St. Petersburg: where to go on the weekend? Where to go with a child in St. Petersburg?

Petersburgers can be envied in a good way, because they live in one of the most wonderful, interesting and attractive cities for tourists. There is such an abundance of various entertainments that the question of where to go to St. Petersburg sounds a bit naive even for those who live in an unthinkable distance and can only sob uncontrollably over the expensive offers of travel agencies.

Nothing complicated

Of course, the eyes of the fortunate Petersburgers have already “blurred”, even the splendor, if it surrounds you every day, may seem routine. Well, if you want to get to know your native St. Petersburg closer, where to go on a weekend - the choice is painful, of course, but not so much. In the end, your beloved city will not run away: next Saturday you can "improve", even if this was a failure.

St. Petersburg where to go
Of course, a lot depends on the will of the celestial spheres - unless lazy, I wrote and whined about the weather in Peter's creation. Only all these are miserable excuses: there are places where you can go to St. Petersburg even in the worst of weather.

Palaces and mansions

In the city there are only ten imperial palaces, sixteen - princely, and various mansions that once belonged to noble nobles and other personalities noticeable in the history of Russia, there are no numbers. Not every resident of the metropolis can boast that he saw them all - so why not fill the gap and go to conquer uncharted spaces.

A great option for those who are trying to decide where to go on a weekend in St. Petersburg is the Yusupov Palace. Once it belonged to the Shuvalovs, then to Catherine the Second (she bought it, and then presented it to a close friend, niece of Prince Potemkin). In the 30s of the 18th century, the mansion became the property of a noble family of the Yusupovs - current generations owe them luxurious decoration of interiors, which make your heart die and wander through amazing halls, gaping mouths.

Where to go in St. Petersburg

Kingdom of luxury

The palace itself is located on Moika 94. The traveler will not be disappointed by the austere, unpromising facade: yellow-orange walls, white columns, among which the front door is unconvincingly shy. As soon as a newly-minted tourist gets inside and gets the opportunity to contemplate the vast front staircase, he will inevitably fall under the charm of this magnificent mansion, which St. Petersburg is so rich in: it will be easier to decide where to go next weekend. The main thing here is to start.

Experienced tourists recommend an audio guide. Yes, it’s more expensive than a group excursion (almost twice), but you don’t need to skip after the guide, but you can devote as much time to each room as you want.

Aristocratic chic

Each hall (it’s just that the language doesn’t call rooms) has its own story and special decoration. This is partly due to the fact that during the XIX century the palace was constantly being rebuilt, various architects made adjustments both to the layout and the interior of the mansion.

Everything is interesting here: the acoustic riddles of the Billiard Room, and the absolutely charming princely theater, the scene of which remembers Liszt, Yesenin, and Viardot. In this mansion, on the initiative of several nobles who were thus trying to save Russia, Grigory Rasputin was killed . The event is devoted to a whole exposition with wax figures of characters.

Where to go in St. Petersburg in May
The palace is not a museum - the Soviet government “unsubscribed” it to the people's commissar of education with royal generosity, and it has remained to this day. This is probably the most luxurious Teacher’s House in the former Union.

There are official events like conventions and conferences. The palace has its own website, so finding the right information like a work schedule or interesting exhibitions and performances (the theater is operational!) Will not be difficult.

And this is only one of the palaces of the City! And there are more than three dozen of them - this is St. Petersburg! Where to go - the issue has been resolved for the next six months.

No museums!

Of course, the Hermitage can be prescribed as a separate line, because everyone in the world knows that you can go here at least every day - and it will still be interesting. Of course, those who are tired of museums back in their school years will have to look for other entertainments, but is this really a problem?

People burdened with offspring and unable to decide where to go on a weekend in St. Petersburg, the answer is simple to find: of course, on Divo Island! It is extremely easy to get to - the entrance to the park is right next to the exit from the Prospekt Prosvescheniya metro station.

Visitors note that this amusement park is worthy of "our answer to Chamberlain." The inspirer of construction, of course, was Disneyland - this is not hidden. Here even the cups with the teapot are spinning, as in the most famous entertainment center of all time.

where to go to St. Petersburg


The design of the park is beyond praise; you won’t want to cover the camera with guarantee: huts on chicken legs flaunt in the clearings, and giant mushrooms next to them. Among the trees there is a scattering of bright "Halloween" pumpkins.

Funny firefighters, frog princess, cowboys, Indians, three-headed dragons (even just hatched from an egg). In general, whom only did not sheltered on the Divo Island of St. Petersburg: where to go at every next moment, decide the children who are in complete cultural shock. It is strictly forbidden to lose sight of your beloved child, who rushes about beside himself with delight from an attraction to an attraction.

where to go in saint petersburg for may

For the bravest and the most curious

It offers visitors the most advanced "tickling of nerves" - and a bird's-eye chain carousel, and a classic roller coaster. And also - a variety of turntables, cable "slingshots", slides, cars - in general, the choice is huge. The smallest ones will also find something to do: such spaces are prepared for them, where the path to hazards is ordered.

There is also another place to go with a child in St. Petersburg: “Kindburg” in the territory of the Grand Canyon shopping and entertainment complex - there is no way for adults to come here, so the cub should be quite independent, but after “handing it over” to the animators, you can safely go walking - even after six hours of continuous drive, your treasure will desperately resist and refuse to return home.

Here you can "test" different professions, learn how to craft interesting things, draw, dance, participate in contests, and generally have fun.

Another great option where you can go in St. Petersburg is the Oceanarium. Yes, “this is not Barcelona”, as they have already said (I wonder if they have been to Catalonia?), But also impressive. Walking through a transparent tunnel surrounded by colorful inhabitants of the depths is not the last pleasure.

Where to go on a weekend in St. Petersburg

The May holidays

The city is especially hospitable and good in the last month of spring, so there are a lot of options where to go in St. Petersburg in May. This is a time of magical white nights, during which you can see admiring the bridges (by the way, it’s better to do it from land), and walk through St. Petersburg parks and embankments.

At the beginning of May there are a lot of days off, and here everyone is happy to try: concerts, festivals, processions and so on. have numbers. So in the process of choosing where to go to St. Petersburg in May, you can find even the most unexpected options if the traditional procession along Nevsky no longer satisfies the needs of entertainment.

Holidays do not end on Victory Day, because the last Sunday of spring is City Day. Numerous events are also timed to this event, so where to go in St. Petersburg in May is decided quite simply.

Hall help

Confused citizens who are not able to decide on their own can turn to the collective mind for help. In this case, he will not fail. A rare city boasts as many dedicated fans as St. Petersburg. Where to go - they will tell, show, advise the best routes. They even whisper how and how to save money. Having visited one (or rather several) resources devoted to Peter — and there are simply a huge number of them — you can be filled with so many ideas that you won’t realize them in two years.

where to go with a child in St. Petersburg
So it’s enough to just ask: “Where to go on holidays in St. Petersburg?” - how in a few minutes you will have at your disposal up-to-date lists of all kinds of joys, their brief characteristics and feedback from past visitors, if the event has already become traditional.

Such, for example, as the parade of the Navy in late July. The Neva includes warships, moored at berths - and some of them can be visited for free. The team kindly informs the “land” that where it is located, as it is called correctly, and there is no better entertainment for the boys than to walk along the deck and look into the captain’s cabin.

Honestly, in the process of choosing where to go in St. Petersburg, the main thing is not to despair of the number of offers, because it is not just great, but huge. There are more than a hundred theaters in the city alone. There are more than two hundred museums! Under numerous monuments they dance, play music, read poetry. In the Peter and Paul Fortress, a guard is being raised and a cannon is fired. And if not limited to what is located within the city ...


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