Why, why, and where are leaving to live from Russia these days

Perhaps every person thought about emigration. Not everyone wants or can leave their homeland. Someone is holding their own business and real estate, some are near and dear to them, and some have a lack of opportunities to find application in another country. But those who want to β€œbreathe other air” can search for themselves anywhere. And if earlier emigration was often forced, now the motives and geography of the countries where they leave to live from Russia have substantially changed.

where they leave to live from Russia

The first opportunities appear in the majority back in school or college years. All sorts of youth exchange programs offer, as a rule, travel developed countries. Western Europe, the USA, Canada - these are the places where young and active or successful and successful people go to live from Russia . After all, the procedure itself is not simple, and the requirements for potential immigrants in these countries are high. It is necessary not only to know a foreign language, but also to have a demanded profession or financial opportunities that will allow you to support yourself and your family.

emigration to Spain
For rich people, the so-called business immigration is suitable, the essence of which is that a residence permit, and then citizenship is granted to those who invest heavily in the country's economy. Moreover, each state has its own characteristics. For example, Germany is the country where highly qualified specialists in the field of medicine or information technology go to live from Russia. But in Italy or Greece, they are not so in demand - therefore, there, you may have to change your profession or engage in cheap wage labor. Emigration to Spain also has a number of features. This is one of the few countries that attracts foreigners not only by the relative ease of moving, but also by inexpensive real estate, the possession of which gives certain advantages.

The so-called middle class has an increasingly firmly held view that you need to earn money in Russia and live abroad. There is a rational grain in this. Indeed, often abroad, our compatriots experience not only difficulties with adaptation. They have to change occupation, engage in unskilled labor. In the early years of emigration, they have much less rights and opportunities than the indigenous population. If the main motive was marriage to a foreigner, then family life is far from always successful. There are many examples of returns from countries where women go to live from Russia in search of personal happiness. Therefore, it would be naive to expect that emigration will solve all our problems. Rather, on the contrary, it can only be solved by people who are able and willing to deal with difficulties.

where to go live from Russia

Those who are thinking about where to move to live from Russia can be advised, first of all, to set their personal priorities. If material welfare, career growth, and ambition are important to you, you should choose states that are convenient for doing business or that encourage professional immigration. If the main motive is a calm, measured, stable life, you should think about the countries of Central Europe - Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia. For those who do not want to just sit at home and communicate exclusively with the Russian diaspora, mentality and spiritual culture will be an important moment. To integrate into the society of another state, you will have to make a lot of efforts, which is why it is so important that you understand the locals, and they accept you, rather than looking at it as an outlandish phenomenon.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6023/

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