Potato Cornflower: variety description

Potato Cornflower was obtained by domestic breeders as a result of crossing the Chugunkka variety, which is popular and widely known among potato growers, and the D-31-88 hybrid form. In addition to excellent production indicators, this variety compares favorably with excellent taste, the content of a large number of nutrients and immunity to many diseases.

potato cornflower grade description

Potato Cornflower: variety description

The mid-early potato, having the romantic name Cornflower, forms a bush of medium height, semi-erect, intermediate type. The tops are strong, bright green in color. The leaves are open, dark green, medium size. Corolla of reddish-purple small flowers. Anthocyanin color on the inside is weak or medium. The tubers are elongated-oval, uniform in size and shape, covered with a glossy very beautiful peel with superficial small eyes. The skin color is very unusual, blue-violet, sprouts saturated purple. The pulp on the slice is creamy, consistently soft, dense, of medium water content and mealy. The average weight of a commodity tuber is 77-110 g.

Grade characteristics

Potato Cornflower has a table setting and is widely used in baby and diet food. It has excellent taste. Culinary type of sun. It is used for making mashed potatoes, first courses, frying and boiling. Differs in moderate digestibility. When cleaning and heat treatment, the flesh does not darken.

The growing season is 70-95 days. The average starch content is 12.5-16%. Preservation of the presentation of tubers 70-93%. Shelf life is excellent (at least 96%).

Productivity of the variety is 200-480 kg / ha.

Potato value

Potato variety Cornflower is especially valuable for the presence of carotenoids in tubers, which serve as antioxidants in the human body. It also contains a large number of useful substances and vitamins C and E. According to clinical studies, the use of purple potatoes prevents the development of cancer, the formation of cholesterol plaques, strengthens blood vessels and supports the heart muscle.

potato variety cornflower

Disease resistance

  • Potato Cornflower has a high degree of resistance to late blight of tubers and leaves, and potato cancer.
  • The variety is immune to mosaic of banded, wrinkled rot.
  • Slightly affected by dry rot, annular, common scab.
  • May be affected by a golden potato cyst nematode.

Seed selection

Potato Cornflower, the description of which we consider in the article, is susceptible to damage by a golden potato nematode, therefore, for the prevention of seed material, it is important to prepare.

  • For planting, only smooth healthy tubers are selected, without damage and growths, weighing 50-70 g.
  • Tubers are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate (1 tbsp. Per one bucket of water).
  • The potato is dried, laid out in the light for germination.


Potato Cornflower prefers well-lit areas protected from through wind. It is recommended to dig the soil for planting twice. Autumn and spring tillage will provide seedlings with favorable thermal and breathable conditions. If the soil is heavy, it requires the introduction of a large amount of organic matter.

On marshy peat soils, Cornflower will produce crops only after cultivation and land reclamation.

It is important to follow the crop rotation rule. Potatoes are planted after growing root crops, green manure, cucumbers, cabbage, legumes and pumpkin crops.

The planting pattern of the seed depends on the weight of the tubers: 70 × 20 cm, 60 × 30 cm, 60 × 25 cm.

potato cornflower

Care Features

  1. About two weeks after planting, the row-spacing is loosened by 8 cm in depth.
  2. The first hilling is performed when the potato top reaches a height of 15 cm, the second - when the gaps between the bushes disappear.
  3. In arid weather conditions, a minimum of 3 irrigation is carried out during the growing season. Water consumption - about 3 liters per bush.
  4. The soil around the bushes is weeded or mulched.

In order to prevent late blight, the variety is treated three times with preparations containing copper.

potato cornflower description

After planting, the potatoes are fertilized. The following top dressings are recommended:

  • Dilute bird droppings in water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Prepare a urea solution (1 tbsp. Per 10 liters of water). Under each potato bush, you need to make 500 ml.
  • A solution of manure (1 liter per 10 liters of water) is insisted for a day and watered aisles.
  • Use herbal infusions.
  • A good tool for the development and growth of potatoes is the foliar top dressing of bushes with phosphorus, nettle infusion or gamats.

To feed and fight the Colorado potato beetle, when planting in holes, wood ash mixed with earth is laid.

potato cornflower reviews

Potato Cornflower: reviews

According to gardeners, this variety has a fairly high yield, the formation of smooth and attractive tubers in shape and color, and excellent taste. High antioxidant activity was noted. Tubers are suitable for diet and baby food. Since the variety is quite new, it is still difficult for gardeners to give it a full and objective assessment. Subject to the recommended planting dates in the middle lane, flowering begins in early July. The bush blooms with beautiful blue flowers, ripens for about a month in three.

It is noted that, if preplanting and processing are not carried out, the tops are affected by late blight. In addition, when growing this variety on acidic soils, potatoes are almost always severely affected by scab.

In general, Cornflower is loved by many gardeners.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F605/

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