Rowan from beads: weaving pattern and master class

Everyone can learn how to weave trees from beads . Experienced craftsmen are advised to start work with simple crafts in order to study all the subtleties of this variety of beadwork. With the acquisition of sufficient skill, you can independently create more complex products.

There are several simple models, on the example of which you can master the nuances of weaving beautiful trees from beads. Often, teaching this art begins with the simplest model.

Rowan bead weaving is a fairly simple and exciting activity. The main thing is to follow the sequence indicated in the scheme.

rowan bead weaving pattern master class

Rowan from beads: weaving pattern, master class

Work should begin with the manufacture of a leaf of a plant. It consists of nine small leaves.

rowan bead weaving pattern
The type of weaving of one small leaf contains five rows. String one green bead in the first and fifth rows on the wire. In the remaining rows - two beads.

Gather them in one big leaf. To do this, at the base, twist together three small leaves. Spread them and weave in pairs the six remaining leaves. You got the first leaf of mountain ash.

rowan bead weaving pattern master class
Similarly, weave the remaining fourteen leaves of mountain ash.

Rowan from beads: berry weaving scheme

Let's start weaving clusters, each of which consists of ten red berries. First you need to cut the wire, about 65 centimeters long.

  1. Put the first bead on the wire, departing from its edge 10 centimeters. Fix the beads and fix it with the ends of the wire 1.5 cm long.
  2. Next, place the red beads at a distance of two centimeters from the previous part.
  3. Twist the wire again, but already at the base of the second bead.
  4. Roll all the berries together. You should get a bunch of mountain ash.
    rowan from beads berry weaving pattern
  5. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining eight beads.
  6. Form a rowan brush from three identical clusters.
  7. Combine the three clusters together and twist them at the base. Weave seven similar clusters of mountain ash.
  8. Next, wrap them with a dense thread at the base.
  9. Form the rowan branches by twisting the leaf and bunch together.
    rowan bead weaving pattern
  10. Having retreated a little, fasten one more leaf to the rowan branch.
  11. Make seven similar branches, thread each branch at the base with thread.
  12. To create a rowan tree trunk, take a thick wire and attach to it the original branch at the base, wrapping it very tightly with thread.
  13. A little lower, sequentially attach the remaining branches, organically forming a tree. Wrap all places, fastenings of branches with thread and cut off excess ends.
  14. Insert the rowan from the beads into a decorative pot filled with plasticine or gypsum.

rowan beadwork

It remains to decorate a flowerpot with mountain ash and enjoy the work done.

rowan beadwork
In such an intricate way, weaving is carried out with beads. Mountain ash, a master class, the easiest way to learn how to create trees and shrubs from beads.

Necessary tools and materials

Before you begin the process of creating rowan from beads, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • plain and aluminum wire;
  • red and green beads;
  • dense thread;
  • decorative flowerpot.

Creating rowan from beads, the second way

Let's look at another interesting version of weaving.
To make mountain ash in another way, you will need:

  • orange-red and green beads 10 (Czech) or 12 (Chinese) size;
  • 0.3 mm wire and thicker wire for forming the trunk;
  • adhesive tape or thread for wrapping the trunk;
  • brown acrylic paint;
  • gypsum or plasticine.

Create a bunch of mountain ash

Start by forming clusters, each of which consists of five small bunches.

Rowan bead, weaving pattern (2):

  1. Cut a piece of wire 33 centimeters long.
  2. On it, type three red beads and place them at a distance of five centimeters from the edge.
  3. Twist the wire about one centimeter below them.
  4. On the long end of the wire, again type three beads and make a similar twist under them. In total, ten twists must be made on the wire.
  5. Then twist the ends of the wire so that the bundle comes out.
  6. There are five such bundles. Then make a bunch of rowan berries from them (twist the bundles together).

Rowan leaves

To create a rowan tree from beads, you need eleven bunches. When the clusters are ready, you can start making leaves. They are weaved in rows, that is, they use the parallel weaving technique .

  • First row: take a wire with a length of about 25 centimeters, draw one bead onto it, stretch either end of the wire through it and tighten.
  • Second row: put two beads on one end of the wire, and pull the other end through the dialed beads in the opposite direction and tighten again.
  • The third, fourth and fifth rows consist of three beads.
  • Further weaving from rowan beads is carried out in the same way as in the previous master class.

rowan weaving master class

The final stage

To make the bead tree more similar to a living original, you need to experiment with the bends of the trunk and branches. The finished tree can be installed on a stand, gypsum its trunk, and then open it with brown or brown paint. You will get a nice rowan from beads. The weaving pattern is not complicated, despite the capacity of the description. The acquisition of skill in weaving trees and shrubs depends on the level of your attentiveness and perseverance.


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