Chechen men's names - interesting meaning, personification of courage and honor

Chechens are a heroic people, proud, appreciating their foundations and history. Chechen men's names reflect the strength and spirit of the people, personify masculine power and honor. Among the names and nicknames of this people you will not find diminutive language and translations, each name reflects the meaning of masculinity and stature.

Chechen male names

For example, Chechen masculine names often mean representatives of the animal world with pronounced volitional characteristics.

Animal world

  • Bula, or Bull, is translated from Chechen as "bison".
  • Borz, or Boors - a wolf respected by all Chechen people.
  • Lom, Lom - a lion and some derivatives of this word.
  • Tskhyogal is a sly fox, this name represents a person inclined to dodge responsibility.
  • Kuyra is a hawk, a name for proud and keen-eyed men.
  • Makkhal is a kite, a warlike and well-aimed warrior.
  • Lecha is a falcon, a proud, arrogant bird.
  • Airzu is an eagle, a man of high flight.

Chechen boys names

Often, Chechen men's names in translation mean a guide to action, like a farewell from parents and a wish for good. This is especially true for examples of the birth of debilitated infants whose lives are in danger. They are given names with a wish for a long or healthy life.


  • Waha - in translation - "live."
  • Dukhavaha - “Live Long!”
  • Wahiyta - "may this baby live."
  • Visyta - "may he stay."

There have also been cases when a newborn was given some characteristic in the name.

Character assessment

  • Masa - means fast, playful.
  • Dick - "this is a good guy."
  • Myrsolt - "The Brave Boy (Man)".

It is unfortunate that many Chechen names are forgotten today. Although they carry such valuable and interesting speech turns from the native language of the people.

Also, many Chechen male names carry a symbolic Muslim meaning. They are borrowed from the Arabs and the history of the emergence of Islam. These are the names that belonged to the companions and contemporaries of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Chechen names for men

Names from the Sunnah of Muslims

  • Muhammad (Mohammad, Mahmoud, Muhammad, Magomed, Magamat) - the name of the Prophet Muhammad, translated means "glorified" or "glorious."
  • Abbas - this name was the uncle of the prophet. Meaning - stern, gloomy gloomy.
  • Abdulrahman - this name means "servant of the Merciful Lord." Favorite name of Muslims, an attribute of any believer.
  • Ali is the name of the friend and son-in-law of the prophet Muhammad, the fourth righteous caliph of the Islamic world. And its meanings are “exalted,” “leading,” “supreme.”

Chechen male names borrowed from Arabs before the emergence of the history of Islam

  • Ahmad - praised, glorified.
  • Damask steel.
  • Daoud is a beloved friend.
  • Jamal - beauty, beauty or attractiveness.
    Chechen names for men
  • Zaman - time, era, era.
  • Malik is a sovereign, possessing, leading.
  • Mansour is victorious.
  • Fadl - honorable, respectable.
  • The Sultan is the lord, lord, king.
  • Shamil is a comprehensive, embracing, as well as the name of the legendary Chechen leader - Imam Shamil.

According to customs, the names of Chechen boys are given with a certain attitude and parting words. It is believed that the name reflects the character, will, spirit of its carrier. Therefore, the most popular names with a strong-willed and courageous orientation.


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