Caisson - what is it? Caisson for a well

If you decide to install a caisson, what is it, it is important to find out. Initially, this element was used for underwater operations; it had the appearance of a chamber, which had a square or round shape. The main feature was the quality of water resistance.

Caisson Description

caisson what is it

In order to achieve continuous operation of the system, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the climate and think through everything to the smallest detail. When the temperature of the environment drops below zero, water has the ability to freeze. Underground horizons are below freezing, while pumping equipment is located on the surface, this indicates that the liquid will freeze during the first frost. This will cause the pump to become unusable immediately, the pipes will burst and the system will fail. The caisson will help to eliminate these problems. What is it, you can find out by reading this article.

The mentioned element of the well is a large insulated tank, which is equipped with a lid. The latter is also insulated. Inside is the necessary equipment. Among other things, you can install a pump inside, as well as shutoff valves, automation, filters, expansion tank and measuring instruments. It is possible to deprive a caisson well only when it is located close to a heated building or any similar structure. This option is more convenient, because in this case you will have access to all nodes of the system. However, this technology has its drawbacks. They consist in the fact that the equipment requires the need for a sufficiently large free space, the second drawback is the rather noisy operation of the equipment.

Description of plastic box

well box

If you decide to choose a plastic caisson, what is it, you can find out below. Such designs may have a rectangular, square or round shape. They have found the greatest distribution among consumers. This is due to the low price, low weight, long life, excellent thermal insulation qualities, as well as waterproofing. If we compare the cost, then the plastic counterparts are significantly less compared to reinforced concrete and steel. Low weight simplifies loading and unloading, as well as installation manipulation. Plastic does not corrode at all, and also does not require additional insulation. The temperature inside the tank always remains within +5 degrees, which eliminates the freezing of water. If you decide to choose a plastic box, what is it, it is important to know. Some disadvantages of such designs should be taken into account. They are expressed in insufficient rigidity, this can cause a change in the linear dimensions of the tank, this may be followed by equipment breakdown. This problem can be solved quite simply, for this it will be necessary to backfill along the perimeter with a cement mortar, it will be enough for this to provide a layer whose thickness is 80 millimeters.

Metal caisson

installation of a caisson

You can make a steel caisson with your own hands. However, such options are also sold in stores of related products. Outside, the structure will need to be treated with an anti-corrosion compound, and metal with a thickness of 4 millimeters can be used as the material. Quite often, ready-made models are made of stainless steel, this guarantees a long lifespan. However, it must be taken into account that a caisson of this type will cost more than analogues.

Reinforced concrete caisson

caisson plastic

You can install a caisson made of reinforced concrete rings. Such products have recently been used less and less, this is due to the high cost, high weight and poor waterproofing. Significant mass complicates the transportation process, and also implies the need to rent lifting equipment, which entails additional costs. As for poor waterproofing, because of the hygroscopic nature of the material, you will need to take measures to isolate the rings. In severe frosts, water in the pump and valves may freeze. Thus, the reinforced concrete caisson does not always fulfill its main function. Among other things, it exerts an impressive load on the soil, over the years the design sags, which contributes to the deformation of the piping system.

Installation of a caisson

do-it-yourself caisson

If you will be installing the caisson, then some rules must be observed. As for the steel structure, the work must begin with the preparation of the pit. It is important to note that its diameter should be slightly larger compared to the caisson itself - by 30 cm. The depth should be calculated so that the neck of the tank is 15 cm above the ground surface. This will exclude the ingress of surface water that forms during melting snow and rainfall. In the next step, a hole is made for the casing, which will be located in the bottom. It can be oriented in the central part or shifted in any direction. A plastic caisson is installed according to the same principle. At the next stage, the sleeve from the pipe must be welded to the hole, the diameter of which should be larger than the diameter of the casing. The length of the sleeve can vary from 10 to 15 cm. You need to make sure that the sleeve is easily put on the pipe.


If you independently install a caisson for a well, then a membrane tank may be located in it . It is necessary to mount it in such a way that the neck of the casing pipe is shifted towards the side of the tank wall. This will allow you to position the tank without restricting access to the well. Once you know what a caisson for a well is, you can purchase equipment and think about installing it. It is important to provide the caisson with all the necessary qualities, including thermal insulation and protection against sewage. Only in this case you will be supplied with clean water all year round, which will not freeze even in the most severe winters.


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