How to find out your efficiency in World of Tanks?

Gamers sometimes confuse World of Tanks with a shooter - they believe that all that matters here is the number of enemy tanks killed. However, this is the biggest misconception, because in WoT the most important thing is to act together in a team. You can not destroy enemy tanks at all, while doing useful actions, helping your team, capturing the enemyโ€™s base or preventing the capture of your base. Thus, it becomes clear that you need to look not at the number of frags, but at how effective the player is in battle. But where to see it? How to find out your efficiency?

Parameters affecting efficiency

find out your efficiency

As everyone is well aware, efficiency is a coefficient of performance that demonstrates how effectively you work on the battlefield. The difference between this indicator and the number of frags, that is, enemy tanks killed, is that the efficiency gives a much broader and more accurate idea of โ€‹โ€‹who the player really is. So, in order to find out your efficiency, you need to understand what exactly affects it. First of all, the total number of battles that you spent is considered, then both the tanks destroyed by you and the damage done, enemy tanks found, capture and defense points of the base are calculated. But if the efficiency were calculated only by these indicators, it would not be the most accurate result, since different players play on different tanks, so you need to pay attention even to various little things and side moments. Taking all this into account, you can find out your efficiency.

What does efficiency show?

efficiency in tanks how to find out

You could find out your efficiency, but what do you do with the resulting figure? In fact, a specific scale does not exist, so you have to deal with how good your performance is. If you want at least a little accuracy, then you can focus on approximate values. If the efficiency drops below 600, then we can safely say that you play very poorly and do not show decent results, so you need to try hard and develop tactics, work in a team and use all the advantages of your tank. Up to 900 points of efficiency means that you are an ordinary middle peasant who does not pose a particular threat, but is also not very easy to destroy. If you managed to achieve an efficiency of 1500, then you can be proud of yourself, because such a coefficient indicates a high level of professionalism on the battlefield. Well, 1800 is a coefficient that everyone can only dream of striving for. If you see someone in your team with an efficiency of around 1800, you can rejoice because this person can bring you victory. Well, if the opponent has such a player - you better fear him, because his experience and ability are not in doubt. Now you see the important role that efficiency plays in Tanks. How to get to know it without spending the whole evening doing mathematical calculations, substituting various values โ€‹โ€‹in complex formulas?

Efficiency Calculators

learn wot efficiency

To make it easier for gamers to navigate in terms of efficiency, special services have been created that allow you to quickly and efficiently calculate the efficiency in "Tanks". How to find out the result? Everything is very simple - you only need to enter your nickname in the game and let the program do the rest. She will collect all the necessary information about your profile, make the necessary calculations and give you the exact result with which you can already work on your skills. As you can see, you do not need to do high mathematics to find out the efficiency in WoT - this has already been taken care of for you.

Using Olenemere

find out player efficiency

Experienced WoT users have long learned about XVM - the most popular mod for the game, and have been using it for many days. What does it have to do with efficiency? The fact is that with its help you can find out the efficiency in WoT from any other player participating in the battle without leaving the game and without resorting to using third-party programs. When you go into battle, you always see a list of participants from both sides, but with Olenemer you will get access to much more information about these players. You will receive data on how many fights the player spent, how many of them ended in victories for him, and most importantly - his efficiency. By this indicator, you can understand which of the opponents will be easy prey, and who should beware.

The numbers are not everything

As you know, it can be very useful to find out the efficiency of an adversary. But itโ€™s worthwhile to understand that numbers do not win fights. More than once there were cases when a team with minimal chances of victory won the battle in which they predicted a rout. Efficiency is important information, but more importantly, to know what you are capable of, to work in a team and try to win in any conditions. Use the indicators of "Olenemer" or any other efficiency calculator only as useful information, and not as fundamental material for determining battle tactics. You fight not with numbers, but with living people, and even the strongest opponents can make mistakes, so donโ€™t be afraid to fight even in the most desperate fights - you always have chances to win.


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