What is emancipation and what may be its options

what is emancipation
What is emancipation? One way or another, we all came across this concept. And most of our fellow citizens will surely associate it with the struggle of women for their own rights and gender equality. And such an answer is indeed confirmed by the civil, criminal and family codes of the Russian Federation. This is expressly stated by Article 17 of the domestic Constitution. It deals generally with the inalienability of the fundamental freedoms and rights of any person. And, for example, the first article of the Civil Code of our state recalls that legislation is fundamentally based on the recognition of the absolute equality of all subjects of legal relations. All this is true, however, the association of the concept of emancipation exclusively with the struggle for women's rights is fundamentally wrong. This term comes from the Latin emancipare, where it meant the release of children from the power of the parent.
codes of the Russian Federation
Over time, the concept was transformed, and by the end of the 19th century it acquired the meaning in which it is known to us today - the fundamental elimination of any kind of dependencies, the cessation of restrictions and the equalization of the rights of certain categories of societies along with others. Thus, emancipation is a very broad social phenomenon. And now we will see this.

What is gender emancipation

As we have already said, in this sense the concept is perceived most often. However, it should be noted that emancipation, in addition to female, can be male. Actually, it is a natural result of the struggle for gender equality.

codes of the Russian Federation
The penetration of women into the originally male spheres of activity such as business or politics automatically implies, firstly, the appearance of men in female professions, and secondly (and this is important), removes a number of traditional duties from women towards them.

What is the emancipation of minors

This concept presupposes the same equation of rights, however, with respect to young members of society. Actually, this is a recognition of their competent representatives of society. So, among the archaic peoples, various initiation rites are often used and are used today, turning the boy into a man. In modern states, legal capacity comes automatically when a certain age is reached. By the way, in the laws of many countries, including ours, it is recognized in portions - upon reaching fourteen, sixteen, eighteen years, and so on.

civil code article
What is national emancipation

In general, with this category, everything is intuitive. This implies equalizing the rights of representatives of one nation (race, religious affiliation) with others. Great examples are the abolition of slavery, and then the struggle of blacks for their rights in the United States. Or even earlier, the emancipation of the Native American Indian population in the same United States. A separate layer here is the so-called emancipation of the Jews. Representatives of this nationality, because of their isolation and Jewish religion, have been persecuted for a long time on the European continent. Their limited rights were even officially enshrined at the state level. The process of emancipation of the Jews lasted from the XVIII century until the first half of XX.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6012/

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