How to attach an extension to the house from the foam block with your own hands?

Today, near private houses, one can increasingly see extensions from foam blocks. However, this design has its own characteristics. How to attach an extension to the house from the foam block? What technological subtleties should I pay attention to? These questions will be answered in the article.


Why do you even need to build an extension to the house of foam blocks? The main goal is usually to increase the usable area. In some cases, this design is needed in order to improve the performance of the building.

extension material

Many builders prefer to use foam blocks because of their excellent performance. This material has a large number of voids. The more of them, the better it retains heat. The pores in the foam block are evenly distributed throughout the product. It should be noted that, unlike standard aerated concrete, the material under discussion is better suited for the construction of extensions. As a rule, they are built with their own hands. How to attach an extension to the house from the foam block? Let's get it right.

The advantages of foam blocks

So what are they? The foam block is highly durable. Working with this material is quite simple. It is possible to build an extension to the house from foam blocks even without experience. In addition, this building material is quite environmentally friendly. Damp and mold is rarely formed on foam blocks. The main thing is that for laying this building material does not require a significant investment of time. Moreover, foam blocks meet all fire safety requirements. The porous structure of the material prevents shrinkage. You can work with the foam block on any soil, it is light in weight and easy to fit. This is especially important in design and construction. Subject to all conditions, the life of this material exceeds 50 years.

The disadvantages of foam blocks

Despite such a number of positive characteristics, foam blocks have their own negative sides. Here are the most significant of them:

  1. Increased gyroscopicity. The construction of foam blocks must provide special protection. Otherwise, it will quickly lose its thermal insulation properties.
  2. Appearance. The construction of foam blocks without fail will have to be sheathed with finishing materials.

In which houses can I make a construction?

Today, many are interested in the addition to the house of foam blocks with their own hands. However, not everyone knows that not every building can be constructed. If the building is more than 15 years old, then work should only be carried out after determining the strength of the room. In addition, since the extension relates to redevelopment, it is necessary to make an individual project and coordinate all the changes with local authorities.

Construction stages

The process of building construction is somewhat specific. It requires strict adherence to the sequence of all stages.

Let's dwell on them in more detail.

  • Preparatory stage. Before starting construction, it is necessary to obtain official permission to carry out work in the relevant authorities. To choose the type of construction, it is recommended to look at typical projects of extensions to the house of foam blocks. Photos of ready-made solutions will also help determine. Designing a project is best entrusted to professionals. This will help to avoid major mistakes.
  • Foundation construction. Strength and durability of a building primarily depend on the quality of the foundation on which it stands. The construction of the foundation for the extension has its own characteristics. Some difficulties may be caused by the fact that work is not being done from scratch. Pairing the foundation of the building with the base of the entire building is not always easy. Rigid fixation with the help of reinforcement is carried out only when the foundation has already been established and settlement has occurred. In this case, the new foundation will not cause critical settlement of the entire building. In conditions of heaving soil, it is generally not recommended to make a rigid docking of foundations. A more economical method of joining is the expansion joint. An insulating material or roofing material must be applied to the top layer. The foundation of the annex is recommended to be poured separately from the main building due to differences in load.
extension building
  • Walling. The next step is the direct installation of foam blocks. You should start from the corners of the extension. It is recommended to moisten the lower side of the block for better adhesion to the mortar. A thick layer of waterproofing is necessarily applied to the first layer of blocks. This material will help protect the building from excessive moisture. The first row should be erected, strictly observing the horizontal and vertical position of the blocks. The quality of the entire building as a whole will depend on this. All horizontal defects are smoothed out using mortar. The size of the seams should not exceed 1 mm. To fix the foam blocks, special glue is used. The requirement to minimize seams is associated with the need to reduce the number of cold bridges. Adhesive for blocks should be prepared in strict accordance with the instructions. Put it first on the horizontal part, and then on the vertical. Each block must be aligned on both planes. Also, to align the rows, you can take a special grinding grater. The resulting dust is swept to the floor. In the corners of the extension every five rows place reinforcement. This reduces the likelihood of cracking and also contributes to better structural bonding.


So what do you need to know about this? Should an extension of the foam block to the brick house be insulated? And what materials are used for this purpose? Finishing in this case will be applied the same as in the construction of the main house. Materials must comply with the installation conditions and technical specifications of the house.

Mineral wool is best suited for thermal insulation. This material is characterized by high thermal conductivity and is great for outdoor insulation. However, when using mineral wool, it is necessary to take care of the installation of an additional waterproofing layer.


A budget and affordable option is polystyrene insulation. This material is characterized by high thermal conductivity, and also has excellent sealing properties. However, it should be borne in mind that it is combustible and requires additional treatment with refractory compounds.

Interior decoration

How to carry it out correctly? There are no special requirements for the interior decoration of the extension. Its decorative characteristics are not affected by wind, sun, precipitation. The main thing is to prepare the surface well. First, the plastered wall must be properly primed. This will improve the grip of the finish on a flat surface. Since it is not always possible to smoothly wall a wall of foam blocks with ordinary putty, it is recommended to use lighthouse gypsum plaster.

Installation of windows and doors

If the door jumpers are not installed correctly, the load on them may be incorrect. In this case, it is recommended to make an additional laying made of brick, reinforcing the main structure.

foam block extension

Arrangement of window structures and door jumpers can be carried out in two ways: using removable or fixed formwork.


How to make it right? Installation of floors is considered the final stage of construction work. They start it only when the foundation of the building is completely ready, the structures of the erected walls do not cause complaints, and window and doorways are installed. Aerated concrete slabs or wood are usually used as the floor material. When installing wooden elements, be sure to treat them with flame retardants.

Professional Tips

How to make an extension to the house of foam blocks? We have already described the general principle of the construction of this design. However, a quality extension will work out only if you follow the recommendations.

Here is some of them:

  • At the construction stage, the new foundation must be tied to the old one. For connection, you can use the welding method. Only after that they begin to fill the base.
  • To prevent shrinkage of the walls, let the new foundation stand. This process usually takes about two weeks. The finished foundation should be covered with bitumen mastic and covered with roofing material. This will provide additional waterproofing.
  • The extension will be much safer and warmer if you apply fiberglass to the walls before applying plaster and putty. Facades of walls after the finishing layer of plaster can be painted or subjected to a different design.
  • It is recommended to refuse to conduct communications (electrical wiring and piping) in the first year after the construction of the walls. This is due to the fact that the material can give movement. It is better to foresee the likelihood of displacement and lay the electrical wires in special corrugated pipes.
extension building
  • The quality of the entire structure depends on the correct determination of the height and dimensions of a future building. The roof should not reach the level of the roof of the house.
  • At the design stage, the location of future communications should be identified. Also think about where the doors and windows will be located. A new opening is cut only taking into account the strength of the bearing walls.

Creating an extension for a wooden house

What you need to know about this? Many mistakenly believe that only a building made of the same material can be attached to a wooden house. However, this is completely wrong. An annex to a wooden house made of foam blocks is a fairly common option today. Thus, you can build and attach to the house a beautiful veranda. Such a solution will look especially harmonious if you perform the siding facing.

extension to a residential building

In order for the annex to the wooden house from foam blocks to turn out to be of high quality, several simple rules must be taken into account, namely:

  1. Before erecting the structure, be sure to check the condition of the house, inspect all the walls. This is done in order to avoid uneven shrinkage and possible deformation of the building in the future.
  2. Find out the features of the foundation of the building: the dimensions and depth of the bookmark. So that there are no gaps between the base of the house and the created building, it is necessary to merge them. To do this, a small ditch is breached under the dwelling, strong steel reinforcement is hammered into the old foundation. Its continuation should be mounted in the foundation of the future extension.


Now you know how to attach an extension to the house from the foam block. If you follow the technology, you can achieve very good results. The initial stage of construction is the most important. The strength of the entire future construction depends on how correctly the project is selected.

finished extension

To determine the type of structure, you can study the photo of the outbuildings of the house from foam blocks. However, the selection of a suitable option will be determined by such factors as the dimensions of the estate and the material from which the living room is made.


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