Analysis of Batyushkov’s poem “My Genius”. Fascinated forever

The fate of Konstantin Nikolayevich Batyushkov is tragic and extraordinary. He wrote his poem “My Genius” under the influence of very strong feelings that did not die, were not forgotten over time. They led to severe mental illness. In order to analyze Batyushkov’s poem “My Genius”, you should familiarize yourself with the biography of the poet.

Joy and fullness of life

Konstantin Batyushkov (1787 - 1855) was born in Vologda into a noble family belonging to an old family. Until ten years, he received home education, later he was sent to St. Petersburg, to foreign boarding schools. The young nobleman received excellent education and spoke several foreign languages. From the age of 17 he lived in the house of his relative, where he enthusiastically studied everything that the French enlighteners wrote, as well as antique literature and works of the Italian Renaissance. A special influence, as time will show later, was exerted on him by Tasso.

analysis of a poem by Batyushkov my genius

During this period he wrote epigrams. In 1807, Batyushkov joined the militia and, even being seriously wounded, remained in the army and continued his military career in 1808 in Sweden. But in 1909 he retired and began to deal only with literature. By 1910, he had already become a mature poet, met with a circle of Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky. Evenings passed in friendly discussions about poetry, which were inspired by the beautiful women of the salons.

analysis of the poem by n batyushkova my genius

Versatile talented visitors to the salons, people of various artistic trends, friendly and well-mannered, had a great influence on Konstantin Batyushkov. Much later, he will meet in Olenin’s salon the one that will become a muse for his whole future life. He will devote a series of works to her. Analysis of Batyushkov’s poem “My Genius” will tell you in detail about this young conqueror of hearts.

a brief analysis of the work of my father a genius

But while he writes his works “Happy hour”, “Lucky.”

Anna Fedorovna Furman

During the war, Batyushkov did not join the army, but took part in 1813 - 1814. in a foreign trip, keeping in his soul a beautiful image, met in 1813. After the horrors of the war, a turning point in his mood and a disappointment in enlightening ideas appeared. In the cabin A.N. Venison he again met his distant relative living in this hospitable house. Anna Furman was of rare beauty. She was charming in appearance and modest behavior. Many gave her their hearts. But the young beauty has not yet made her choice.

analysis of the poem konstantin batyushkova my genius

Once and for all, Konstantin Batyushkov was captivated by her and firmly decided to marry Anna Fedorovna. Even greeting her, he blushed every time and quickly lost the thread of conversation. And the compliments he made were not original. He could not win the girl’s heart. He got married, got his consent, but felt that the girl did not love him, and broke off the engagement in 1815. Parents and friends did not understand this and were offended.

Conquered the imagination: analysis of the work

After he made such a decision with pain in his heart, a few months later the elegy “My genius”, written by four-legged iamba, was born . Thanks to this, the text is very clear, and its composition is harmonious. At this time, the poet traveled a lot, but did not find a place for himself - his mind and his heart were at odds with each other, as evidenced by the first couplet. And the distance that separated him from his beloved is only a mirage. A cute image and in a distant land invariably with him. He remembers everything: blue eyes, and a gentle voice, and golden curly hair, framing a pretty face. An analysis of Batyushkov’s poem “My Genius” says that the poet collects a portrait of the girl in parts. Even a simple dress that completely hides her figure is cute to the poet. In all wanderings, Anna is everywhere with him. He sees her as his guardian. Nothing bad can happen to him while they are apart. The analysis of Batyushkov’s poem “My Genius” confirms the old idea that when parting, true love only intensifies. Even in a dream, he does not forget the beautiful Anna - she delighted him in the arms of Morpheus. This image haunts him day and night. All semantic strata follow one from another (love - creativity - comfort). Such is the analysis of the poem K.N. Batyushkova "My genius."

An image forever stored in the heart

So, having parted forever with Anna Fedorovna, the poet with all sincerity believes that their meeting is an accidental gift of fate that must be carefully preserved. Love in itself, says the poet, is an invaluable gift, even if there is no reciprocity. His feelings only increase from year to year. This is a brief analysis of Batyushkov’s poem “My Genius”

Poets of the 20-30s of the 19th century

During these years, wonderful poets worked, such as Küchelbeker, Yazykov, Vyazemsky, Delvig. At least two works of romantic poets should be compared, for example, Batyushkov’s poem and “Assurance” by Baratynsky, chosen by us, full of deepest grief, in which the poet asks not to play with his feelings, returning tenderness. No, he will never believe the person who once deceived him. One should not disturb feelings that have not completely left the poet. Excitement will rise in the soul, but why is it? He no longer believes in love and asks to forget everything. A heartfelt romance by M.I. Glinka.

Now we should analyze Konstantin Batyushkov’s poem “My Genius”.

Analysis Plan :

  • The general tonality of elegy (tenderness).
  • What topics are outlined in the poem (sadness, separation).
  • As the theme of the reassurance of the poet is revealed (the image of a cute girl arises before him).
  • How he returns to reality (no way - everywhere dreams).
  • What thoughts ends the poem (consolation).

Here's how to analyze the poem "My Genius" (Batyushkov) according to plan.

Sadness and an imaginary world

In the 20s, Konstantin Nikolaevich left for Italy to serve. He works in Naples, in the Russian mission. But relentless thoughts of love completely seize him and haunt. Tenderness and longing for the lovely Anna pursue him. As a result, he becomes ill. No treatment helps - he cannot go back, he is lost for a normal life in society. Batyushkov returns to his homeland, to relatives in Vologda.

analysis of the poem my genius priests according to plan
Twenty years later, he dies, never leaving the world of illusions.


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