Exotic, striped, or Where do zebras live?

You need to immediately determine that in a word to the question: "Where do zebras live?" you will not answer. Because these animals are divided into species, and each has its own habitat. In addition, they differ from each other in composition and color. The largest are the grey that live in the desert. Others are smaller.

where do zebras live

What continent does the zebra live on?

These animals have mastered only the space of Africa. Moreover, the zone of their natural habitat is quite large. So, there is a species that lives in arid areas. This is a desert zebra. The name of the species speaks for itself and tells where zebras live. They are found in Ethiopia. They are found in the arid plains of Kenya and Somalia. Animals are adapted to live in areas with sparse vegetation. They tolerate hot periods when food must be sought, moving from place to place. A smaller mountain zebra is smaller. It is found in the vast South-West Africa and Angola. This species is endangered. The number of individuals does not exceed 700 goals. More often than others in nature, a Burchella zebra is found . She lives in the savannahs in the east and south of the continent.


what continent does the zebra live on
Animals most often keep in small herds. Sometimes lonely zebras adjoin a herd of giraffes. They are quite defenseless. In nature, a lion preys on them. He knows exactly where zebras live. This is his prey. Lions are preferred to hunt solitary or sick animals. Since, despite the relative slowness, a zebra can give a predator a good rebuff. Among natural enemies, striped horses should also be afraid of hyenas and crocodiles. The latter lie in wait for a defenseless victim near the water.

The leader stands out in the herd. But he provides “general guidance” and ensures the safety of his family. And the elder female leads to a watering place or lush meadows. The family harem consists of several females per male. This is a clear rule. The male will not share the harem with anyone. During a nomad, the leader usually closes the procession to be able to prevent an enemy attack.

Extinct species

how many zebras live
I must say that this species of animals was thoughtlessly destroyed by Europeans. The skin of a zebra was very much appreciated. And the animal could not defend itself from hunters. As a result, one species of zebra was completely exterminated. This kawagga, who once lived in South Africa. Sand above and below - white, it stood out among the relatives with special beauty, for which it suffered. Although about a hundred and fifty years ago, the genus of these animals was the most numerous. Hunters preferred kawagg because of delicious meat and beautiful skins. She was considered an excellent target for sports hunting. The result is deplorable: the last animal of this species died in 1883 at the Amsterdam Zoo. Kawagga was the lightest of the animals in question. The rest have a skin of gray-black shades.

How old are zebras?

Nature, unlike man, is very affectionate for its striped creatures. In the natural environment, they have few enemies. How many zebras live? Hunters greatly shorten the life of animals. But if no one bothers them, then they quite calmly live to be thirty years old. These horses are very peaceful and calm. Aggressive behavior is not typical for them. There are cases of male zebra attacks on hyenas. This is another of their worst enemies. The male, acting with hooves and teeth, will drive the weak predator from its offspring. The population growth is due to the rigidity of the "family" structure of these animals. The whole herd is divided into clans, each of which consists of a male and several females. Young animals graze with them. A growing male from this society is expelled after a year. He needs to create his own family. Whatever the size of the total herd of animals, the groups do not mix. Each lives its own life, wanders through its territory. Usually zebras do not fight among themselves for pasture and watering. They quite peacefully exist next to other families.

Interesting and useful

how old are zebras
It is quite natural that, being in the vastness of the African savannah, a person asks questions about where zebras live, how to find them. This is especially true when there is no conductor. Travelers who want to admire the colorful beauties should know that zebras do not go far from delicious grass and fresh water. Therefore, you need to look for them where there is all this wealth. Often their herds accompany giraffes, which can be seen from afar. Many people wonder why nature endowed these animals with such an original color? Opinions on this subject are different. It is believed that this is a protective color, so to speak, a protective mechanism. The fact is that such a pockmarked skin of the eyes of a predator is poorly distinguished. The contours of an animal are not visible to a lion or another enemy. It is perceived as a pockmarked spot, which makes the attack very difficult. Not everyone agrees with this. Especially when you consider that predators hunt at night, when the treacherous stripes clearly stand out in the moonlight. They also cannot protect from heat, although such assumptions have often been put forward. It is interesting that the pattern of each individual is unique. Each species has its own color characteristics, but the stripes of an individual animal are individual, like fingerprints.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6132/

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