League of Legends - Lulu Guide

Today’s Lulu guide will be compiled in the realities of the impending 8 season with a change in the rune system. We will consider all the possible swinging options in three positions: center, top and support. A set of skills and simple execution of pro-casta allows not only to provide powerful support to the team without additional items, but also to inflict impressive damage to the enemy when collecting in AP.

guide lulu


For finer tuning the champion, professional players are required to know all the nuances about Lulu. The guide includes all the digital characteristics of the hero, which will help an experienced gamer choose a build for themselves.

  • Health 525-1738 at levels 1 to 18.
  • Health regen increases from 6 to 16.
  • Magical energy supply 350-1285.
  • Regeneration of magic from 11 to 21.
  • Basic physical protection grows from 28.22 to 91.1.
  • With magic resistance, everything is much worse, and it almost does not change in the range from 30 to 38.5.
  • The characteristics of auto-attacks are very mediocre, but this does not stop collecting Lulu in adk in separate modes. The standard attack range is 550 units, the base speed increases from 0.6 to 0.8, and damage increases from 46 to 90.6.

As you can see, the Lulu guide of the 7th season, from which this information was taken, clearly shows us all the possible roles of this champion. Due to the high increase in armor, it can comfortably stand with most champions playing on the top, and due to a magical attack, do a lot of damage. A good mana recovery makes it possible to often use spells and crush the enemy in the center. Next, guide Lulu will talk about her skill set, which allows you to play the role of support.


The main advantage of Lulu is its unique skills, each of which is aimed at supporting the team. Even playing on the center and top lines, these skills will come in handy to help teammates in mass battles.

lulu guide season 7

  • Peaks. Passive skill gives Lula a magical helper. In the game, this is expressed in additional magic damage during auto attacks and an additional arrow when using Q-shki.
  • The Shining Arrow [Q]. Deals damage to all enemies on the line and slows them down by 80%. Arrows fly from Lulu and Peaks, even if he is helping your teammate at that moment. The only negative is that one target takes damage from only one arrow, and the first enemy absorbs full damage, while the rest gets only 30% of the charge power.
  • "Fad" [W]. It can be used in two ways. When used on an ally, increases its movement and attack speed. When superimposed on an enemy, it turns it into a beast, unable to attack.
  • "Help, Peaks!" [E]. Allows you to cast a shield on an ally. In this case, Peaks moves to the teammate and begins to attack from this new position. When using the skill, it deals instant damage to the enemy and reveals its position for 4 seconds.
  • "Wild Growth" [R]. Lulu increases the health of a chosen ally. At the time of use, all enemies surrounding him are thrown, and the partner begins to slow down the surrounding enemies.

Thus, the Lulu guide proves that each of the skills is ideally suited to support your shooter. However, when playing on the midline, you can score gold on artifacts with attack speed and power of skills, then use the skills on yourself and try to pull the game out. Increased health and a powerful shield allow you to create a tank assembly.

Support leveling

Guide for Lulu support 7 season has not changed much after the release of the new rune system. Learning skills will depend entirely on the situation on the line. In any case, shield and acceleration remain a priority.

guide lulu mid

If you got a pro-caster shooter like Jean, Lucian, Miss Fortune, or Ezreal as an ally, then acceleration improvement is not needed. They do not need attack speed, and the change in time of the enemy’s transformation is not so significant as to spend precious skill points on it. So swing the shield.

If Ash, Jinx, and similar auto-attackers like you are playing with you, then it would be better to improve acceleration. This will allow them to do much more damage.

Mid-level boosting

A more detailed guide to Lulu mid will be considered a little later. As for improving skills, in this case there is not much difference. Any of them can cause damage. It’s best to start with Fad. This will allow more stable farming of the line and bring more damage in battles.

Another option is to improve the "Arrow". They act beyond the ability to "Help, Peaks" and they are easier to finish creeps.

Bleeding topper

In this case, it all depends on your teammates. If you don’t have a tank in the team, and the support and forester took the wrong champions, then go to a passive farm and swing the shield. The assembly of objects on the Lulu Tank we will give a little lower.

lulu top guide

If the team has at least some tank like Braum, Tarik or Gragas, you can spend your efforts on building the support utility. In this case, your teammates can get by with standard protective items, rather than active effects.

In any case, if you do not know how to win the top on Lulu, the guide advises either not to take her there, or to improve the shield in any position. This decision will allow you to farm passively, not feed the enemy.


With this item, everything is much simpler. Lulu (guide season 7) can use any combination of self-gunners, but the best solution would be the “Jump” peak for any position. But with the second spell there are options.

  • You can take Teleport to the top for quick movement on the map.
  • Teleport, or Ignition, is also suitable for the center.
  • On the bottom line, Ignition or Exhaustion will do.

In general, it all depends on your playing style and preferred tactics.

Support Runes

This element of the game is no longer as variable as before. There are two possible ways of development: through "Witchcraft" + "Courage" and "Witchcraft" + "Inspiration".

The first option is designed for Lulu support. A guide implies several positions, but this set of runes is also suitable for a mid and topper, playing through damage. Let's start with Witchcraft.

  • The main talent is to take Fluffy (Eri). It will not only cause additional damage to the enemy, but also, if necessary, increase the volume of the shield being applied.
  • From the first line is recommended "Hat of the Absolute." The “Mana Stream” option is also possible, but due to the high basic mana regen and the “Doran Ring”, you will hardly notice any losses.
  • From the second line you need "Excellence". The speed of movement you will have from the skill, and "Concentration" does not give a clear advantage for support.
  • In the last line you can take "Burn". If you are counting on a protracted game and your whole team is leight champions, then “The Coming Storm” is quite suitable, since the champion has good scaling from AP.

guide to lulu support season 7

For runes from the branch of courage, the choice is small.

  • From the first line you need a "Living Source". It goes well with the slowdown of the "Arrow".
  • From the last line "Revitalization" - to increase the size of the shield.

Caster Runes

Here everything is the same as in the previous case, only the branch of additional talents is changing. Instead of “Courage”, “Inspiration” will be used.

  • You will need "Cosmic knowledge" for the additional recharge.
  • Saving gold. A free slipper, and a stopwatch (if you plan to "Zhoni"), and "Market of the future" will do.

Also, this option is well suited for the tank version.

Support assembly

It's time to consider specific items that are worth collecting in various situations. Better to start with the classic Magic Thief Blade. Any League of Legends guide will recommend this to you. Lulu can continuously harass an opponent on the line with a jackpot and earn gold with it. Subsequently, it will need to be improved to wardocks.

lulu guide league of legends

Hyde Lulu 2017 recommended the assembly of the Burning Censer. However, at the end of the season there were a number of nerfs as a result of which such a move lost its effectiveness.

Thus, it is better to start crafting with Solari or Atonement. If the opponent has strong hard control, Michael's Crucible will do. If it is not required, then you will have a slot for the attacking object. Well come "Torment Liandry." This mask will give you not only additional health, but also significantly increase damage with Q. But the last slot is already censer.

Mid assembly

What is Lula capable of? Hyde Mid recommends that you collect it as Twisted Faith in attack speed. You can start with the "Doran's Ring", but continue with objects on AP and speed.

  • Nashor’s Tooth.
  • Ginsu's Fury Blade. Both of these items provide many useful characteristics.
  • Add to this "Runaan Hurricane" and "Death of the Mind."
  • A boot for magic piercing.
  • The last item to take is “Static Sharpening”.

In general, other players can throw slippers for such a build, but in the absence of a normal shooter in the team, this is a completely working option. Another set of talents is designed for procast. Given that the center has to stand face to face, the Shining Arrows will do full damage to their target. From here you can collect the build for the magician-caster.

  • Morellonomicon.
  • Zhonya's Hourglass.
  • "Rabadon's Deathcap".
  • "The Torment of Liandry."
  • "Sorcerer's Shoes".
  • Hextech-NLP.

This set of items guarantees good survival and high damage. Almost 600 APs guarantee up to 500 damage from a jackpot and a rollback in 3.5 seconds, and the Liandry also burn health to thick tanks.

Assembly on the tank

For the next tactic you can easily be called mentally unhealthy. When playing on top without a spare tank, you can try the following option. The main subject that you require will be “Righteous Glory”. The principle of the game is the same as for Cho'gata. Your task is to speed up to run into the crowd of opponents and slow them down. Immediately after this, use the ultimate skill and throw up those who did not have time to escape. Next, just use the slowdown and transformation to roll back. The first spell on divers and tanks so that they don't get to your backline. The second is on the enemy adk so that it does not pack you in bags. The final purchase will look something like this.

  • "Ninja Tabi" for protection against shooters and bruzer with foresters.
  • Righteous Glory is the key to initiating a fight.
  • The Hextech Protobelt performs the same function, but at short distances. Combine its use with Fad. Well suited for a sudden departure from the bushes.

The remaining three slots can be distributed in different ways. “Warmog's Armor” will fit in well here, since the health reserve will activate its effect, and “Randuin's Omen” for protection from critical hits, and “Spirit Visage”, which can be replaced with an “Adaptive Helmet”. Here you already need to look at the game situation and the presence of a certain type of damage from the enemy.

Game tactics

First of all, it is worth remembering the team game in “Lol”. The Lulu you have read the guide is a typical champion whose strength depends on allies. We have already described exemplary mechanics when playing for a tank, now we will move on to the classic arrangement.

lulu guide 2017

The tactics of battles, no matter which type of pumping you choose (mid or support), will not differ much. Lulu is not a killer mage, so trying to get to someone else's shooter is useless to you. Therefore, the main difference will be that the support should be closer to your carry, and the middle to the tanks.

Be careful and watch how the game proceeds. Lulu has a quick rollback that allows you to spam it from behind the tanks and burn their health. When a diver appears, you can try to slow it down. Save the “Fad” until the moment when the killer gets closer, and put a shield on the attacked (arrow, magician, you). Immediately after that, turn the assassin into a harmless animal, and let the damageers quickly disassemble it for parts.

Ultimate skill is better to save. You can use it on a successfully initiated tank and make an additional toss of the entire enemy team. At this moment, your DDs should not yawn. If the battle turns into a punch, then "Rampant Growth" is better to save for critical moments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6167/

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