Butterfly - economic value and harm

In the class of insects, the nocturnal butterfly ranks second in the number of species. Most of them lead a gloomy lifestyle and differ from daylight individuals fluttering under the sun in a more thickened body, not so bright, but more monophonic and dull. The antennae they do not have a pin rounding, so this species is called dissimilar.


In nature, all insects are important: bugs, mosquitoes, butterflies. Butterfly has its economic value. What does it consist of? Nocturnal butterflies feed exclusively on nectar and are very valuable pollinators of many crops that bloom at night. For example, the flower of a Yucca plant is very difficult to pollinate without the participation of night moths. This butterfly collects pollen from several flowers, rolls it into a ball and very accurately inserts it into the flower's pestle, which ensures fertilization and the possibility of obtaining seed. At the same time, the moth lays its eggs in this flower as well, providing food for its future offspring. The larvae, of course, eat a small part of the young seeds, because this is their only food, but without them the fertilization of the flower would not have taken place. It is known that different types of moths serve precisely for the fertilization of certain types of plants.

A nocturnal butterfly that does not have symbiotic connections lays eggs, attaching them to various objects, for example, to leaves, to branches or to fallen tree trunks on river banks. Wind or flood waters transfer these objects to new areas, and insects are also transferred to new territories, where they appear from eggs in the form of larvae. Their larvae look like worms, they are called caterpillars.

Night butterflies

The caterpillars have a rigid head, and three pairs of legs have claws. False legs are present on the fleshy abdomen. Pay attention to how the moths look during this period of development, the photo fully reflects the body structure of the caterpillar. In the process of their short development, the larvae molt several times. After the last molt, they will weave themselves a cocoon of silk thread, turn into dolls and fall asleep in them until the time comes to turn into a butterfly.

Night butterflies photo

Caterpillars produce silk fiber with special glands. Salivary glands secrete a protein-rich liquid. When dried in air, this liquid turns into a very strong thread. Caterpillar silk fiber is actively used by people for the production of natural silk fabrics. For the sake of this, certain types of butterflies are specially bred.


The caterpillar is very responsible for weaving a cocoon. She first takes refuge. This can be an underground mink dug by her, a gap in wood, or another type of shelter that meets the safety rules and protection methods laid down by nature in the self-preservation program. Only then does the larva of the nocturnal butterfly turn into a cocoon, where it remains stationary until it is time to turn into a butterfly.

The moth itself is harmless and safe, but its offspring are extremely gluttonous. Some of their species eat leaves, plant roots, others destroy stored food supplies, and others damage textile fibers. Thus, they cause very great damage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6041/

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