Partridge gray, partridge, turoch, peacock - these are birds of the pheasant family

Pheasant family birds are small and medium sized birds. They differ from black grouse in the naked metatarsus (part of the leg from the tibia to the toes) or plumage in its upper part. In addition, they have longer legs, which gives them the opportunity to run fast.

pheasant family birds
Pheasants mainly collect food on the ground, while they can dig up the soil. They peck food only from those bushes to which they reach with their beak. All birds of the pheasant family nest exclusively on the ground. They live in the steppes, mountains, deserts and forests. Many species prefer shrubbery. Most of them lead a sedentary lifestyle, but there are those who roam or fly away in the winter.

Birds of the pheasant family belong to the largest order of the Chicken, which has 174 species. This includes all representatives of quails, partridges, pheasants, turuch, Ular, wild hens and peacocks. For example, a stone partridge (chamomile) is a typical resident of the mountains with peculiar habits. She is distinguished by caution and speed of movement. And her strong legs with developed muscles allow the bird to run fast. In addition, she has strong muscles on her chest and short but wide wings, which provides a rapid take-off. All his life, the chamomile is on the ground, only in extreme cases, it sits on shrubs or trees. It is distributed from the Sinai Peninsula, the Balkans and the Alps to the Himalayas and China. He also lives in Central Asia, Altai and the Caucasus.

Turach is another land bird of the pheasant family. In size, it is slightly larger than partridges, and in habits resembles pheasants. In danger, he runs perfectly, craning his neck and often moving his head, then takes off with a candle and, having overcome several meters in flight, lands in the thicket and runs away again.

pheasant forest bird
The male is painted in black tones. On the wings and back he has a longitudinal brownish-red pattern. On the underside of the body are round and white streaks. And on the tail and lower back there are transverse white stripes. The beak of the bird is also black, and the legs are red. The female has more pale tones. Turach prefers the plains. Inhabits dense thickets of blackberry, camel thorn, tamarisk and so on.

The Banking Rooster is a forest bird of the pheasant family. He is a representative of shrubby chickens, distributed in South Asia and India. In size, it is slightly smaller than our black grouse. Males are distinguished by bare cheeks, a fleshy high crest and ear "earrings". The loin, the front of the back, the neck and head are orange-red. On the back, the color changes to purplish red, and the tail and wings shimmer with greenish-black hues.

pheasant bird

The ordinary peacock is one of the largest representatives of the Chicken order. These birds of the pheasant family are distinguished by a long neck, strong physique, a small head with a peculiar crest, high legs, short wings and a middle tail. Males are characterized by feathers covering their tail, which forms a luxurious, peacock-shaped fan-shaped fan. And thanks to the brilliant plumage with a combination of green, blue and red tones, this bird is considered the most beautiful of all birds. The peacock is widespread in Ceylon and in India. He likes to settle in large forests among shrubbery. Despite his long tail, he runs excellently and deftly makes his way among the dense shrubs.


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