this kind is also not an easy task. And how cheap is it to build a house using traditional materials?

Connoisseurs are advised to use their own cinder blocks for the construction. The savings here are amazing! The cost of one block barely exceeds 5 rubles. It is made up of the cost of cement, sand and plasticizer. Water, of course, will not be considered.

The filler in the blocks can be expanded clay, coal slag or ordinary construction waste: broken glass, small pieces of iron, gravel, stones and more. Wood, paper and plastic will not work.

There is a technique for the manufacture of blocks or bricks of "earthen", that is, those in which the bulk is land - such building materials are much cheaper than everyone else.

The shape for the blocks is easy to make from wooden boards. For example, one of the manufacturing methods of molds is based on the fact that a continuous mold is made for 15 blocks. Of course, the number 15 is arbitrary, each manufacturer is free to make a specific decision for himself. The size of the upper formwork should be: 200 x 3 = 600 mm - width; 300 x 5 = 1,500 mm - length. Height - 200 mm. The bottom is extendable, 1,500 x 600 mm in size. It can be made of tin, a sheet of metal, plywood or boards. If the master does not have convenient material of this size on hand, you can make a composite bottom from several boards - this is not the point.

Removable partitions separating bricks or blocks from each other should be provided inside the mold. For the convenience of excavation, they should be made slightly higher than the formwork itself.

And still it is necessary to think over a way of drying of blocks. To do this, you need a room that should be equipped with a good roof and walls that protect blocks and bricks from the effects of rainfall.

It is also proposed to make shelves for installing filled molds for drying, which should be equipped at an angle of 25-30 degrees relative to the horizon - so the ventilation of the product will be better, which will significantly reduce the drying time and cracking on blocks and bricks. You can also use the vertical bars with hooks on which the molding boxes will be mounted to save material for the equipment of the dryer.

When the problem of cheap building material is solved, the question of how to cheaply build a house, half solved, can be considered.


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