Yeast as a fertilizer activates root growth

Everyone who is passionate about growing cultivated plants in the country, in a garden plot, on a garden plot, has his own secrets to success. Some of them become the property of all. Especially if you can’t wait, out of kindness or from boasting, to declare publicly: "And here I am!"

The fact that yeast is an excellent fertilizer for plants has been discussed on the relevant online forums for a long time. A note of mistrust is clearly heard: it is difficult to imagine how ordinary baker's yeast can positively affect the growth and development of plants. Let's try to figure it out.

Yeast as a fertilizer

If you look closely at the composition of unicellular microscopic fungi, which, in fact, are yeast, you can find many useful substances for the plant: proteins, carbohydrates, B vitamins, organic iron, minerals, trace elements, amino acids. And, in particular, vitamins B1, H, alcohol mesoinositis. These substances secreted by yeast cells, when the yeast dissolves in water, are indirect accelerators of the root formation process.

Therefore, yeast as a fertilizer operates as follows. The activating substances contained in them act on the soil microflora, and the result of its vital activity feeds the plant and stimulates the growth of its root system. Which, in turn, is the key to good ground development.

Yeast for fertilizing plants

Often use yeast as a fertilizer makes no sense. They work best when stimulating plant vegetation (spring or late summer). In this case, the soil must be warmed up, and this is understandable: once in a cold environment, the yeast reduces its activity to zero. They themselves must be with an unexpired shelf life. It should also be taken into account that during fermentation a large amount of calcium is absorbed, therefore, in order to cover its deficiency, ash is introduced along with yeast.

Yeast as fertilizer is used so. The mixture is prepared by diluting 2 kg of fresh yeast or 10 g of dry yeast in a bucket of warm water. To a solution of dry yeast, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and let it brew for two hours. Before use, both solutions must be diluted with five buckets of water.

Yeast for fertilizing plants can be purchased, i.e. artificial, or natural, obtained naturally. Here are two recipes for making natural yeast.

Hop sourdough

For it, you need to take dry or fresh hop cones, pour hot water in a saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil and hold for 1 hour. Remove from heat, cool, strain. Add sugar and flour in a ratio of 1: 2, mix, put in a warm place. After a day and a half, boil the potatoes, wipe and add to the mass until the consistency of porridge. Mix. Wait another day.

Yeast is an excellent fertilizer for plants

Wheat grain sourdough

Soak a glass of wheat grains and leave for a day for seedlings. Grind, add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and flour. It should be a thick mess. Stir, put on a small fire, cook for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, identify in a warm place for a day. The porridge will turn sour, and bubbles will appear on its surface.

It was experimentally established that yeast as a fertilizer (more precisely, yeast top dressing) love vegetables and fruits, berries and flowers. But cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, petunia, geranium respond especially well to this remedy.

So, the gardener-gardener actually with his own hands organizes a symbiosis between the soil microflora and yeast fungi. The result of this symbiosis is healthy and abundantly bearing plants.


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