How to change a passport at age 45 - step by step instructions

Today, every person who has reached the age of forty-five is required to exchange his passport for a new one. But not everyone knows how to do it right. Therefore, before changing the passport at 45, it is necessary to clarify all the details of the process in the relevant authorities.


how to change a passport at 45

Not everyone knows at what exact age you need to change your passport. It is as a result of this that fine situations arise. As a rule, for the exchange of this type of document, the laws of the Russian Federation provide for a rather long period, which is limited to thirty days from the moment of a certain age. Everyone knows that a citizen of the country receives the first passport at the age of fourteen, but this does not mean that the document will be valid for life.

It is worth noting that you need to change your passport only two times, namely: at the age of twenty years and upon reaching forty-five years of age.

It is after the last exchange that such an event can be forgotten forever. As for fines, they cannot be imposed for a period of one month after their twentieth or forty-fifth birthday. Therefore, you can safely visit other settlements and regions. But in the event of a delay in filing an application and documents, penalties may be imposed, which will hit oneโ€™s pocket. Therefore, it is best to ask how to change a passport at the age of 45. In another city, to do it or not, you decide.

Exchange instruction

how to change a passport in 45 years via the Internet
To exchange a passport, you must pass the entire package of documents that is needed for this event. This process should be completed within one month from the moment of the onset of forty-five years of age (and preferably in advance). It is worth noting that it is best to submit a prepared package of documents to specialized territorial bodies. This is due to the fact that it will be possible to avoid any unpleasant situations that may arise during this process. Therefore, you should not look for ways on the World Wide Web to change your passport at age 45 via the Internet.

It is during a personal visit to the appropriate institution that the person who is responsible for such an event will be able to check the quality of the photographs and compare them with the original. In addition, thanks to the personal submission of documents to specialized bodies, it will be possible to verify the availability of all official papers that are needed to replace the passport. Also, during the visit to the appropriate institution, the date of receipt of the new identity document will be announced. It is worth noting that after the passport is issued for replacement, you need to get official paper that confirms the implementation of this process. But they can issue it only if all the documents are drawn up in accordance with the requirements. Therefore, before changing your passport at age 45, you need to check everything carefully.

Key Documents

how to change a passport at 45 years old at the place of registration

As for documents for the exchange of passports upon reaching the age of forty-five, their list is quite large. Among the most important papers, we note the following:
- Application for passport exchange. This form can be filled in either manually or on a computer, but must be submitted in the original. It is worth noting that the signature must be left by the applicant personally.
- Receipt of payment of state duty. After the documents are handed over, she will not be returned. Therefore, it is best to make a copy and include the original in the package to replace the passport.
- Old passport. This document is also non-refundable.
- Photos (at least two pieces). Their size must comply with the established requirements.

It is such a package of documents that needs to be collected before changing your passport at age 45.

Supporting documents for sharing

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In addition to the main, there are also other types of securities that it is desirable to present when replacing a passport. It is best to provide the specialized authorities with all the documents necessary for affixing appropriate marks in this type of identity card. It is worth noting that such official papers after replacing the passport will be returned to the rightful owner. Therefore, do not make a copy of them before changing your passport at age 45. Among these documents, you may need the following:

- military ID;
- Marriage certificate;
- birth certificates of children under the age of fourteen;
- divorce form.

In addition, if available, you can provide a document that confirms the registration at the place of actual residence.

Data verification process

how to change a passport at 45 in Moscow
After the documents are handed over to the appropriate authorities, they must be checked by the head of the unit. Departments that are engaged in operational and search work will also be involved. In the event that any implausible data or forged documents are discovered, the arrangement for issuing a new passport can be dragged on for a long time. This is due to the fact that a more thorough check is carried out, thanks to which a person will be identified with maximum accuracy. It is worth noting that this process can be delayed even if it takes place in another locality. For this reason, before leaving your hometown, you need to clarify how to change a passport at 45 years old at a place of registration.

If no violations were found during the inspection, a new passport sample will be issued to the applicant.

Terms and cost of registration

Many people think that changing your passport at the age of forty-five is a rather long and expensive task. But actually this opinion is erroneous. After all, the service itself to replace this type of document is considered free. Therefore, she doesnโ€™t hit hard on the applicantโ€™s pocket. The only thing that will need to be paid is the state duty. As a rule, the payment rate has slight differences depending on the area in which the event is held.

As for the deadlines, they can also be different. Here a significant role is played by the place where the passport is replaced. So, if a similar procedure is performed at the place of registration, then it can drag on for up to ten days. But if the change takes place in the capital of Russia, then here the registration of the passport will last up to two months. Therefore, before changing your passport at 45 in Moscow, you need to carefully calculate all the dates.

Replacing a passport without registration

how to change a passport at 45 if there is no registration

In the event that the applicant does not have a residence permit, it is best to contact the passport and visa service, which is located at the place of actual residence. As for the documents, it will be necessary to provide the main package. After that, service employees consult on the timing and how to change the passport at 45 years old if there is no registration.

It is worth noting that the period for completing this document in such cases reaches two months. But this is better than paying a late fee.

Passport replacement completed

The applicant is issued a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, who has all the necessary entries and stamps. In addition, the document is noted in the database. It is this procedure that will allow you to forget about exchanging a passport forever. It is worth mentioning that all old records that were listed behind the previous document are deleted from registers and registers.


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