What benefits do people with disabilities of group 3 for a common disease have?

What benefits do people with disabilities in group 3 have? The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. After all, there are a lot of features and nuances in this topic. Different countries have different opportunities to support people with disabilities, but there are still some commonalities. What should I look for? What benefits can be granted to persons with disabilities included in the 3rd group? Each country has its own list of opportunities. What can they offer mainly in Russia?

What does "common disease" mean?

But first you need to understand one nuance. The thing is that only cases of providing benefits to people with disabilities for a general illness will be considered. What does it mean? How to understand this expression?

what benefits do people with disabilities have 3 groups

This term defines that if a person does not have evidence of specific circumstances by which disability can be assigned, then the general disease acts as its causes. At the same time, no awards, medals or other merits for providing benefits for the general disease are taken into account. So what can a citizen count on?


So, the first thing you should pay attention to is taxes. Under certain circumstances, these contributions to the state treasury can bring considerable expenses. Especially when it comes to property taxes. Now even for the smallest piece of land or for an apartment you can get receipts with huge penalties.

What benefits do people with disabilities of group 3 for a common disease have? All (that is, working and not working) citizens of this category of persons are exempted from property taxes in Russia. It doesn't matter how much real estate a citizen has. He still will not pay annual taxes on his property. It is worth noting: this rule applies to people with disabilities since childhood.

But that is not all. The tax system in Russia provides for a huge number of penalties from the population. In addition to property tax, it should be noted that people with disabilities of 3 groups have the right to exemption from transport payments. More specifically, from taxes on transport. Only this rule applies only to cars with up to 100 horsepower, which were received from the social security authorities. That is, if a person has a car specially equipped for the transport of disabled people, a disabled owner of group 3 for a general disease will not pay taxes on transport.

Another small privilege granted by the state is exemption from registration fees from a person with disabilities when registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

What benefits do people with disabilities of the third group have? In Russia, they will not pay registration fees for registration of individual entrepreneurship. This option applies to citizens who have the mark "disabled since childhood."

what benefits do people with disabilities have 3 groups for a common disease

But that is not all. Citizens with a disability group 3 from childhood are exempted from cash payments after registration of entrepreneurial activity. We are talking about annual contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia, as well as to the Social Insurance Fund. Only this benefit does not last too long. So far, in Russia it is allowed to use it from 2011 to 2019, inclusive.


The thing is that people with disabilities are people who are constantly (or regularly) undergoing some kind of treatment. Such citizens must purchase systematically diverse medicines. What benefits do people with disabilities of group 3 in Russia have in 2014 and not only? The tax sphere is only one direction in which the system of concessions and opportunities for people with special needs works. Medicine is also not deprived of attention.

So what can a disabled person count on? For example, you can get free medicine. True, only some categories. The specific list needs to be clarified in the clinic, where treatment and monitoring of human health is taking place. Most often, this rule applies to unemployed persons with disabilities, but there are exceptions.

The medical field has a huge number of benefits for people with disabilities. For example, if you do not receive medicines for free, you can purchase them at special drugstores with a 50% discount. Again, this possibility applies mainly to citizens who do not have work at the time of the issuance of drugs.

what privileges are disabled for 3 groups in Ukraine

In the sanatorium, you can also travel for free, but only for treatment. What benefits do people with disabilities of group 3 have in this case? In the presence of a medical report (certificate) from a doctor, all citizens with health problems can be treated for free in a particular sanatorium. Usually medical facilities are sent to a specific place.

Disabled people from childhood can purchase for free or at a discount not only medicines, but also all other medical devices. For example, dressings or rehabilitation items, prostheses, hearing aids, orthopedic appliances, as well as vehicles.

Labor activity

Of course, all disabled people of 3 groups are allowed to work. Employing people with health problems is not such a simple matter. But in Russia and in a number of other countries, special privileges were invented for such citizens. What can this or that employee count on? Let's look at the benefits that people with disabilities have 3 groups for a common disease in relation to work:

  1. Any absence of a trial period. It is banned by employers for all persons with disabilities, not necessarily 3 groups. Therefore, immediately after the interview, in the case of a positive response to the job request, the employer will have to consider the employee officially working.
  2. Citizens have the right to a part-time week or day. Disabled people of 3 groups of their own free will are able to ask for a shortened working day. Moreover, with the preservation of wages. The employer cannot refuse. True, a disabled person can ask for a part-time job only by writing an application. The verbal form of the request is not valid.
  3. It is forbidden to work on night shifts.

So, determining what benefits the disabled people of group 3 have in Moscow and other cities in the field of employment, we can say with confidence that they cannot be involved in night work. And you can’t leave such citizens to work overtime.

There is still a loophole for employers in this matter - all restrictions can be removed, but only if the employee himself writes the corresponding statement - consent to additional or night work.

what benefits do people with disabilities of the third group have

Another point is vacation. The thing is that disabled people of 3 groups after employment can require legal rest at certain times of the year. Also, with the preservation of wages, a citizen has the right to leave of 30 days. And if preservation is not required, you can request up to 60 days of rest.


It's hard to believe, but even in the field of education, citizens have their own privileges. What benefits do people with disabilities in group 3 have? For example, they are able to enter universities and institutions that provide secondary specialized education on a preferential basis. That is, the selection committee will consider such citizens as beneficiaries. And if there are budget places, it will be disabled people who will be given the opportunity to study for free. Therefore, many people with health problems study in the country mainly for free.

True, this exemption does not exempt from entrance exams. A disabled person must successfully pass them, and only then his candidacy will be considered among all others on favorable terms.

The only requirement put forward for people with disabilities is the submission of appropriate medical reports on their state of health, along with all other documents that are needed to enter a university or college. Nothing more is required from citizens.

Housing and communal services

What benefits do people with disabilities of group 3 have in 2014 and not only? In Russia, such citizens are offered certain opportunities in the housing sector. So, this category of persons has the right to deduct (refund) part of the money spent on utilities. This is usually expressed as a discount. The privilege applies to both employed and unemployed citizens.

If the house does not have central heating, you can regain part of the money spent on the purchase of fuel for heating residential premises.

what privileges are disabled for 3 groups in 2014

To get all this, you must come to the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of registration with certain documents. Then a statement is written, documents are provided. To get the above benefits, you will need:

  • applicant's passport;
  • statement;
  • receipts for paying utility bills;
  • disability medical certificates;
  • family composition documents.


What benefits do people with disabilities in group 3 have? For example, Russia provides that, in addition to the above points, people with disabilities can travel by public transport for free. To do this, you need to purchase a single social travel ticket. Only with its presence, you can avoid additional costs for public transport.

By the way, usually this rule does not apply to marching jackets and ordinary taxis. But in buses and trolleybuses this practice takes place. Therefore, not all vehicles provide benefits for the disabled.

Housing sector

It is clear what benefits the disabled people of 3 groups have at work and during training. But that is not all. There are a lot of opportunities for state support for people with health problems. Do not forget about the housing sector. And it is far from talking about paying utility bills.

All disabled people of 3 groups have the full right to receive a land plot from the state. Free and among the primary recipients. That is, citizens belonging to the 3rd group of disabilities are benefits for receiving a free land plot for housing construction. This rule also applies to other dwellings.

In addition to the above points, it should also be borne in mind that people with disabilities can be provided with a room for living under a social contract of employment. But this is only when a citizen suffers from some kind of chronic disease provided for in the special list of diseases.

what benefits do people with disabilities have 3 groups in Kazakhstan


What benefits do people with disabilities of group 3 have in Ukraine? I must say that in this country the list of opportunities for people with health problems is not much different from the above items. So, people with disabilities can take advantage of the following opportunities:

  • apply for a free prescription medication;
  • free or preferential treatment in sanatoriums, as well as in medical institutions (for example, in the treatment of teeth);
  • 50% discount on the fare for transport (from October to May);
  • free travel in public transport (city and suburban) with the exception of minibuses and private taxis;
  • payment of telephone communication in the presence of 2 or more disabled people in the family;
  • preferential conditions for admission to higher educational institutions in the country.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in all countries working disabled people must be provided with all the necessary working conditions. If they are absent, the employer either cannot hire a disabled person, or an employee with health problems is able to not work until he is provided with everything necessary.


And what benefits do the third group invalids have in Kazakhstan? In principle, it is in this area that the possibilities are as close as possible to the conditions proposed in Russia. The thing is that in Kazakhstan almost all of the above benefits apply. Among them are:

  • lack of transport, land taxes;
  • abolition of income tax;
  • lack of registration fee for IP;
  • no need to pay state fees when applying to the court;
  • benefits for admission to the university;
  • discounts on medicines;
  • free provision of treatment or medication (including discounted access).

Now it’s clear what privileges 3 group disabled people have in Kazakhstan. And all the previously listed items are far from the only ones. Additionally, as in any other country, people with health problems are assigned monetary compensation in one size or another. The so-called disability pension is paid in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Russia. The exact values ​​should be found in a particular country for a specific date. After all, payments are constantly changing.

what benefits do people with disabilities have 3 groups at work


And what benefits do people with disabilities of group 3 have in Belarus? Frankly, the inhabitants of this country are inherent in one degree or another the opportunities offered in Russia. More precisely, then citizens in Belarus, upon receiving 3 disability groups, have the right to:

  • free treatment in spa conditions (once a year, if there are medical indications);
  • free medical care in state clinics, as well as treatment with a 50% discount in private medical institutions;
  • priority in obtaining land and preferential housing;
  • 50% discount for utility bills;
  • subsidies for improving housing conditions;
  • free vocational education if a person is unable to work in the chosen direction upon completion of training (provided multiple times);
  • paid vacation of 30 days, as well as leave at one’s expense up to 60 days in duration;
  • full provision with all necessary devices to ensure the life of a citizen;
  • lack of payment of money for an apartment order.

You may notice that the benefits in the previously listed countries are very similar. The main point that will have to be taken into account when obtaining one or another opportunity is the presence of a doctor’s medical report on the state of health. Otherwise, you will not be able to take advantage of the benefits from the state.

It should be remembered that sometimes disability is removed. In this case, all the previously listed privileges lose their legal force. A person will lose all the benefits that were offered to him earlier.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6015/

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