The best varieties of tomatoes for Siberia: photos and reviews

The climate in Siberia, as you know, is pretty cold. But all the same, summer residents of this region usually get good harvests of various garden crops. This also applies to such a popular plant as tomatoes. Extremely cold-resistant tomatoes of a more or less early ripening period, not demanding on heat and daylight hours, are suitable for Siberia.

Varieties of tomatoes intended for cultivation in a cool climate with a short summer, many were bred by breeders. Tomatoes can be grown in Siberia, as well as in central Russia, both in open ground and in closed ground.

The best varieties designed for greenhouses

The peculiarity of such tomatoes is primarily that they are capable of self-pollination. For obvious reasons, insects can get into the greenhouse, but the fruits of greenhouse tomatoes can be tied without their participation.

Varieties of tomatoes for Siberia

The best varieties of tomatoes for Siberia from this group, according to many summer residents, are:

  • Scarlet candles.
  • Pride of Siberia.
  • Ilyich F1.
  • Amber.
  • King of Siberia.

All these tomatoes are able to develop well with a short daylight and also have a high yield. These are actually the best varieties of tomatoes for Siberia. The seeds of such tomatoes are definitely worth buying and trying to grow in the greenhouse to summer residents of this region.

Tomato Scarlet Candles: General Description

This variety was recently bred by Siberian breeders - in 2007, it got its name for the characteristic elongated shape of the fruit. Scarlet candles belong to the group of indeterminate varieties of tomatoes, that is, the bushes of these tomatoes do not finish growing throughout the season. Over the summer, the length of the stem of tomatoes Scarlet candles can reach 2 m. This variety necessarily requires garter.

The peel and pulp of the fruit of Scarlet Candles is pink-red. Tomato fruits grow not too large, the average weight of a tomato of this variety is 90-120 g. Scarlet candles also relate to the peculiarities of tomatoes that their stepsons grow almost parallel to the stem, without deviating to the sides. In each brush of a bush of this variety up to 7 fruits can be tied.

Tomatoes Scarlet candles ripen on the 105-115th day after planting, that is, this variety belongs to the group of medium early.

Reviews summer residents about the grade Scarlet candles

Scarlet candles are really quite often tomatoes grown in greenhouses. For Siberia, they fit very well. Gardeners have a good opinion of these tomatoes due to their high yield. From 1 m 2 plantings of these tomatoes over the summer, you can collect up to 12 kg of fruits. Moreover, the scarlet candles show the best results in this regard when grown in a greenhouse. In the open ground, as some summer residents note, their productivity is lower.

This variety of tomatoes for Siberia is appreciated by gardeners and for resistance to disease. Blight these tomatoes, for example, are sick much less often than many other greenhouse varieties. Scarlet candles are resistant, according to the assurances of many gardeners, and to brown spotting.

Description of the variety Pride of Siberia

These tomatoes are also grown by summer residents of the cold regions of the country in greenhouses quite often. Red tomato fruits Pride of Siberia have the shape of a slightly flattened heart. Tomatoes of this variety grow very large. At the moment, the Pride of Siberia is the largest-fruited tomato of all bred for cultivation in the cold regions of our country.

Tomatoes Pride of Siberia

The fruits of these tomatoes can reach a weight of 900 g. Pride of Siberia belongs to the group of determinant standard varieties. However, the stem length of these tomatoes can be significant - up to 150 cm. That is, this variety, given the weight of its fruits, needs a garter, like no other.

Reviews gardeners

To the advantages of the Pride of Siberia, like Scarlet Candles, gardeners attribute primarily high yields. With 1 m 2 plantings of these tomatoes, summer residents, with good care, collect up to 20 kg of fruits. According to many gardeners, these greenhouse tomatoes are the best for Siberia. In addition to high productivity, tomatoes of this variety are also unpretentious.

To get a large crop of these tomatoes, experienced gardeners advise planting the Pride of Siberia less often. On 1 m 2 in the greenhouse usually have no more than 4-5 bushes.

Another advantage of tomatoes Pride of Siberia gardeners consider the pleasant taste of their fruits. Tomatoes of this variety, according to many gardeners, are simply ideal for fresh consumption and for preparing summer salads. Also, tomato paste is often made from the fruits of the Pride of Siberia, fillings for preserving eggplant and pepper, and ketchup.

Hybrid Ilyich F1: description

The fruits of this tomato have a flat round shape. For Siberia, the tomato variety Ilyich F1 is well suited due to early ripening. These tomatoes ripen on the 100th day after planting.

The skin of Ilyich F1 is red, and the flesh is dense and juicy. This hybrid belongs to the indeterminate group. During the season, Ilyich F1 bushes can reach a height of 1.5 m. The fruits on this hybrid do not grow too big. Their average weight is 140-150 g.

Reviews of summer residents of the hybrid

In terms of productivity, Ilyich F1 is in no way inferior to the two popular varieties described above. From one bush of this tomato, summer residents collect up to 5 kg of fruits. On forums on the Internet you can see only good reviews about this tomato. For Siberia, Ilyich F1, according to most gardeners, fits just fine.

Also, this variety, like the Pride of Siberia, is appreciated by gardeners for the pleasant sweet and rich taste of fruits. You can use these tomatoes both for fresh consumption and for canning.

In terms of resistance to diseases, Ilyich F1 has no complaints from summer residents. This hybrid is considered to be very resistant to the most common nightshade diseases.

The best tomatoes for Siberia: Amber variety

Of course, gardeners in Siberia, as in other regions of Russia, in most cases grow red tomatoes in greenhouses. But yellow tomatoes are quite popular among domestic gardeners. The best variety of this variety, intended for indoor cultivation in Siberia, according to many, is Amber.

The fruits of this tomato are round, even, smooth. They grow small - up to 50-70 g. The peel and pulp of the fruit of Amber are rich yellow. The yield of the variety is up to 2.5 kg per bush.

Amber Tomatoes

Gardeners reviews

The advantages of this variety include early ripening. Amber tomatoes ripen on the 90-100th day after planting. That is, these tomatoes for Siberia are just perfect. At the same time, the taste of the Amber fruit is excellent.

Summer residents consider another undoubted advantage of these tomatoes is that their neat little fruits are just perfect for canning. The skin of these tomatoes is very dense. Therefore, when salting or pickling, Amber tomatoes do not crack, and in the jar they look very appetizing.

Unpretentiousness in leaving, according to summer residents, is another advantage of these tomatoes. Amber bushes grow low - up to 50 cm, that is, they do not require garters when grown in a greenhouse. In addition, it is not necessary to pinch these tomatoes.

Variety King of Siberia

This is another yellow tomato cultivated in greenhouses by many gardeners from short summer regions. The fruits of this variety, excellent for growing indoors, are quite large in size. The weight of tomatoes can reach up to 800 g. The King of Siberia tomatoes are heart-shaped, slightly elongated. In height, bushes of this variety can reach 180 cm.

The opinion of gardeners about the variety

This variety earned good reviews from gardeners primarily for its high productivity. With 1 m 2 of landings, you can collect up to 15 kg of such fruits. Another undoubted advantage of the King of Siberia, according to summer residents, is resistance to all kinds of nightshade diseases.

Some disadvantage of the variety, according to gardeners, is that its fruits are not suitable for canning. However, the flesh of these tomatoes has a rather pleasant taste, which is why the fruits of the King of Siberia are often used for making summer salads.

Tomatoes King of Siberia

Varieties suitable for outdoor cultivation

Many greenhouse varieties of tomatoes, bred recently by breeders, are excellent, including for Siberia. Seeds of tomato varieties discussed above, summer residents of this region must be purchased at least for testing. Even in Siberia, tomatoes with a great desire and experience can be grown directly on the beds.

In this case, you need to carefully approach the selection of seeds. Since the summer in Siberia is short, experienced gardeners usually choose early or mid-ripe tomato varieties. Suitable for growing in open ground in cold areas are, for example, tomatoes:

  • Iceberg.
  • Siberian troika.
  • Soil mushroom.
  • Snow fairy tale.
  • Siberian trump card.

According to many gardeners, it is these varieties of tomatoes grown, including those in beds, that are the best for Siberia. Reviews from summer residents of these varieties deserved just excellent.

Tomato Iceberg: Description

This early variety is suitable for outdoor cultivation in cold regions primarily because it has good resistance to sudden changes in temperature. It is worth paying attention to it, choosing the best tomato seeds for Siberia. Under the film, Iceberg tomatoes are able to tolerate frosts almost without harm to themselves.

The peel of tomatoes and pulp of this variety have a rich bright red color. Iceberg fruits can reach weight in 200 g. From one bush of this variety Siberian gardeners collect up to 4 kg of fruits.

Iceberg tomatoes do not grow tall. On average, the length of their stem by the end of the season is 50 cm. The fruits of this variety can be used both for fresh consumption, and for the preparation of salads or canning.

Iceberg tomatoes

Why Iceberg is popular with gardeners

On gardening forums from summer residents of areas with a short summer and about this tomato you can see mostly only very good reviews. Of course, many gardeners in this region are looking for the best tomatoes for Siberia. And often experienced gardeners advise beginners to purchase seeds of the Iceberg variety.

The pros of this tomato Siberian gardeners include:

  • unpretentiousness in leaving;
  • high productivity;
  • pleasant taste of the fruit.

It is not required to pinch these tomatoes during the season, which, of course, greatly facilitates the care of them. Summer residents also consider the high density of fruit pulp to be a great advantage of these tomatoes. When canned, Iceberg tomatoes do not crack, remain intact and beautiful.

Tomatoes Siberian troika

This variety was bred by domestic breeders in 2004, it is relatively new. However, he already managed to gain enormous popularity with Siberian summer residents. Tomatoes of this variety grow not too high - up to 60 cm. The bushes of the Siberian three need to be tied up only during the ripening of the fruits. If desired, the yield of these tomatoes can be increased by building one of the shoots.

The fruits of the Siberian trio weigh on average 200-350 g. They have a pepper shape with a small nose at the end. The length of these tomatoes in some cases can reach 15 cm. The skin of the tomatoes of the Siberian troika is bright red, dense, but very tender. It is believed that these tomatoes are great for salads, and for pickling or pickling.

The opinion of gardeners

The Siberian troika - tomatoes for Siberia, according to many gardeners, suitable just fine. This variety has earned good reviews from gardeners for its unpretentiousness and ability to produce good crops even in the coldest season. This tomato is also appreciated by summer residents and for simply excellent taste of the fruit, which is preserved even after heat treatment.

Also, as many summer residents note, these tomatoes have a very strong immunity to most common nightshade diseases. This variety shows good results in terms of yield. In the summer, many Siberian gardeners collect up to 15-20 kg of fruit from 1 m 2 of plantings.

What is a tomato Ground mushroom

This variety is characterized primarily by the very small size of the fruit. These tomatoes weigh only about 60-100 g. The peel of the soil of Gribovy mushroom is red, and its shape is round.

Mushroom Tomatoes

Harvesting this variety from the beds even in Siberia can begin on the 95-100th day after planting. At the same time, the fruits of Gruntovy mushroom ripen very amicably. Most often, these tomatoes are eaten fresh. But for salting, they are relatively good.

Bushes of this variety grow low, the average length of their stem is 50-60 cm. When grown on beds of bushes of this tomato, summer residents in most cases do not tie them.

The best varieties of tomatoes for Siberia: reviews about Ground mushroom

The advantages of these tomatoes, like many others, intended for cultivation in areas with a short summer, many gardeners attribute excellent resistance to low temperatures. Also, the unpretentiousness and pleasant taste of the fruits are considered the advantages of this variety. Too much time caring for these tomatoes from summer residents does not take away and does not cause trouble.

To some of the drawbacks of the Mushroom Gribovsky gardeners include only the fact that its fruits, when fully ripe, can, unfortunately, fall off. In order to prevent this from happening, harvesting from bushes of this variety should be done on time.

Tomatoes Snow Tale

This original variety of tomatoes in appearance cannot be confused with any other. The bushes of the Snow Fairytale grow low, strong and very compact.

The peel of the fruits of this variety is red. Tomatoes of the Snow Fairy Tale grow small, their weight rarely exceeds 60-70 g. The fruits of this variety ripen on the 105-115th day after planting.

Snow Fairy Tale Reviews

According to summer residents, this is another tomato variety very suitable for Siberia. In the open ground in cold regions it can be grown completely without fear.

In terms of yield, these tomatoes, according to summer residents, are inferior to many varieties intended for cultivation in Siberia. However, their gardeners grow willingly. The bushes of the Snow Fairytale look really neat and beautiful. Some gardeners even grow these tomatoes as an ornamental plant - in a cache-pot.

The gardeners consider the taste of fruits to be a plus of these tomatoes. To use them, according to gardeners, it is possible both for the preparation of salads, and for pickling or salting.

Snow fairy tale

Summer residents consider susceptibility to many types of diseases to be a certain disadvantage of tomatoes of this variety. In order not to lose crop, Snow Queen tomatoes should be sprayed on time with chemicals or self-prepared infusions.

Siberian trump card

This tomato belongs to the group of medium early varieties. Its fruits ripen on the 110th day after transplanting. Bushes of this variety grow not too high, but not low. By the end of summer, the stem of the Siberian trump card reaches a length of about 80 cm.

To form these tomatoes laid in two stems. In this case, the stepson is usually left under the first peduncle. Despite the fact that these tomatoes do not grow too tall, they require tying on the garden bed. Without additional support, the bushes of the Siberian trump card may simply not withstand the severity of the fruit.

Tomatoes on bushes of this variety grow really large. Their weight can reach 300-500 grams. The shape of the fruits of tomatoes of this variety is rounded, strongly flattened.

Reviews about Siberian Trump

The main advantage of these tomatoes, summer residents of the cold regions of the country consider, of course, resistance to early frosts. Also, a big plus of this variety, judging by the reviews, is simply an excellent survival rate of seedlings.

Many experienced gardeners believe that for growing in open field in areas with short daylight hours, these are perhaps the best seeds. For Siberia, tomatoes of this variety are suitable, according to most gardeners, just fine. The fruits of these tomatoes are easily tied even in very poor lighting conditions. The strong differences in day and night temperatures do not adversely affect the productivity of the Siberian trump card.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we found out which tomatoes should be planted in Siberia. The reviews and photos presented in the article will probably help summer residents of this region to choose the most suitable variety of this popular culture for growing in open ground or in a greenhouse. , , , .


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