We understand the types of human cunning: what does it mean to “flatter”?

Sometimes, when you hear a word, you wonder what it really means? Take flattery, for example. It seems to be an ordinary concept. But when it touches you personally, then you will inevitably begin to understand - is it an insult or praise? And therefore it is necessary to know exactly what “flatter” means? The concept is subtle, characterized by such nuances that you can not immediately understand. Especially when this "tool" uses a cunning sneak. But first things first.

Let's start with the dictionaries

It is good that now there is an opportunity to learn everything from books or the network. There are many sources. So we ask them what it means to “flatter”? It indicates that such a word describes mock praise.

what do you mean flatter
This is when the object hears not what it really is, but simply a lie. But flattery is not a deception in the full sense of the word. She is much trickier. The subtlety lies in the fact that the unlucky listener is told about himself, moreover, exactly as this booby wants to. However, what happens, is it about compliments? Not certainly in that way. Although it is not necessary to deny some common features in both concepts. Let's try to understand with examples what “flatter” means. Perhaps this will be clearer and easier to understand.

About goal setting

Suppose one needs to obtain the consent of the other to certain actions. In a simple way, use those features that he himself does not possess. This, of course, can be done openly. Come up and say: “You know, Van, I can’t solve the problem, will you help?” And he will refuse. What to do? Here comes the wisdom of life. This is a kind of stimulation of the interlocutor for certain actions. In our case, it is necessary to say so: “Van, you are so smart and capable! Solve my problem! ” And in fact, if a person is really well versed in the subject, then this appeal will not be flattering. In the same case, when he only thinks about himself, without serious grounds for this, they try to use him, exaggerating his dignity. Here it is, insidious lie. She is also characterized as "crafty servility", indulgence.

what does it mean to flatter a person

How to figure out what “flatter” means

Naturally, knowledge without practice has no value. And this issue is dealt with in order to separate sly and sly from open people in life.
Therefore, it is advisable to ponder the words of the interlocutors who want to get something from you. After all, flattery is a trick, in fact. She is always insidious and selfish. More broadly: a way of unfair use of someone else's talent (kindness, property, and so on). Of course, nobody wants to become a victim of arrogant "compliments". And the best protection against such a situation, adequate self-esteem. A harmonious personality will not fall for the tricks of the cunning. Moreover, if he understands what it means to “flatter a person”. Any praise should be passed through the prism of a realistic assessment of their own qualities. Then there will be no problems. And flatterers do not particularly like to manipulate people with wisdom and observation.

what does the expression do not flatter yourself

Self Assessment Mistakes

Our psyche is arranged very insidiously. Sometimes a person overstates his own abilities. It doesn’t look very beautiful from the side. It is necessary for such “upstarts” to find out sooner or later what the expression “do not flatter yourself” means. So they say when a person exaggerates one or more of their own virtues. For example, it boasts that it can win a competition or win a duel with another, stronger partner. People have to put this zadaku in place. However, he may not be cunning. Indeed, not only the desire to seem better leads to an error, but also an elementary lack of experience and knowledge. Although, of course, hearing accusation of treachery is unpleasant. What is there to do? Be a sincere and open person. Communicate with others respectfully, really appreciating them and your abilities. And knowledge will only help to stay confident in the team.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6130/

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