Very beautiful quotes and wise sayings

The fashion for wise sayings of celebrities, time-tested, will never become obsolete. More and more active tapes and thematic groups of social networks are filled with very beautiful quotes that make people think for a moment about high values. Many deep thoughts of philosophers, writers, poets and other talented individuals are taken as the basis of their life position.

Several shades of love

The world would fall to pieces if there weren’t love in it. This feeling takes on many different shades: happiness, inspiration, pain, freedom, suffering, passion, reciprocity, irresponsibility, sincerity. Readers are presented with very beautiful quotes about love.

For a loving person, the whole universe merged into a beloved being. Ludwig Burne

Love dies of fatigue, and buries its oblivion. Jean de Labruyere

No love - you won’t get it. There is love - you will not forget. TV "The best first love in the world"

My "love" is very expensive. I say this rarely and to few. - Vladimir Vysotsky

They love not for something, but in spite of. A. Vasiliev

Be in love. To be eternal in an instant. All those who love are geniuses. Evgeny Evtushenko

To live a happy life with a loved one, you need to perceive separation as a means to strengthen deep feelings. Two halves of one whole, two souls, one happiness for two - this is how you can characterize a genuine relationship.

Beautiful quotes about love

If love is strong enough, the expectation becomes happiness. Simone de Beauvoir

I don’t know when it started ... But without you I am nothing ... Rakhimzhan Utetleuov

To truly appreciate the embrace of a loved one, you must first find out what it would be like without them. Stephen king

If love does not bring joy, sometimes it is worth considering the authenticity of such a relationship. After all, the cunning on this earth have not yet transferred.

We love sometimes, not knowing about it, but often delirium is empty love we call. Jean Baptiste Moliere

Beautiful words are nothing compared to beautiful actions.

A man who cleverly speaks of love does not really love. Georges Sand

Erich Maria Remarque suggested that a truly loving person, whether a woman or a man, will never look in the direction of another, even if he is attractive. His native is always nicer and prettier than another.

The lover is not looking for someone else's beauty. Erich Maria Remarque

This is confirmed by the following very beautiful quotes:

But the true king needs only one queen. (D'ARTY "Gold on the Nameless")

Manage to love one so as to pass by the thousands of the best and not look back ... Unknown author

And do not wait for love from someone whose heart is filled with hatred or when it belongs to another ...

That heart will not learn to love, which is tired of hating. N. A. Nekrasov

A man is cruel when he does not like more. Especially if he loves another. Anne and Serge Golon "Angelica"

If you didn’t love, then you didn’t live and did not breathe. Vladimir Vysotsky

Love and love are root words, but their meaning is different from each other.

Falling in love does not mean loving. You can fall in love and hating. F. Dostoevsky

Good VS Evil: Who Who

Very beautiful quotes with a meaning on the topic of good and evil can affect all the subtle strings of the human soul.

Words spoken with warmth do not need pomp and mannerism. Their energy is much stronger and deeper.

Evil wears many masks, and the most dangerous is the mask of virtue. The film "Sleepy Hollow"

Only one good is immortal. Evil does not live for a long time! Shota Rustaveli

The talented poet of the new era, Oksana Zet, urged people to sympathize even with evil people, because they really lack the warmth that they once wanted to get from others.

"Do not remember evil .. but evil .. pity ..

Any anger .. there is a request for love ..

Do good .. so that in the hearts of people ..

Your footprints were pure ..... "

As Lucius Anney Seneca, Jr. said: "The sun shines even evil."

On the Sunset

The ancient thinker Confucius put forward the following thought:

"Good must be answered for good, and evil must be answered with justice."

Very beautiful short quotes about good and evil for readers:

An angry man is like coal: if he doesn’t burn, he blames you. Anaharsis

A big heart, like an ocean, never freezes. L. Berne

Do not expect good from the gift of vile hands. Euripides

Contemplating Nature

A kaleidoscope of unforgettable colors and aromas is given to mankind by nature. The sun warms with its golden rays, the wind gives lightness and airiness, and after the rain it is pleasant to walk through the park. Even in inclement weather, you can see the extraordinary beauty. After a thunderstorm, a rainbow appears in the sky - a symbol of joy and fulfillment of desires.

Each season has its own magical appeal. Winter fascinates with frosty drawings on the windows of houses and silver tints, spring inhales the sensation of awakening after a long hibernation. Summer caresses with hot rays of the sun, and multi-colored autumn inspires soulful conversations over a cup of coffee and the creation of works of art.

Winter sayings

The arrival of winter is not only a string of cold weather. Snow, like a white sheet of paper, makes it possible to start a new life. Winter time gives a feeling of fairy tales and miracles. Even love is stronger precisely for those couples who met in December, January or February.

The first snow is like first love. Most likely it will melt, but a fairy tale begins with it. author unknown

New Year's mess, the city is decorated with multi-colored light bulbs, houses are filled with aromas of tangerines and the impending holiday.

Winter is a time of miracles, fairy tales, love, warmth, new expectations. Let's believe in miracles, because the New Year is coming soon. author unknown

Quotes beautiful short

Winter was created in white colors in order to start your life with a white sheet. author unknown

It’s impossible to resist this winter fragrance ...

Winter smells like tangerines, vanilla and hot chocolate. author unknown

Spring phrases

March, April, May - this three spring beauties give energy and strength for new beginnings and opens the door for fiery love. Cats walk important, women indulge in gifts of men, babbling sonorous streams ... Nature vigorously directs humanity towards the summer ...

The beauty of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. Heinrich Heine
Spring is the only revolution in this world. F. Tyutchev
Beautiful quotes about spring
Spring blooms more and more, making the human heart tremble. Ihara Saikaku. "Five women indulging in love"

Love in the heart, spring on the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and eyes! What else is needed for happiness ?! author unknown

Summer season

Very beautiful quotes about summer - the most anticipated time of the year. When everyone is tired of permafrost and fur coats, when you want to enjoy the singing of birds and hot days at sea. How sad it is at heart, when the calendar is not June 1, but August 31 ...

June, July and languid August .., like a bouquet of dandelions - the south wind will blow now, and no ... The author is unknown

Gather the impressions of summer in your heart - let them form a symphony of happiness! Maria Berestova

Tomorrow August is the last thick glass of summer. author unknown

June. What a beautiful word, how sweet it sounds! From it blows blissful laziness and sunlight. Patricia Highsmith

Autumn marathon

Most artists, musicians and poets love autumn. After all, it was at this time that nature took out a palette of the most diverse and bright colors. According to the state of inspiration of feelings, autumn time can be compared with spring. The difference is that spring feelings disappear much faster.

Autumn is the second spring when each leaf is a flower. Albert Camus

And every autumn I bloom again. Alexander Pushkin

Mushrooms are real gentlemen; they wear hats! author unknown

Autumn. The trees in the alley are like warriors. Each tree smells differently. The army of the Lord. M. I. Tsvetaeva

Life is given to us alone

A man comes into this world for a reason, and he does not immediately understand the meaning of his existence. From ancient times, every sage set forth his point of view in his monumental philosophical works. Very beautiful quotes about life will help a person understand what values ​​are most significant in this world and what is empty sound and dust underfoot.

Life can only be hated because of apathy and laziness. L. N. Tolstoy

Just as waters are pouring quickly into the sea, so days and years are pouring into eternity. G. R. Derzhavin

To live means to burn yourself with the fire of struggle, quest and anxiety. E. Verharn

The purpose of life is this: to live in such a way that, even after death, one does not die. Musa Jalil

To live is to act. A. France

If there is no further growth, then sunset is close. Seneca Jr

The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil coexist in it. O. Balzac

let's live in peace

Very beautiful quotes about friendship, fidelity and betrayal are readily borrowed for status by users of social networks. Thus, they are trying to express what has accumulated in their souls, both good and bad. A true friend, devoid of self-interest, is a huge happiness for a person. It is he who is able to understand the mental state of his comrade, to support and give practical advice.

You do not need to hide your ailment from two people: from the doctor and friend. Attar

A good friend is a great treasure. Qaboos

Only a friend's hand can tear spikes out of the heart. K. Helvetius

The eyes of friendship are rarely mistaken. F. Voltaire

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother. B. Franklin
Very beautiful quotes with meaning

Friendship and tea are good when they are strong and not very sweet. F.V. Gladkov

It’s even pleasant to get sick when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery, like a holiday. A.P. Chekhov

Nothing destroys friendship like inexhaustible egoism and vanity. It is these character traits that generate such negative qualities as greed and envy, which push a narcissistic person to betrayal and gossip. It is necessary not only to be able to share the sad moments of life, but also to truly rejoice for the successes and victories of your friends. Smile - not through grit, but from the heart.

Self-love is poison for friendship. Honore de Balzac

He who does not see his friends in the world is not worthy for the world to know about him. I. Goethe

True friendship does not know envy. F. Laroshfuko

Vanity is the main enemy of friendship. F. Supo

Inspired by these very beautiful quotes, the reader will be able to try himself as a writer, poet, and even a wise philosopher, whose thoughts people will also quote.


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