Tomato Yamal: unpretentious variety with excellent characteristics

Yamal tomato

Today, tomatoes are the usual vegetables on domestic tables and beds. Everyone has long forgotten that tomato is a native of the South American rainforests that came to Russia only in the eighteenth century. It is impossible to imagine a modern garden plot without the tomatoes grown on it. Especially today, when the efforts of breeders created amazing varieties that can withstand the weather of adversity in areas of risky farming. One of them is Yamal tomato. The reviews of gardeners working with this variety are unambiguous: an excellent, high-yielding tomato for open ground, which does not require pinching and garter. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Grade Features

Tomato Yamal - a standard culture with limited shoot growth, low. The height of the bush is only 35-50 cm. This variety is intended for cultivation in the open ground and has become indispensable for beginner gardeners, making it very easy for them to grow. Early fruiting and excellent yields of up to 18 kg per square meter of plantings, combined with minimal care and a high degree of resistance to weather and diseases make the culture more and more popular.

The fruits ripen after 85-110 days after germination, and are characterized by excellent taste and excellent consistency, as well as universality of use. It can be used in the preparation of salads, juices, canned and processed into tomato paste or homemade ketchup. Despite the compact size of the bush, the fruits on the first brush with quality care can reach 150-180 g, its average weight varies from 70 to 100 g. Tomato Yamal is very compact and perfectly bears fruit at home - on the windowsill or balcony. In addition to the undoubted qualities of a vegetable culture, the variety has a high decorative effect, and disease resistance allows it to be preserved for a long time.

Agricultural technology

Tomato Yamal is characterized by its unpretentiousness and ability to set fruit even during periods of temporary cooling, which makes it possible to grow it in open beds in temperate latitudes, and to plant seeds in warmer areas, bypassing the seedling stage. But we are talking about a seedling method that eliminates the risks of crop loss.

Tomato Yamal is planted for seedlings in a separate plastic container, previously disinfected and having drainage holes. As a substrate, you can use the finished soil or prepare your own by mixing in equal proportions humus and vermiculite or river sand.

tomato Yamal reviews

Seeds must be warmed before sowing. This will maximize their security against the occurrence of various diseases and get quick friendly shoots. They are warmed up, keeping on the central heating battery for 2-3 days. Then for half an hour they soak in a dark cherry-colored manganese solution. Subsequently, washing in running water and slightly dried, they are sown in a moistened, but not loose, flowability substrate. Seedling containers are covered with glass or film and placed in the light, trying to maintain a room temperature of at least 23 ยฐ C.

Hardening and temperature conditions

During the germination of seedlings, the covering material is removed from the containers, it is better to do this gradually over several hours. This minimizes stress in small plants. The first watering is moderate spraying with a finely sprayed stream. It is necessary to harden seedlings immediately, lowering night temperatures to 10-12 ยฐ C, and keeping daytime at 12-17 ยฐ C. A similar regimen is observed until the transplantation of an adult seedling to the ridges.

Dive works

As soon as the second or third true leaves appear near the seedlings, each seedling should be distributed in separate containers, since it is time for a dive. This process also begins with the preparation of containers, their disinfection and checking for drainage holes.

tomato Yamal photo
Pots should be no deeper than 8 cm and no wider than 10 cm in diameter. Universal soil purchased in the store is also suitable for the further development of seedlings in separate containers. Plant transplantation in experienced gardeners is accompanied by top dressing. The best option today is the treatment with peat-humic fertilizers on the 7th day of transplantation and with the subsequent application of these fertilizers every 2 weeks.

Tomato Yamal: soil preparation description

For the cultivation of tomatoes, the southern sides of the plots are chosen. The best predecessors of tomatoes are cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, onions. It is not recommended to plant tomatoes in the beds where potatoes, eggplant or pepper were previously grown. But even in the same place, tomatoes are able to produce good crops for several years. It is only necessary to fertilize the soil well in this area with high-quality organic matter, since tomatoes extract nutrients from the soil , significantly impoverishing it.

Yamal tomato description

The land for planting tomatoes is prepared in the fall: they reduce the increased acidity (if present) by adding 500-800 g of lime, 6-8 kg of humus, 50 g of superphosphate per square meter during autumn digging. In the spring, before planting tomatoes, they again dig the soil, adding 20 g of potash and 40 g of nitrogen fertilizers per 1 sq. Km. m

Tomato Yamal: cultivation and care

The variety is planted in late May - early June, after spring return frosts recede. In warm areas, gardeners practice planting tomatoes on May 10-12. Tomato Yamal, the planting photo of which is presented, takes root very well.

Yamal tomato growing

On the prepared site, dig holes, measuring their depth with the length of the seedlings. It is buried below the level at which it was in seedlings. Usually seedlings of this variety are not elongated, but if this happens, they are placed in the hole at an angle so that rooting is faster due to the formation of lateral roots. Wells with seedlings laid in them are generously shed with warm water (5 l / 1 bush), covered with soil, not forgetting to condense and subsequently mulch. The improved qualities of the variety allow it to quickly survive the planting, take root and develop at an enviable rate. For many gardeners, Yamal tomato, the care reviews of which confirm the qualities indicated by seed producers, greatly facilitated the cultivation of such crops, making it possible not to pinch and not tie the bush, limiting the necessary care for it with timely watering and top dressing.


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