Bastard is not only a curse

Often, in our desire to give a person a negative characterization, we use words whose true meaning has long been forgotten.

Not only bad

Sometimes you can hear how they say about someone: "This bastard!". And by the way, not only bad people were called that way. Nowadays, the word "bastard" is swearing. It has the meaning of "a crappy man, a scoundrel, a bastard." However, if you pick up the dictionaries, you can find out what else the word "bastard" means. This expression did not always have a negative connotation. The Dahl dictionary defines what roots, weeds, weeds, and grass were called. That is, everything that was scolded by the harrow when plowing the land. Also called garbage, which was collected in a pile. There was the word bastard. Interestingly, over time, this word began to refer to a crowd of people. It is not necessary that alcoholics, tramps, thieves, and other antisocial elements gather in it. And only with time did this word become negative. So everyone knew that the bastard is a synonym for mob and despicable people.

this bastard

Other options

Also, this word was used to call people whose profession it was to pull vessels out of the Dnieper in order to drag them, that is, to drag them below the rapids of the river, thus helping the water transport to overcome natural obstacles. There are other uses for the word. In the Efremova dictionary, we find that the bastard is small objects or creatures, as well as people of low rank. The same definitions are in the dictionary of D. N. Ushakov. But the meaning of the word "bastard" is added to them with an emphasis on the second syllable.

Active word

A word from a noun becomes a verb and begins to denote ordinary actions. In the first version it means "to steal something, to remove it from someone, dragging it." The second option refers to the transfer of gravity by drawing. Something that cannot be lifted and has to be dragged. In addition, this word means "deliver someone to some place." Another version of the meaning of this word is "steal."

the word bastard

Where did it come from

There is a legend that once there was a river called Voloch. At one difficult time, the spread of hunger and pestilence began along its banks. People began to run to other places. They had to survive somehow, so they were forced to beg in the villages they passed by. But the locals did not want to meet with them, because they were afraid that the infection would spread to their lands. Therefore, they warned each other, seeing the immigrants, shouting: "They are coming from Volochi!" Thus, the villagers managed to hide in the houses, however, leaving alms for refugees by the road.

Try to avoid conflict situations in which you would have to use the word "bastard", avoid meeting people you would like to call that. And it’s better to study our rich Russian language.


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