Poppy from beads: a master class for beginners

Bead poppy can be weaved in various ways. Their assembly is quite simple, so after creating these flowers, you will want to make a whole garden. For work, we need green and red beads, a little black and light green. And also steel green and red wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm, copper wire with a diameter of 0.25 mm. If you want to make a flower on a stalk, you will need a thick wire for it, as well as threads and a floral ribbon.

weaving poppies from beads

How to make poppy seed from beads

We start our workshop “Poppies from beads” with the manufacture of petals. To do this, you need to take a red steel wire 0.3 mm thick and 70 cm long. For this segment we collect 51 beads. Then we make a loop, scrolling the ends of the wire 3-4 turns. For one poppy from beads of such blanks, we need 5 pieces, after which they need to be connected to each other. To do this, we collect so many beads on a long part of the wire so that its amount is equal to one side of the loop. These are approximately 25-28 beads. There are other patterns of poppies from beads, but this one is one of the simplest. Now you need to pass the end of the wire through the top bead of the first loop.

poppy petal from siberian

How to make a petal

Then, having collected an additional two beads between each loop, you need to pass the wire through the central bead and tighten it. When all the loops are connected into a petal, we collect so many beads so that its amount is again equal to the nearest side of the workpiece. Then we scroll the ends of the wire and to bring them to the middle, we pass one end into the central loop and tighten a little. Again we twist a little - and we get a ready-made petal for poppies from beads. It is a bit concave in shape, so you need to bend the top yourself. Then the flower will look more natural. Such petals for one poppy will need six pieces.

bead flowers

Creating stamens and assembling a bud

When all the petals are ready, move them aside, as we will continue to make stamens. To do this, you need a piece of copper wire with a diameter of 0.25 mm and a length of 80 cm. We collect 13 black beads on it. We leave a small tip up to 10 cm long. Holding the beads collected on the wire, push the first one to the side and pass the other end of the wire through all the others. In order for the first stamen not to blossom, you can take one of the ends of the wire and pass it through the last bead one more time. Tighten it - after that, the stamen will not blossom. Such blanks will need 14 pieces. Try to make sure that there is practically no distance between them. All stamens in the flower should be located close to each other. They can be obtained in an unequal size due to the fact that the material itself is different. But inside the flower it will not be too noticeable. Put the blanks aside.

bead poppies patterns

How to make a poppy seed box

Weaving poppies from beads continues by creating a box in which the seeds are located. For it, we need green beads and a copper wire 0.25 mm thick and 40 cm long. We collect 10 beads on it. We make a loop, fixing the wire 3-4 turns. Such loops need to be made 6 pieces, also trying to make them next to each other. The next stage of the workshop “Poppies from beads” is the connection of the box with seeds. To do this, we reduce the resulting loops in the same way as the flower petals. We collect green beads to the top of the first loop, but at the very top you need to take the black beads.

bead pattern poppy

Then we pass the wire through the upper bead in the loop. The next two loops are also connected using black beads, each time gaining two pieces. Having connected all the beads, we collect the green beads and close the circle to complete the seed box. We bend it a little, giving it a natural shape, and then we sew it with the free end of the wire. First, we pass it through the extreme row of the box, and then we move from bottom to top along the green beads and gradually tighten the wire. Black beads do not need to be touched, they must remain free. When the box is ready, we twist the remaining ends of the wire a few turns.

How to make leaves for a poppy flower

At the next stage of creating poppy from beads, we need to make leaflets. To do this, take the green wire and cut off from it 70 cm. We will weave the leaves in parallel weaving. First, we collect two green beads on the wire. The second end of the wire is passed through these beads and we make a loop in the center of the segment. In the next row on one side of the wire will be three beads. On the other hand, we also collect four beads and pass the wire through them in the same way.

poppies bead master class

Leaf weaving pattern

Next, we will weave in the same way, adding one bead in each row. That is, having collected four beads on the next row, we pass the wire through them, after which we collect five from the other side and repeat the whole procedure. At the end of each row, the wire must be tightened. The leaf of the poppy is not smooth and has sharp tips, so it can be done with notches. You can make protrusions on a sheet if you add not one bead, but two through a row. When the beads become 11, we begin to reduce the rows. In the next, we collect 10 beads, etc. In the last row there should be only one bead. Having finished the sheet, we twist the wire several turns to fix the weaving. To make foliage for flowers from beads, you can use other options, for example, weaving with arches or brick. One poppy will need 2-4 leaves, it all depends on your tastes.

poppy bead

When all the flower blanks are finished, proceed to assembly. This type of weaving poppy from beads is also suitable for beginners, since it is not difficult to connect the details. We start work with stamens and seed boxes. We connect the stamens by twisting the wire several turns, and then put the box in the center. We fix it by twisting all the ends of the wire. It will be possible to correct them and give the desired shape at the very end of the work, when the flower from the beads will be fully assembled.

Assembly of poppy bud

Put the assembled parts aside and take the poppy petals. First you need to fold the two blanks facing each other and twist the wires. Then we apply one more petal on both sides and again twist them all together. Add the remaining pair of blanks, fix it in the same way, after which we begin to straighten the resulting flower. Petals should go behind each other and be arranged in a circle. Now you need to connect the stamens with the box and the petals. We insert the parts into each other, bringing the box into the center, press it to the middle so that it is pressed, and then twist the ends of the wire. Now you can give the flower its final shape by spreading the petals and stamens.

poppy bead for

How to decorate a stalk

Now it remains to put the flower on the leg. This is optional if you are not going to use the resulting poppy for composition. For the stalk you will need a thick wire, as well as a green floral tape or corrugated paper. The length depends on the purpose for which you twisted poppy. Usually 25 cm is enough. In order to make the stem, we put a segment in the center and fix the ends of the thin wire from which the flower was made on it. You can wrap them with thread. Then we take a floristic ribbon and begin to twist it on a flower leg, gradually adding leaves. Cut off the excess - and the poppy is ready.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6153/

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