Yubileiny Concert Hall in Yalta: description, location, capacity, photo

If you plan a trip to Crimea in the near future, among other attractions do not miss the opportunity to visit the Yubileiny concert hall in Yalta. This is the largest concert venue on the peninsula, where Russian and foreign pop stars perform in the summer.

A bit of history

This landmark of the city was built in 1973. During this time, more than 1,700 concerts, competitions and festivals took place in the Yubileiny concert hall in Yalta. They were visited by over five million viewers. The prototype of the Yubileiny concert hall in Yalta was the summer stage that existed earlier on this site, which appeared in the city garden immediately after its laying (1880). In the warm season, strings and brass bands played here in the afternoon, and prominent soloists, including the brothers Vincenzo and Federico Palladino, performed in the evening.

Concert hall

In 1914, beauty Yalta turned from a resort city into a hospital city. On this site, the public meeting of Yalta held concerts for wounded soldiers who arrived from the fronts. The stage on this place was until the seventies of the last century. Throughout its history, it has experienced several overhauls that were carried out to increase its comfort.

In the early seventies, the Yalta architects D. S. Sergeev, V. S. Sergeev and P. A. Starikov created a project, according to which a new hall was built. Its construction allowed the Crimean Dawns festivals to be held in Yalta, which later became traditional.

Where is the hall located?

The monumental structure of metal and concrete, which is an example of the architecture of the Soviet period, rises in the Black Sea Lane, next door to the famous two-story embankment. His exact address is per. Black Sea, 2.

Concert hall

An alley leads to the building through a flowering garden. Its tiles depict the stars and names of all the celebrities who once performed here. Small sculptural images on pedestals frame the alley: the A. Shirvindt pipe and the famous M. Zhvanetsky’s briefcase, I. Kobzon’s microphone and K. Novikova’s mirror.

Hall Features

The Yubileiny Concert Hall in Yalta, with a capacity of 2800 seats, is a summer concert and theater complex. It consists of a ground floor and a balcony. Its main feature is a sliding roof, which sometimes, in good weather, open. The construction found its present form in 1988, when a large-scale reconstruction was completed. It was dedicated to the anniversary of Yalta, which turned one hundred and fifty years old. This also explains its name. The Yubileiny Concert Hall in Yalta is designed only for summer concerts, when there are especially many vacationers in the city.


The interior of the Yubileiny concert hall in Yalta (photo of the hall you can see in the article) was reconstructed. It is perfectly technically equipped, which allows concerts to be held here with complex sound and lighting effects, and grandiose shows. This building has another feature: between the side walls and the roof there are small openings through which music is carried throughout the district.

concert hall anniversary yalta

The "Jubilee" performed by G. Garanyan's jazz orchestra and Moscow Virtuosos, Nikolai Baskov and Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Leonid Agutin and Alla Pugacheva, Denis Maidanov and Valery Meladze. Frequent guests on this site are the artists of the show ballet “Todes”, circus and theater actors. In the "Jubilee" is always noisy and crowded, there is a unique, kind atmosphere. This summer hall is one of the hallmarks of the famous resort city.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5992/

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