Mountain forests of Russia: flora and fauna

Mountain forests in Russia - this is about 45% of the forest fund of the state as a whole. Their main feature is zoning in an upright position, characterized by a typical variety of rocks. Their composition depends on the location.

The importance of areas with mountains

forests of Russia

This ecosystem is of particular importance. Mountain forests take part in the formation of the climate of various regions of the state, because they:

  • stabilize the circulation of air masses;
  • affect the amount of precipitation;
  • contribute to weakening wind power.

During the illegal destruction of such forests, special situations were observed when strong winds adversely affected the ecosystems. Mountain forests are of great importance in delaying the melting of precipitation, which is why the balanced nutrition of rivers and other bodies of water in the area is regulated.

Also depends on this water supply of residential areas, industrial structures, agricultural land and territories that belong to this territory.

The detrimental effects of tree felling

In the mountain resort areas of the forest, measures are necessary to protect the healing mineral springs. If deforestation is not regulated, this will invariably lead to disaster.

Mineral Waters in the Caucasus should be cited as an example. At the end of the 19th century, there were about 310,000 ha of broad-leaved forests from various tree species in the area. But before the revolution, due to the desire of the population to get good and easy money, a massive felling of trees began. Not a single person thought about the terrible results. As a result, the rivers are shallow, and the eminent source today gives about 4000 liters daily instead of 30 000 liters. Therefore, in Pyatigorsk, due to this situation, the flow rate of the source decreased by more than 20 times.

The fight for the destruction of green areas

Forests in the mountains are doing quite serious work in the fight against erosion. They affect the water content in the soil and contribute to the uniform nature of runoff on the surface, which without thickets will destroy the upper layers of the soil. In addition, mountain forests due to the branched root system are necessary for strengthening when:

  • falling stones;
  • various landslides.

For areas with stones located close to residential areas, such forests should:

  • be an obstacle to avalanches that destroy everything in their path;
  • calm the blizzards.

A similar protective function is performed by mountain forests in those areas where roads for trains and cars are located, as well as industrial and agricultural buildings.

Forests of various climatic types

natural areas of Russia

Many forests are located in the Asian part of Russia. They are widespread in various climatic zones, starting from the subtropics of Transcaucasia, ending with the tundra of Siberia and the Northern Urals. As a rule, in the Far East there are mountain taiga forests. Conifers are often common in them. But you can meet deciduous.

In the southwestern side of the Far East, along with fir and spruce forests, there are also forest areas with broad-leaved representatives. Sometimes you can find mountain spruce forests, usually on the slopes. However, in large areas of juniper and pistachio thickets. And these are the breeds that do not need moisture. In areas that are more or less wet, you can see nuts and wild apple trees. Central Asia is characterized by a dry climate. Here, forests regulate the melting process, and also help in irrigation of the soil.

The role of rocks in the Caucasus

persimmon tree

This area is characterized by a significant typical composition of forests in the mountains. As a rule, there are not only deciduous and coniferous trees, but also fruit trees. Endemic varieties are common that apply only to the Caucasus. Often there are relict varieties, for example, persimmons.

On the territory there are a large number of institutions for relaxation, health resorts and camp sites. Here berries are harvested, medicinal plants are harvested.

The bounty of nature

mountain birds of Russia

Birds of mountain forests in Russia - Siberian pine, owl, partridge, woodpecker. Do not forget that domestic forests are rich and diverse in terms of fauna.

The largest abundance of animals is observed in the south of the country. The most striking representatives of the fauna of mountain deciduous forests are: fox, steppe wolf, gray partridge, lark, steppe eagle.

If you go up a little higher on the map and reach the taiga, this area is characterized by such representatives: kutora, European hedgehog, field mouse, hare, forest mouse, baby mouse, common vole, mink, red deer, roe deer, black ferret.

And the Siberian taiga has become home to such representatives of the fauna as sable, forest lemming, Altai mole, dark-toothed, tiny and flat-shrew shrew. Here you can stumble on sable, chipmunk, squirrel, bear, marten, wolverine.

In the north of the country, in the forests, the deer is considered the king of the fauna, besides it, Arctic foxes, owls and lemmings live here.


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