The image of Andrei Bolkonsky. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky

image of Andrei Bolkonsky

One of the main images of the novel "War and Peace" by the great Russian humanist Leo Tolstoy - Andrei Bolkonsky - is an example of an aristocrat, the owner of the best features that can only be characteristic of man. The moral searches of Andrei Bolkonsky and his relationship with other characters only serve as clear evidence that the author was able to embody this willpower and realism.

General information

As the son of Prince Bolkonsky, Andrei inherited a lot from him. In the novel "War and Peace" he is contrasted with Pierre Bezukhov, who is more romantic, although he has a complex disposition. The younger Bolkonsky, working with the commander Kutuzov, has a very negative attitude towards Vyatka society. In his soul, he conceals romantic feelings for Natasha Rostova, whose poetry captivated the hero. His whole life is a path of searches and attempts to find the worldview of the common people.


Prince Andrew Bolkonsky

For the first time this hero appears on the pages of the novel "War and Peace" at the very beginning, namely at the evening of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. His behavior clearly indicates that such a society does not seduce him, but in the most literal sense repels him, and he does not find anything pleasant here. He does not try to hide at all how disappointed he is in these mannered, lying speeches, and calls all the visitors of such meetings “stupid society”. The image of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky is a reflection of a man who is disappointed in false morality and who is disgusted by the manner of falsity that prevails in higher circles.

The prince is not seduced by such communication, but he is much more disappointed that his wife, Lisa, cannot do without social conversations and superficial people. He is here only for her sake, because he himself feels himself a stranger at this celebration of life.

image of Andrei Bolkonsky summary

Pierre Bezukhov

The only person that Andrei can consider his friend, close to him in spirit, is Pierre Bezukhov. Only with Pierre can he be frank and without any twists and turns admits to him that such a life is not for him, that he lacks sharpness, that he cannot fully realize himself, using the inexhaustible source of thirst for real life embedded in him.

The image of Andrei Bolkonsky is the image of a hero who does not want to remain in the shadows behind the backs of his colleagues. He wants to do serious things and make important decisions. Although he has the opportunity to stay in St. Petersburg and become an adjutant outhouse, he wants much more. In anticipation of serious battles, he sets off for the very heart of the fighting. Such a decision becomes for the prince a cure for his long discontent with himself and an attempt to achieve something more in life.


In the army, the prince does not behave quite like many would do if they were in his place. He does not even think about immediately getting a high position, taking advantage of his aristocratic origin. He intentionally wants to start his service with the lowest positions in Kutuzov’s army.

In his aspirations, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky sharply differs not only from the representatives of high society who found themselves in the war, but also from ordinary employees who, by all means, want to get the coveted high office. Their main goal is regalia and recognition, regardless of how useful they are or how bravely they behave in battle.

life of Andrey Bolkonsky

Vanity is not alien to Bolkonsky, but it is expressed in a completely different way. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky feels that he is to some extent responsible for the fate of Russia and the people. He was particularly influenced by the Ulm defeat and the appearance of General Mack. During this period, important changes take place in the hero’s soul that will affect his entire future life. He felt “at ease” and realized that it was in the army that he could realize his powerful potential. Boredom disappeared from his face, it seemed to him that it was clear to the prince that he was full of energy that he wanted to devote to achieve his goals, that is, to protect the Russian people.

The prince becomes ambitious, he wants to accomplish a feat so that his name is sealed in history for many centuries. The great commander Kutuzov is pleased with his employee and considers him one of the best officers.

The life of Andrei Bolkonsky in the army is fundamentally different from that "fresh" existence in the circle of secular ladies, which he led earlier. He is ready to do things and does not hesitate with this. The hero showed honor and courage already during the Shengraben battle, when he bravely circled the positions, despite the enemy's unstoppable fire. During this battle, the younger Bolkonsky happened to witness the heroism shown by the artillerymen of Captain Tushin. In addition, the prince showed his courage by defending the captain.

Battle of Austerlitz

Recognition, honor and eternal memory - these are the most basic goals that are priority in order to fully reveal the image of Andrei Bolkonsky. A summary of the events of the Battle of Austerlitz will only help to understand how important it has become for the prince. This battle was a turning point in moral quest and an attempt to accomplish a feat for the younger Bolkonsky.

He hoped that during this battle he would be lucky to show all his courage and become a hero. He really managed to accomplish a feat during the battle: when the ensign who carried the banner fell, the prince picked him up and led the battalion into the attack.

However, Andrei was not able to become a hero to the full, because it was during the Battle of Austerilica that many soldiers were killed and the Russian army suffered terrible expenses. Here the prince realized that his desire to gain world fame is just an illusion. After such a fall, the plans of the ambitious prince undergo drastic changes. He no longer admires the image of the great Napoleon Bonaparte, now this ingenious commander becomes for him just a simple soldier. This battle and the arguments inspired by it are completely new and one of the most important stages in the quest for the Tolstoy hero.

image of Prince Andrew Bolkonsky

Return to secular society

Significant changes in the worldview of the prince occur upon his return to the Bald Mountains, where he was sent after a serious wound received on the battlefield. The image of Andrei Bolkonsky becomes more pragmatic, especially after new tragic events take place in his life. Soon after his return, his wife dies in childbirth, giving birth to her son Nikolenka, who will subsequently become the continuation of his father’s spiritual pursuits.

It seems to Andrey that he is guilty of what happened, that his actions serve as the cause of his wife's death. This condition, which is close to depression, together with the mental disorder that appeared after the defeat in the Battle of Austerlitz, suggests the prince that he should abandon his claims to military glory, and at the same time stop any social activity.

In such impulses you can find an echo of the best qualities inherited from his father, which fully embodied the image of Andrei Bolkonsky. Briefly: he decides to isolate himself from everything and devote himself entirely to household chores and caring for his son.


The arrival of Pierre Bezukhov in the estate of Bolkonsky introduces radical changes in the life of the prince. He takes an active position and begins to make many transformations in his possessions: he makes peasants free, exchanges corvee for dues, writes out a paternal attendant and pays the salary of a priest who educates peasant children.

All this brings him a lot of positive emotions and satisfaction. Although he did it all “for himself,” he managed to do much more than Pierre.

Natasha Rostova

The image of Andrei Bolkonsky cannot be fully analyzed without mentioning Natasha. Acquaintance with this young girl leaves an indelible imprint on the prince's soul. Her energy, sincerity and immediacy allow Andrei to again feel a taste for life and take part in social activities.

moral searches of Andrei Bolkonsky

He decided to take up the drafting of state laws and entered the service of a certain Speransky. Soon he is deeply disappointed in the usefulness of such an activity and realizes that he is surrounded by sheer falsehood. However, after returning, he again sees Natasha and becomes animated. The heroes flare up feelings that, it would seem, should end in a happy marriage. However, many obstacles appear on their way, and everything ends with a gap.


Disappointed in everything and in all, the prince goes to the army. He is once again keen on military affairs, and aristocrats, eager only for fame and profit, cause an increasing disgust in him. He is confident of his victory, but, alas, Tolstoy prepared the other end for his hero. During the battle, Andrei was mortally wounded and soon died.

image of Andrei Bolkonsky briefly

Before his death, the prince had an understanding of the essence of life. Lying on his deathbed, he realized that the guiding light of every person should be love and mercy for his neighbor. He is ready to forgive Natasha, who betrayed him, and believed in the infinite wisdom of the Creator. The image of Andrei Bolkonsky embodies all the best and purest things that should be in the human soul. Having gone through a difficult but short life path, he nevertheless realized what many would not be able to comprehend for ages.


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