Underwater waterfalls - a miracle of nature

The phrase "underwater waterfall" sounds absurd. Approximately as "oil oil" or "transitional transition." But this is not an empty tautology. Underwater waterfalls actually exist, and there is no other way to name them. This is a unique miracle of nature, worthy to be seen at least once in a lifetime. The impression of what he saw will remain for a long time. Our article is dedicated to this miracle of nature.

underwater waterfalls

Waterfall under water - what is it?

Despite the fact that man has already studied the planet far and wide, there are still many unique unexplored places on it. These are exactly the underwater waterfalls.

This amazing natural phenomenon occurs for two reasons:

  • uneven seabed ;
  • seawater uneven in density (due to different salt content and temperature difference of neighboring areas).

Everything happens like this: when there are water zones of various densities nearby, and the bottom in this place is embossed, denser streams "fall" down, and the lungs rush up. And the effect of falling water is created.

The largest underwater waterfall

To date, scientists have identified 7 such places at the bottom of the oceans (but, most likely, there are much more). It is noteworthy that some of the underwater waterfalls are many times larger than their ground-based “brothers”. The largest of them is located in the Atlantic Ocean between Iceland and Greenland (it was discovered, by the way, by the Russians). It is 350 times taller than the “tall” giant land - the Venezuelan Angel Falls (its height is 979 meters). The width of the Atlantic giant is 150 kilometers, and the water flow rate is 30 thousand cubic meters per second.

underwater waterfall island mauritius

Naturally, people are sorry to leave such power unclaimed, and mankind is already making plans for it, gradually developing projects of underwater hydroelectric power stations. In the meantime, underwater waterfalls have no industrial value. We can only admire them, admiring their beauty.

Beautiful underwater waterfall, island of Mauritius

One of the most magnificent spectacles of the planet is considered a waterfall, which is located near the Le Morne Brabant peninsula. This is in the state of Mauritius. In fact, the local underwater waterfall is just an illusion. The visual effect of falling water is created due to the combination of sand, silt, coral deposits, the strongest current in this place and the refraction of light.

The genius magician, who is our nature, has created such a miracle from which it is difficult to take his eyes off. It is difficult to describe in words. Even in photographs the landscape looks quite bewitching, and what can we say about live contemplation!

How can I see him?

True, you can see the underwater waterfall of Mauritius only from above (by the way, it can be seen even from space). But if you are not an astronaut, but an ordinary tourist, you will have to board a helicopter, soar into the sky above the Indian Ocean and fall into a parallel reality with a fantastic world spread below, under a thin layer of water.

The oceanic shelves in these places are several million years old, but the bottom has risen relatively recently. Nearby were areas with different water depths (from eight to several hundred meters). This was the reason for the birth of a delightful and amazing natural phenomenon.

underwater waterfall mauritius

Thanks to its treasure, an underwater waterfall, the Le Morne Braban Peninsula is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In fact, on this peninsula there are not so many sights worthy of the tourist's attention. The main one is this underwater waterfall. Mauritius is a popular holiday destination. If you plan a trip there, be sure to visit the Le Morne Braban peninsula and enjoy the wonders of nature.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6020/

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