What should be in the newborn's medicine cabinet: a list of necessary

Behind nine months of expectations, costs, trips to clinics, getting used to new sensations, and now, the day is not far off when a new man will announce his arrival in this world. I must say bluntly - not always rosy. Of course, this little man will be surrounded by care and love, of course, he will receive everything that he needs in order to enter this life as a healthy, strong creature. And adults will do their best. Especially native people - mom and dad, grandparents. So, let's figure out the list of what should be in the newborn’s medicine cabinet.

Other times

There were times when parents sometimes did not think about the need for certain things that each of them should have at the first stage of development of a child from his birth. In particular, this applies to medicines. As a rule, in each house there was a certain set of medicines, which, if necessary, came to the rescue.

But only adults. As a rule, treating the body of a newborn is a completely different topic, and when it was necessary, then "run to the pharmacy." And so for each individual case. In the end, many believed that the child's body should cope and there was no need to stuff with medicines from childhood.

Time requirement

Today, the list of everything you need in a first-aid kit for a newborn is strictly regulated. And although there are ready-made products on sale, it is perhaps better to compose it yourself. Indeed, at the same time, you can carefully think through its contents and exclude the likelihood that at the right time there suddenly will not be something necessary. After all, this is your child! And only you feel the full burden of responsibility.

We will consider the list of first-aid kits for a newborn child.

Soft care

Most often, at first, you will have to face the fact that the baby needs to clean the nasal and ear passages.

And cotton flagella will be simply necessary all the time. You can twist them yourself, but remember that cotton should be sterile and natural (hb). Using cotton pads in some cases will be more convenient. The presence of a bactericidal patch, a sterile bandage, gauze for diapers and other needs in the list of first-aid kits for a newborn is dictated by everyday practical need. Parents should wear a gauze dressing.

Newborn under the towel

Caution and Mindfulness

The next item on the list of first-aid kits for a newborn is cotton buds. Moreover, they must have a limiter, so as not to injure the baby. The cotton head should be wide enough. Remember! In no case do they clean the cavity of the ears and nose of the newborn.

Sharp but safe

Further on the list you can put the need for a scissor for children. The main requirements for this unsafe tool are that the short ends of the scissors are rounded and there is a special case for storing them. On sale there are also knipsers (mini-tweezers), which some mothers prefer. Children's klipser has its own characteristics. They are in the restrictive ring for the mother’s finger and in a magnifying four-fold glass. The device also provides a nail file to eliminate the sharp corners of the nails of the baby.

Newborn in the crib

Out of home

Wet wipes have a more “marching” function, when you need to perform hygiene procedures quickly and while away from home. They should not be a substitute for regular washings! The requirements for wet wipes are quite stringent - the absence of hypeallergenicity, the absence of alcohol, perfumes and fragrances. Appropriate PH for the baby, one of the mandatory requirements for wet wipes. Well, they should be stored in plastic, sealed containers. When buying, first make sure that they are suitable for your baby and only then purchase the right amount.


The skin of the newborn requires special care. Quite often, you will need to process it behind the “folds”. In these places diaper rash usually forms. For this, there is always a powder in the list of first-aid kits for a newborn, which also has a calming effect on the skin of the baby. You can use powder or a novelty - talcum cream. Flavors should be avoided in this case as well.

Children's vaccine

Oh, this is bloating!

Your baby’s healthy sleep, and therefore yours, in many respects depends on how his digestive system feels. For its normal functioning, the list of the first-aid kit for the newborn includes fennel and dill seeds (from bloating), granular special tea (you can buy them at the pharmacy), and, of course, espumisan.

Electronics and Health

Technological innovations have appeared not only in the world of adults, but also in the world of newborns. And now it would never occur to anyone to use a mercury thermometer. This is excellent and, most importantly, safely handled electronically. You just need to make sure that the battery in it is in order. A specially designed thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the bathing water for the baby.

Joyful child

Baby kit for a newborn: list

Of course, in a first-aid kit for a newborn you can not do without tools to help bring down the temperature. It can be "Paracetamol" (preferably in the form of rectal suppositories), "Nurofen", "Panadol". It's important to know! "Analgin" and "Aspirin" is forbidden to use for newborns.

Nurofen for children

It is almost impossible to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as a runny nose at this age. It will become a “headache” for parents, as the child will not be able to eat and sleep normally. Pure seawater from which a ready-made solution is prepared (for example, Marimer or Aquamaris) is an excellent tool for cleaning babies' noses. A good addition would be Nazivin (0.01%).

The so-called "gaziki", bloating of the baby’s tummy, is another serious problem that arises quite often. This is where a simple device called a gas outlet tube comes in handy.

What is included in the list of first-aid kits for a newborn, in addition to the above drugs?

Digestive problems are common in the early days of children. Sometimes constipation occurs. They cause serious problems for both babies and their parents. Therefore, in the first-aid kit for a newborn, among other medicines, there should be chamomile, Duphalac, preparations with lactulose, glycerin suppositories. It is also necessary to remember that with constipation, the choice of medicines should be determined by a specialist - a children's doctor.

The smallest enema (50 ml) will become your faithful assistant for constipation, flushing and other procedures that require external intervention. A few pieces (two or three) will not be superfluous in the medicine cabinet.

Baby and mom

You can’t do without an aspirator, if not cool. But which of them are better suited for newborns and will be included in the list of first-aid kits for the newborn. The "enema" described above, with a special tip, is the best syringe aspirator. Being a less traumatic model, a mechanical aspirator is no longer aesthetic and uncomfortable. After all, you will have to suck out the snot through the mouth. Mom’s. There is a more expensive model. It is certainly very effective and is an electronic aspirator.

A five percent solution of potassium permanganate may be useful when treating the umbilical wound. When bathing in the bath, it is usually added to the water, being a proven disinfectant. Potassium permanganate can be in a medicine cabinet for a newborn and in powder. And yet, given that even a weak solution of potassium permanganate can dry the skin of the baby, it is preferable to use a decoction of herbs (string, chamomile, sage) for bathing.

Here is another list of what you need in a first-aid kit for a newborn, but as an addition. Five percent iodine, one percent chlorophyllipt, three percent hydrogen peroxide.

Chlorophyllipt usually replaces brilliant green, it does not burn the skin when applied, and is effective in treating pimples and bites. You can use one percent green.

Hydrogen peroxide is an indispensable tool for quick disinfection of scratches and wounds and should always be in the medicine cabinet.

"Bifidumbacterin", "Linex" or "Hilak Forte" are used in the treatment of dysbiosis and help in the recovery process of the intestines. And from diarrhea in the first-aid kit you must have "Smecta."

Examination of the newborn

Sorbents in the form of activated carbon, Entegnin and Polysorb MP will be needed in cases when intestinal infections, intoxications, poisoning, become a problem for your baby and for you.

The list of necessary first-aid kits for a newborn includes a syringe-dispenser for medicines, pipettes in the amount of two or three pieces, which are stored in cases without corners and notches, a baby cream and add to them creams for diaper rash and dermatitis, liquid paraffin, gum gel.

Having completed the first-aid kit for a newborn, it is necessary to take into account some rules for its storage. First of all, she has no place next to medicines for adults and should be stored in a place that is inaccessible to the child. It must be dark. To do this, it is better to use a box or drawer. However, the storage of candles from the first-aid kit for the newborn should be carried out in the refrigerator. It is important not to forget about such moments as instructions for the use and storage of medicines, so as not to doubt their shelf life. It will not be superfluous to have emergency numbers in the medicine cabinet.


We hope that our article was especially useful to newly moms. And also you managed to deal with the topic: "The main list of drugs in the first-aid kit for a newborn." Take care of children and regularly monitor their health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6054/

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