How to plant a rose correctly so that it will please you as long as possible

How you want to have rose bushes in your garden, enjoy their look and intoxicating smell. Garden markets, supermarkets and fairs offer a huge variety of seedlings. But to buy them is not enough. You need to know how to plant a rose so that it not only takes root, but also delights you with its appearance for many years.

To get started, you should browse through several catalogs or search the Internet to determine the desired rose variety. They are wild, flower beds, bush, ground cover, climbing, cascading and standard. For the decoration of the garden, you can choose any kind of roses. You will need to think carefully about the landing site and the combination with other landings.

Having decided on the desired view, we go to the garden supermarket for shopping. From the proposed variety, we select the appropriate color scheme of plants. We carefully read the annotation. On each package with seedlings, the properties of this variety are painted, as well as information on how to plant a rose. It is important to choose varieties that are frost-resistant, immune to various diseases, not older than three years, with strong, smooth and well-developed roots. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of several green, not wrinkled shoots. If the seedling of your choice has only one strong shoot, then cut it shorter during planting. This will stimulate the kidneys to awakening and increased growth.

Before planting a rose, you should treat the seedling with a disinfectant. Copper sulfate or foundationazole will do. If they are absent, use any growth stimulator. In the prepared solution, soak the roots of the seedling for a day. Such a measure will allow resuscitating dried roots.

While our seedlings are fed with nutrients from an aqueous solution, we are engaged in the selection of a planting site. We need a plot without drafts, away from trees, with plenty of sunshine, elevated and protected from stagnation of water. Before planting a rose, you should check the acidity of the soil. We will need neutral soil. This means that lime or ash must be added to acidic land, and peat or manure to alkaline soil.

How to plant a rose? At the selected place, we prepare a landing pit with a good drainage system. To do this, we fill the bottom of the pit with broken bricks, construction waste and various debris. From above we pour a fertile layer of earth, forming a small mound in the middle of the pit. For planting, choose a cloudy day or evening time. We shorten the root system by one third, remove all damaged parts. Lower the seedling into the pit, spreading the roots along the mound. We fall asleep with a soil mixture, water abundantly and lightly ram the earth around the seedling. Landing shade until the start of active growth. This will be a kind of signal that the plant has taken root. After that, the shadow screens can be removed.

If you have chosen a ground cover or climbing rose, then you need to immediately think about the place of its laying and shelter for the winter period. When caring for rose bushes, use only a sharp tool. This will help reduce the number of foci of infection and prolong your joy of flowering bushes.

Often we are presented with bouquets of roses of interesting shades and a wonderful smell. You can use them for breeding and growing this variety at home. How to plant a rose from a bouquet? Very simple. First, we select flowers with a good stem. It should not be flexible, but not woody. We cut it into pieces of arbitrary size. Each segment should have several buds and leaves. Cork the top cut with molten wax.

The bottom of our handle is treated with a growth stimulator. In a flower pot, pour a mixture consisting of one part of the earth and four parts of sand. We stick the stalk into the mixture, pour and cover with a cropped plastic bottle, making a small greenhouse. Further, our task will be to maintain sand moisture. As soon as your rose takes root and begins active growth of the buds, you should feed it with fertilizer for flowers. A well-established seedling can be planted on the site.


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