The most famous monuments of Izhevsk

Monuments are not only a cultural heritage and attraction. It is a perpetuated memory of people and events that has been preserved for centuries. Many monuments have their own legends. And the monuments of Izhevsk, photos of which can be seen in this article, are no exception. The city even has monuments that are dedicated to some animals. Izhevsk is a beautiful settlement. And it preserved unique monuments. Each of them has its own characteristics and history.

Dumpling Monument

Who would have thought that there is such a miracle in the world. A monument to dumplings in Izhevsk really exists. They opened it not so long ago - in October 2004. It is located near the cafe "Pozim", which is located on the street. Kraeva. It represents a huge fork on which dumplings are planted. Its blunt end is stuck at the base of the monument. The dimensions of the original and unusual monument: one meter in diameter, height - exactly three meters.

dumpling monument in Izhevsk

The story itself is interesting as a monument to dumplings in Izhevsk was born. In general, the name of this meat dish comes from the Udmurt word "dumplings", which means "loaf of bread", but in the Russian version it has slightly changed. The authors of the project were the Archeopteryx group. In their opinion, this place will not only attract tourists, but also attract newlyweds. Dumplings - an obligatory dish of every wedding celebration in Udmurtia.

Monument to the Crocodile

No less interesting is another masterpiece. This is a monument to the crocodile in Izhevsk. It was installed recently - in 2005, and is located at the crossroads of Kommunarov and Sovetskaya streets. Invented by his student Asen Safiullin, who studied at the Institute of Arts. The project was organized by the city administration, Elektromash and Gallery.

A city contest was announced for the best model of the future monument. At the same time, demands were put forward: humor and irony. The monument to the crocodile in Izhevsk was supposed to have a connection with both the present and the past of the city. Over 20 sculptors tried themselves in this original competition. And Asen won. The sculpture was created by Pavel Medvedev.

monument to a crocodile in Izhevsk

Monument smelted from cast iron at the factory. Many changes have been made to the original layout. As a result, the crocodile sits on a bench, on his head - a cylinder hat, and a bow tie flaunts on his neck. The monument has become a symbol of independence and freedom.

Forever gunsmiths

There are more understandable and classical monuments in the city. The Izhevsk plant, created by decree of Alexander I, still produces weapons. And the monument to gunsmiths in Izhevsk is a tribute to people who in different years glorified the enterprise throughout the country. Their work for the good of Russia will never be forgotten by descendants. It was at this plant that Kalashnikovs, Bisons, modern Abakan, and many other weapons were manufactured.

Images from old photographs were taken for the monument. It displays ordinary people and is a symbol of gunsmiths. Opened it in 2007. It is located directly in front of the factory museum. The monument is made in the form of two figures dressed in caftans and cylinder hats. It reaches a height of 2.7 meters, and if you measure it together with a pedestal - then 4 m. This sculpture weighs about four tons. The names of famous factory masters are immortalized on it.

Original monument to Zvezdochka

Monument to the star Izhevsk

Izhevsk is also known for its monuments created in honor of animals. Monument Zvezdochka opened in the city in 2006. The author of the project was the famous sculptor of Izhevsk - Pavel Medvedev. As many remember, dogs were on board one of the first Soviet spacecraft. One of them was the Asterisk. Our heroine went into space in 1961. On the same day, the ship returned back, landing in the Udmurtia region. The pilot Lev Okkelman found him, and brought the dog to the airport. There she lived until she was taken to the capital.

This dog became the last flight test. After her, the first man was sent into space. The monument looks as if a mongrel looks out of the hatch of the ship. On the surface of the monument there is a lot of information that is available not only to the sighted, but also to the blind. Some inscriptions are engraved with a special font for the blind.

The idea belonged to Sergei Pakhomov. Together with schoolchildren, they fashioned a ship and a dog from the snow. After that, the children wanted to put a real monument to the astronaut. The sculptor fired up with this idea. And soon the monument was ready.

Famous monuments of Izhevsk

Among them, one bust standing on a pedestal is popular. This is a monument to Deryabin in Izhevsk. This man lived in pre-revolutionary times. A ribbon is thrown over his shoulder, and the Order of Anna hangs on his chest. Deryabin was one of the builders of the arms factory, and it was his work that made the city world famous.

This man left a big mark in the history of Russian industry and technology. He was born in the family of a priest, spent his childhood among mountain miners. They excited his imagination with tales of countless treasures. Being impressed by them, Deryabin went to Petersburg to study at a mining school.

After a while, he visited many mines and factories in Germany, England and France. Traveling not only greatly expanded his horizons, but also contributed to the acquisition of invaluable knowledge and experience. This is what helped the promotion of Deryabin at home. When it was decided to build an arms factory, it was his project that was preferred.

Mikhailovsky Pillar

monument to gunsmiths in Izhevsk

Some monuments of Izhevsk are dedicated to the dynasty that ruled in Russia. For example, the sculpture, which was erected in honor of the Grand Duke Mikhail Romanov, is the only monument in his honor throughout the country. The prince headed the Artillery Department. He was the highest chief of the Izhevsk arms factory. Not all the monuments of the city of Izhevsk retained their original appearance, and it happened with this. The sculpture, for obvious reasons, was demolished during the Soviet era, and it was restored only in 2007. The Mikhailovsky Pillar is located on the territory of the Izhmash recreation center.

Ironic sculpture

Monuments of the city of Izhevsk are presented in several humorous copies. One of them is a sculpture of an ordinary goat. In 2006, its grand opening took place. A monument was erected in the Birch Grove, a city park known to all. The authors are Dmitry Postnikov and Alexander Suvorov.

Izhevsk monuments photo

This sculpture appeared not by chance, but as an embodiment of the past of Izhevsk. Over a century ago, the park, where the monument was erected, was a natural area where workers constantly came to rest after heavy factory shifts. But urban construction did not stand still, constantly expanding. As a result, private houses began to appear nearby, and residents grazed goats in the park. Animals rushed around and were in plain sight. This place is even called the "Goat Park."

Izhik boy

monuments of the city of Izhevsk

In general, the monuments of Izhevsk are often distinguished by humor and uniqueness. For example, the boy Izhik, cast from cast iron. He personifies the symbol of the city. Remelted it from the many locks and keys that were collected by the locals. One can imagine how many objects were needed to have enough material for the sculpture.


The monuments of Izhevsk include a monument to the great leader of the proletariat. Initially, it was a small bronze bust on a simple wooden pedestal painted in marble. It was built in 1926, after the death of the great leader. He was on the stairs that descended from Sovetskaya Street towards the dam.

monuments of Izhevsk

It was assumed that he would raise the spirit of the workers who passed him daily. But the pedestal made of wood decayed quite quickly. As a result, a new monument appeared, only now in the form of a bronze statue. It was solemnly opened again on the day of the accession of Udmurtia to Russia.

Other monuments

Tourists and guests of the city are presented several other works of art. For example, a monument of Friendship of Peoples, which was opened in 1972. It was created in honor of the 4th century anniversary, after Udmurtia joined Russia. Its height is 46 meters (with a 16-storey building). The people often called him "Kulakova skiing." And this second name stuck to him after the Izhevsk skier was able to win three gold medals in Sapporo. There is an interesting legend: if you stand facing the monument and then ask yourself a question three times, then the monument will surely give the correct answer.

There is a monument to Los in Izhevsk. And a number of sculptures that were installed after the Chernobyl accident. An interesting “Bird with Broken Wings”, which was created as a memory to the victims of local conflicts. Right next to the plant there is a cast statue of a steelmaker. And in the city zoo forever settled Wolf. If you visit the northern cemetery, then there you can see the Great Patriotic War memorial. And, of course, there is a monument to Pushkin in Izhevsk, the sculpture of the poet can be found in almost any city. It is only executed everywhere in different ways. And next to one of the city’s hairdressers is an original monument, “Scissors with a Comb”.

Izhevsk is an interesting city with a rich history. Of course, every tourist should visit him. There is something to see here: historical and modern sculptures, architectural monuments, picturesque parks and squares. Guests of the city will leave here with beautiful and original pictures for their photo album.


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