Names of spring flowers (photo, description)

The snow is just beginning to disappear, and the first spring flowers are already appearing in the garden. Many people look forward to them, as they become an adornment of the beginning of spring.


Of course, it is impossible to list all the names of spring flowers. Opens our snowdrop list. This plant is not whimsical at all, it begins to delight with its flowers when the snow still sparkles nearby.

Propagation of snowdrops can be produced by seeds or bulbs. White flowers will appear in the third year after planting.

If a person has decided to transplant the bulbs, this should be done after the flowering has passed. But some gardeners believe that August is the best time to transplant.

names of spring flowers

Lilies of the valley

The names of spring flowers replenish lilies of the valley. They grow only in the forest, appear near shrubs, where there is a lot of moisture. The plant belongs to the lily family. It has been pleasing with its beauty for many years, as it is a perennial.

However, lily of the valley is also planted in the garden. It is better to plant it in the fall. The soil should be fertilized, you need to ensure that the root is not bent.

There are different early spring flowers, their names differ, as well as caring for them. But the lily of the valley is unpretentious. The only thing he needs is moist soil. In such a habitat, he will delight with his flowers. This plant has developed roots. Because of this, he is able to survive other plants, only bushes and trees are beyond his power. Therefore, gardeners do not recommend planting a lily of the valley along with other flowers.

first spring flowers in the garden


If we talk about bulbous spring flowers (their names are various), you should not forget about crocuses. There are many types of them, each of which differs in the shape of the petals and their color. They should be transplanted in the summer. The main thing is that there is a neutral acidity of the soil. The place where the plant is going to be placed should be sunny.

spring flowers names
Crocus flowers begin to be seen even when there is snow nearby. It looks especially beautiful if you plant plants in groups.


Enumerating the names of spring flowers, one should not forget about the forest. These are bulbous plants. During the growing season, the bulb forms about 4 children. They are separated and transplanted. Spruce trees appear beautiful bluish flowers. This plant is often planted on lawns, under bushes. It can create an unusually beautiful look.


Listing each name of the first spring flowers, it should be noted that none of them can be compared with the beauty of the blooming of hyacinths. This flower is propagated with the help of small bulbs that appear on an adult plant several times a year. The baby that has appeared needs to be carefully separated during the rest period. After 2 years, the plant will delight with its extraordinary flowers.

Sleep grass, spring chistak

Such primary flowers are also distinguished: spring chistyk, dream grass. They grow in meadows, dry sunny slopes. Sleep grass is also grown in the garden. For this, seeds are planted. A dug plant in the forest will not take root, it will dry out. Seeds will germinate well in the ground, where there is the presence of peat, sand, fertilizer. This flower has long been listed in the Red Book, so it is worth protecting it.

name of the first spring flowers


The very first spring flowers are signs of the beginning of spring. They are distinguished by special beauty. Such plants are hazel grouse. They have a colorful color, and their flowers hang with umbrellas. It is easy to grow in the garden. The main thing is that the place is sunny, with nutritious soil.

But hazel grouse does not like strong moisture. Because of this, drainage should be placed in wet areas. To grow plants in the garden, it is recommended to dig a bulb every year.


Daffodils are also the name of the first spring flowers. Their flowering is associated with the condition of the bulb. Therefore, those who wish to plant daffodils in the garden should pay attention to it when buying. The plant needs nutritious soil and sun, does not like winds. In one place, daffodils grow for about 5 years, then they should be transplanted. They look good if other plants are blooming nearby.

Hellebore and violet

Spring flowers are pleasing to the eye. The names "violet" and "hellebore" are familiar to many. These plants bloom among the first.

Hellebore is a perennial with beautiful evergreen leaves. His flowers come in different colors and appear in April. They can be:

  • white
  • maroon;
  • red
  • peach, etc.

This plant loves partial shade, does not tolerate damp places. But the violet reaches for the sun. Her flowers are blue-blue.

bulbous spring flowers names
By the way, the liverwort is often confused with violet. It is also a spring flower that appears mainly in the forest. It is often covered with leaves or needles, so the people who grow this plant in the garden should do the same. The liverwort grows on moist soil in the shade.


The names of spring flowers include Pushkin. Its flowering is very beautiful, which can not be compared with another plant. It is usually white with blue stripes. Pushkinia is an onion plant, and therefore it is propagated with the help of bulbs. Although there are options to use seeds. If a person decided to plant this flower in his garden, the best period for this would be autumn. But in winter, the plant requires a warm place, then the seedling will be well preserved.

After the disappearance of snow, primrose also appears. Its inflorescences are very large, and the leaves are oblong. The plant is not afraid of frost, but does not tolerate drought and highly moist soil.

Daisies, Lungwort

There are still some spring flowers. The names "Daisies" and "Lungwort" in themselves evoke positive emotions. These plants also appear in early spring.

As for daisies, they grow low, but large. There are several varieties of them, but they all radiate cheerfulness and brightness. Blossom in early May, and the buds remain throughout the winter. By the way, when growing in the garden, you should still cover daisies for a cold period.

But the Lungwort surprises with its inflorescences, since they can simultaneously be blue and pink. This plant is durable, as it has been living for 30 years. It grows on moist and fertile soils, so it is difficult to grow it in the garden.


Allium is also called a decorative bow. Inflorescences appear on long legs. This plant is able to decorate any area, and it is not difficult to grow it. It blooms in late spring, but there are species that delight with their colors in the fall.

early spring flowers names

Growing spring bulbous plants

Most plants that bloom first are bulbous spring flowers. Their names are listed above. Each of them has its own originality, feature. All of them grow in the wild, but over the years people began to plant these beautiful flowers in the gardens that delight the eye in early spring. Those who wish to decorate their summer cottage with such plants should know how to grow them properly.

Scales stretch from the bottom of the bulb, with the help of which the flowers are stored in water, substances. A bulb is used to propagate plants.

Spring bulb plant blooms in early spring. After flowering, it continues to develop, grow leaves. This is to ensure that the bulb absorbs the maximum amount of nutrients. These plants have a dormant period when all the leaves dry out.

One of the earliest flowers are tulips. They are especially often used for planting in gardens, parks, squares.


Tulips love lighted areas that cannot be reached by wind, where there are no drafts. This plant develops well in places of direct sunlight. For it to please with its amazing colors, the sun should shine on it for more than half a day. From a lack of lighting, the bulbs of the plant are small, and the inflorescences are brittle and thin.

The tulip needs to be fed, then it will grow healthy and beautiful. It should be carried out:

  • after the shoot of a tulip;
  • during the appearance of buds;
  • during flowering.

Of course, if top dressing was introduced in the fall, it can then be omitted.

flowers primroses chistyak spring
In order for the tulips to bloom, it is required to dig out the bulbs every year when the leaves are already yellow. They need to be stored in a dry place, having previously been cleared of the earth. So that the bulb does not rot, in the place where it is planted, sand is poured into the bottom. Tulips are planted to a depth of 3 bulbs.

Spring flowers listed in the Red Book

Every spring, after the snow begins to melt, the first spring flowers appear. But some of them are on the verge of extinction, because of this they are listed in the Red Book. They are forbidden to tear, sell and buy, since the primroses are in danger. Many people do not pay attention to this, collect bouquets of flowers in the forests. This applies to snowdrops, lilies of the valley. You can visit the forest and just admire these flowers. Snowdrops are under particular threat. Various legends have been created about them since ancient times.

The thin-leaved peony also disappears . Even 50 years ago, he could be found in early spring throughout the country. Its flowers are painted in burgundy, it grew in the glades, in the Black Sea regions, on the slopes of low mountains. The plant sprouts in groups, and people have begun to pluck flowers in whole bouquets. Gradually, its population decreased. Now peony is rarely seen, most often it appears on the Black Sea coast.

Such flowers include yellow iris, which also blooms in spring. By the way, it is even used in perfumes. But its quantity is also reduced, so you should take care of the first spring flowers.


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