How to name a dog a girl - interesting nicknames and recommendations

To the question of how to name a dog a girl, however, a boy, too, the only true answer is the one that comes to mind when looking at a puppy. This name will be the most suitable for a four-legged friend, as well as the most convenient for the owners.

However, such an opportunity is far from always. For example, breeders often sell animals with nicknames or when acquiring a highly purebred club dog, their owners are limited to a certain letter of the alphabet. It was such a practice that once was in the society of dog breeders at DOSAAF, it was adopted by many serious nurseries and private clubs.

There is another option: a puppy is waiting. As with the desired child, they get ready, get some things. Of course, they think about how to name the future pet.

What should be the name?

When thinking about how you can name a dog a girl, you need to understand that the nickname must meet certain criteria.

Choosing a name, you should consider:

  • breed, because what is ideal for St. Bernard is unlikely to suit a lapdog;
  • appearance, a shaggy dog ​​causes some emotional associations, and a smooth-haired dog - others, in addition, the type of muzzle and even the presence of a long tail matter;
  • size, although when they shout to the dog: "Fu, Pupsik", perhaps this is amusing to someone.

What else to consider until you decide what to name the dog girl? Names must be:

  1. Convenient for pronunciation, because it is difficult to shout: "Appolinaria, to me."
  2. Harmonious. A nickname that causes unpleasant emotions will lead to the fact that instead of it an affectionate nickname will be used.
  3. With good sense. Repeating a hundred times a day, Mukka (a popular nickname for Spanish decorative doggie), a person practically programs a very negative state.

When choosing a name, you don’t have to get hung up on just one thing, even if you really like it. In addition to all of the above criteria, there is one more that determines how to name a dog a girl. This is a reaction to the nickname of the puppy itself. That is, if the baby does not jerk her ears, does not turn her head and does not react at all to the chosen name for a couple of hours, the nickname does not suit her, another is required.

What do experienced dog breeders advise?

Answering the question: “How can I name a dog a girl?”, Experts recommend that those who are just about to have a first pet should not choose common human names and nicknames as their nicknames.

This is due to the high probability of embarrassing situations in crowded places, and not only in parks, but also in transport, on the street and even in a car park.

In the USA, the country of “legal paradoxes,” there was a case when the owner of an English bulldog named Churchill had to pay a large amount in a lawsuit from a local society of history buffs. And one of the residents of New York had to pay significant money to a neighbor. He had an Afghan hound nicknamed Camille, and the woman living in the next house was called the same.

Of course, we are not in the United States and it is unlikely that anyone will sue, but the likelihood of embarrassment when using used human names is quite high.

Experienced dog breeders are also advised not to get carried away with analogies with calendar events, such as the year of the dog. What to call a girl? For the owner of the animal - this is a crucial question. After all, with a chosen name, the dog will live for many years.

Dog handlers also recommend paying attention to the number of syllables in the nickname. The best for perception by animals and the easiest to pronounce during training is considered a name of 2-3 syllables. Monosyllabic nicknames, like unnecessarily long ones, cause the same difficulties: they are poorly perceived by animals and difficult to pronounce for the owners.

Are there any signs?

Everyone knows the saying from the animated film: "As you name a yacht, it will float." For pet names, this unspoken rule is 100% valid.

But besides the predetermination of the character, caused not so much by mysticism as by the subconscious desire of a person to see desirable features in an animal, there are signs.

For example, many dog ​​breeders believe that a name starting with "j" will bring misfortune to the animal. The belief is very old and very strong. For example, in Soviet times, when a thoroughbred puppy was waited for years and recorded in a special queue at DOSAAF, which is now hard to believe, when the letter “D” is dropped out, the new owners and the dog received strict instructions to avoid the nickname “J” in the nickname. And in some branches of the club they refused to register such nicknames as Jekyll, Julie, strongly recommending changing them.

It is impossible to say what such superstition is connected with, but nevertheless it exists.

Who is suitable for?

It is believed that when deciding how to name a dog a girl of a small breed, affectionate and playful names should be preferred. Such pets are often named after cartoon characters, for example, the boy York is very nicknamed Duck, and the girl is Daisy.

Yorkshire Terrier

For large beauties, the names of ancient goddesses are good, and their diversity will allow them to choose exactly what will ideally match the appearance and character of the dog.

Medium-sized animals are often called foreign words, for example, the nickname Foxy is simply perfectly combined with a fiery red-haired collie. A Doberman named Styx unwittingly evokes more respect than exactly such a dog, whose name is Frosya.

What does a husky suit?

This breed is associated with the north, wolves and, paradoxically, with the series “Game of Thrones”. Husky with the name Dineris at the exhibition in Moscow last year was more than 50. This moment needs to be considered when thinking about how to name a dog a husky girl.

Husky puppies

Choosing a name for such a dog, it makes sense to look into the epic of the peoples of the north, view a list of Slavic gods, read the legends of the Vikings, and so on. There you can find quite sonorous and well-matching names with husky looks, for example:

  • Veda;
  • Norn;
  • Urda;
  • Nott;
  • Rinda;
  • Sater;
  • Freya
  • Frigga;
  • Heima;
  • Hell;
  • Zelda;
  • Yara and others.

Husky, although a “working” breed, has a dignified appearance, which is ideally suited by beautiful, stylish and biting names. Those with which you can safely knock on Valhalla's door.

What will suit like?

These dogs are not as impressive as husky dogs. Choosing a nickname for a like is a difficult task. When thinking about how to name a dog like a girl, one should start from the variety of the future pet. Samoyed, wrapped in a snow coat, and “working” West Siberian - the dogs are radically different, not only in appearance, but also in character.

Samoyed Like

Useful options for huskies of ancient northern names, including Norwegian ones, are interesting:

  • Ida;
  • Mika
  • Silla
  • Veiga;
  • Eda and others.

Outwardly, huskies, regardless of their variety, look simpler than a husky, so their nicknames should be less pompous. As for the Samoyeds, they are strongly associated with snow and aurora. These dogs are often called lyrical names.

What will suit a shepherd?

As in the case of huskies, the question: “How to name a dog a girl a shepherd dog?”, Does not have a clear answer. Shepherd dogs - a large group of breeds uniting cattle dogs.

You can not name the Bernese Mountain Dog in the same way as the Pyrenean Shepherd, and give the Alabai a nickname suitable to the German breed.

Pyrenees Mountain Shepherd

Nevertheless, there is a community of nuances determining the future nickname. All absolutely shepherd dogs are laborers who initially worked alongside a man, grazing his cattle and guarding his home. They played with the children and accompanied the hosts to the war.

The name of the shepherd should combine such features as solidity, calm, wisdom and strength, or symbolize something. As in the case of the husky, it is worth paying attention to the names of the ancient gods, as well as to foreign words.

For example, a good version of the name for the South Russian Shepherd Dog is Bala. And this is just the word ball, that is, a ball or ball. It reflects the cheerful and playful nature of this breed, and the outward resemblance to a large shaggy ball, especially when the dog is running.

Good options for clicks will be:

  • Gaia
  • Myrrh;
  • Kali
  • Hola and others.

A shepherd should not be called either too pretentiously or too simply.

What is suitable spitz?

Although there are as many varieties of this breed as, for example, schnauzers or poodles, now only orange plants are usually bred.

When choosing what to name a dog a Spitz girl, you need to take into account one moment that almost everyone who first breeders an animal of this breed encounters.

Pomeranian Spitz

A cloud of a fur coat with cunning eyes gleaming somewhere inside is pulling to be called coquettishly, for example, Georgette, Violet, Cornelia and so on. After some time, the park sounds: "Zhora, Fork, Cork." Thus, all the unpronounceable coquetry remains only on paper.

Meanwhile, the orange is a very beautiful dog and is worthy of being thought over and named comfortably and aesthetically.

Good options for this breed will be such nicknames:

  • Belle
  • Shane;
  • Liz;
  • Bet and so on.

Spitz does not have the "cartoon" of York, so borrowing the nickname from the films, you need to imagine how much it will combine with the appearance of the orange.

What does a chihuahua do?

This breed always leaves an impression of a toy. This is probably why most of the clothes, shoes, ammunition and various baubles are produced specifically for such dogs. This needs to be considered when considering how to name a dog a Chihuahua girl.

Despite all their external puppetry and fragility, these dogs are wonderful companions ready to accompany their owners everywhere and not only sitting on their hands. They are smart enough and pragmatic, even cunning, so they know very well when to "make big eyes" or "faint."

Chihuahua is a real girl

Oriental and Asian names, not necessarily borrowed from anime films, are amazingly suitable for such dogs. Good options for clicks are:

  • Shira, completely - this is Asiru Taki;
  • Gil, the whole - Gal Gil Tan, and so on.

That is, the nickname Chihuahua should sound in the form in which it will be used daily. But in addition to this, also have a “weekend” secular option, with which you can put some fun. To cause general enthusiasm is completely in the character of these dogs.

What to choose for a mestizo?

The question of how to name a dog a girl of a small breed, if she is not purebred, is asked most often in various forums and in thematic groups.

In fact, the owners of mestizos are completely devoid of all the restrictions that those who have expensive stigmatized animals with pedigrees resembling monarchs face.

Affectionate and simple names, for example:

  • Basia;
  • Tally;
  • Milli;
  • Asya and so on.

You should not call a mestizo too pretentiously, for example, Kayra. Such nicknames look rather ridiculous in relation to funny little barking creatures.

What else do you need to know?

If you plan to purchase a highly purebred puppy, then before you start looking for options on how to name the dog a girl, you need to find out some questions from the breeder. It's about whether there will be any kind of letter restrictions, the dog with the name will already be implemented, or whether this choice is left to the buyer and similar moments.

If you know for sure that the animal will be sold with a name, you should definitely find out with which one. With his dissonance, it is quite possible to discuss with the breeders other options for how to name the dog a girl, or to choose a beautiful and convenient reduction to the finished nickname.

The puppy should like his name

In any case, in the question of choosing a name, only two criteria are important: the convenience of the owner and the adoption of a nickname by a dog, and everything else can be completely neglected.


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