African fruits: photo and description

African fruits are an inexhaustible palette of flavors and shapes. Tourists visiting this continent are delighted with their diversity and quantity. Indeed, it sometimes happens that the ripened fruits do not find sale and rot, and never reach the inhabitants of the northern continent.

africa fruit

So what are they, the fruits of Africa? Photos and descriptions of overseas goodies can be found in this article.

What is growing in Africa?

What kind of fruit can a tourist choose for relaxation on this exotic continent? Their list is very extensive. So what kind of fruits grow in Africa?

On specially designated irrigated areas there are extensive orchards. Apricots and peaches hang in clusters on their trees. But these fruits of Africa are different from those that we used to see on the shelves of our stores. So, peaches on this continent are found in several species. The first of them is selective. Its fruits are large, but not sweet enough. The second type of peaches belongs to local varieties. Its fruits are small in size, unprepossessing, but very sweet. The third type of peaches is one of the last to keep up. Its fruits are almost white in color, which slightly gives off raspberry shades. This type of peach is also very sweet.

all exotic fruits photos and names

We all are well aware of fruits from Africa such as tangerines, pomegranates and oranges. Trees hung with these fruits are also quite common on this continent.

The most famous fruits of Africa for a European citizen are bananas. Here they ripen year-round, bearing sweet and aromatic fruits.

What other fruits in Africa will not surprise our tourists? These are pears. Although, unlike those that grow in our country, they are tough. But local apples, which can only be tasted in summer, have a pleasant sour taste. As a rule, they are small in size and elongated.

What other fruits of Africa are known to us? This is pineapple. Although South America is considered its historical homeland, it also grows in Africa.

fruit africa photo

We are all familiar with South African fruits such as watermelons. Here you can still find this herb in the wild. Watermelons were known in ancient Egypt. These fruits were even placed in the tomb of the pharaoh, so that they served him food in the afterlife. Today, watermelons are grown on five continents. Vast plantations of this plant can be found in China, Turkey. They are in the Russian Volga region, as well as in the southern regions of our country.

Indian figs

Of course, fruits from Africa we can meet on the shelves of our stores. But still, many of them in our homeland, we will never see. And although it’s not easy to bring all the exotic fruits, photos and names, we will introduce you to most of them.

So, Indian figs are found everywhere on the African continent. But the traveler should not pay attention to its name. After all, these exotic fruits of Africa (and their photos prove this) have nothing to do with the figs familiar to us. These are the fruits of wild cacti called prickly pear.

the rarest exotic fruits

Indian figs are pear-shaped. Its fruits are red, green or yellow, reaching a length of 5 to 7.5 cm, covered with small sharp thorns. Under the peel is a translucent pulp with large seeds, very sweet in taste.


It is believed that this is the most delicious fruit in Africa. Its homeland is the western territory of the continent. These exotic fruits of Africa, photos and descriptions of which are given below, grow on a tropical tree Irvingia.

Mango fruits are ovoid. At the same time, their sizes range from the size of a pear to coconut. Mango has a tough green or yellow peel. A large bone is located inside the fetus.

Mango is characterized by yellow-orange flesh. Its piquant sweet taste, somewhat reminiscent of our raspberries, turns this fruit into one of the most wonderful fruits in the world.

fruits from africa

Since ancient times, the local population uses mangoes as a remedy. And its seeds, called Dick's nuts, are used in modern cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. Mango is especially famous among those who decided to lose extra pounds. After all, the plant substance, which is located in Dick's nuts, is an excellent means for losing weight.


What other exotic fruits of Africa exist, the photos with the names of which are interesting to consider? On the territory of Egypt, one of the subspecies of the annon tree grows. It is called a cream, or sugar apple. Another name for this exotic plant is estta.

In October-November, the fruits ripen on the flake annon trees. They look like a massive prickly apple and resemble a green bump. The fruit is quite large. Sometimes its mass can approach 2.5 kg.

fruits of Africa and their photo

Eat the white pulp of the fetus. At the same time, the black seeds contained in it are recommended to be thrown away. Only those fruits that have a dark shade are needed. It is also desirable that the fruit is soft and slightly crumpled with a little pressure on the peel. Buying a completely black estu is not worth it. This color indicates that the fruit is overripe and has an unpleasant taste. The green color of the peel is evidence of the immaturity of the "sugar apple".

Exotic fruit esta, which you can try while traveling across the African continent, has a very interesting taste. It looks like a mixture of ingredients such as melon and apple, yogurt and strawberries. Not without reason from the Arabic language the name of this fruit is translated as “cream”.

The white pulp of an exotic fruit is not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains a lot of fructose and vitamins B1, 2 and C. Also, easily digestible carbohydrates are in the composition of the est.


Many exotic fruits of Africa cause delight and curiosity of tourists who first saw them. No exception and nod. This fruit is called horned melon or African cucumber.

Kiwano fruits are unusual. They look like orange hedgehogs the size of an orange. At the same time, on the skin of fruits with soft thick cones there are amazing marble stains. Cutting a kivano, you can see the pulp, in which there are white seeds, "packed" in ampoules of dark emerald jelly.

exotic fruits africa

The taste of an exotic African fruit is as unusual as its appearance. At the same time, it resembles melon and cucumber, banana and lime. Some even pick up notes of avocado in it. In connection with such an extensive palette of flavors, Kiwano is used in the preparation of not only sweet, but also spicy dishes. It is also consumed fresh, salted and pickled. From assorted kiwano with various fruits and berries, delicious jam and compote are obtained.

Exotic African fruit is rich in alkaline mineral salts, vitamin C and P-active substances. In this regard, it is recommended for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as vascular and heart pathologies. At home, Kiwano is used by locals to heal burns and wounds. This fruit is especially attractive for those on a diet. After all, a horned African melon has virtually no calories.

Magic fruit

What else can a sunny continent surprise a traveler with? All exotic fruits, photos and names of which are posted in this article, are unusual in their appearance and taste. But in Africa there grows a small tree belonging to the Sapotov family. Its fruits are miraculous fruits. These are bright red small berries, the length of which is only 2-3 cm. In their appearance they resemble barberry.

fruits of south africa

The magical fruit is sweet and very palatable. But you need to eat it almost immediately after the harvest. Indeed, when stored, the fruits lose all their qualities.

Magic fruit is not so named for nothing. It has truly magical properties. It contains the protein miraculin (glycoprotein), which affects taste buds. After eating the magic fruit, the sour taste in the mouth is replaced with a sweet one. It is noteworthy that the aromatic properties of the products remain unchanged. For example, after eating a miracle fruit, a lemon will seem sweet. At the same time, citrus will completely retain its taste and aroma. A similar effect lasts for two hours.

Magic fruit is used as a natural sweetener. It is recommended for those who want to adhere to a diet, but at the same time experience an irresistible craving for everything sweet. It is recommended for patients with diabetes.

The useful properties of the amazing African fruit do not end there. After all, it contains many trace elements that support the normal functioning of the human body. Also, the miracle fruit has a lot of fiber and plant acids that improve the health of the digestive system.


It is unlikely that a European in his homeland managed to try the rarest exotic fruits of Africa. These include aki. This plant is from the Sapinda family native to West Africa. Its unripe fruits are poisonous to humans. That is why in some countries, aki is a prohibited fruit. However, only those fruits that have undergone improper heat treatment or did not open on their own are poisonous.

what kind of fruits grow in africa

Aki fruit has a pear-shaped shape. Its peel is painted a bright orange-red color. In length, these exotic fruits grow to 9 cm. After ripening, the fruits open independently. At the same time, they expose the white juicy pulp under the skin that contains large black seeds. It tastes like a walnut. It is worth remembering that you only need to eat the flesh of this exotic fruit. To avoid poisoning, it is only worth boiling it by lowering it in boiling water for at least 10 minutes.

Aki fruit is popular in the cuisine of the people of Jamaica. Here they make a side dish. To do this, the pulp is pre-boiled, and then fried in oil. The resulting dish in terms of taste resembles the familiar omelet.

This fruit is widely used in its homeland. The peoples of West Africa make drugs from it that can save a person from many diseases.


This exotic fruit is also native to Africa. It grows on trees of the same name, found in many tropical countries. Marula plant belongs to the pistachio family. In March, small fruits appear on its branches that look like a plum. They have a thick skin and a very sweet flesh. Inside the fruit is a solid large bone.

what kind of fruit in africa

Marula is rich in vitamin C. This makes it very beneficial for the human body. Moreover, a valuable vitamin is not only found in the pulp of fruits. A lot of it and in the bone. In addition to vitamin C, marula contains all the minerals and nutrients involved in the development and construction of the cellular structure of the body.

The peoples of Africa use fruit for culinary purposes. Moreover, not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the plant are consumed. This tree is a wonderful source of nutrition for humans and animals. So, the local population extracts oil from the core of the seeds, which contains a lot of proteins. And in the peel and in the pulp in large quantities there are natural antioxidants and oleic acid. That is why marula is one of the essential ingredients of many African dishes. So, from the peel of an exotic fruit, drinks are obtained that resemble coffee and tea in their taste.

The fruits of Marula have a lot of sugar. Having fallen to the ground, they begin to wander. The result is a real natural bar that animals like to visit.

African pear

This plant, which is also called edible dacryodes, belongs to the Burzerov family. Its homeland is the equatorial territories of Africa. Here, evergreen African pear trees can be found in forests with moist soils. The height of this tree sometimes reaches 40 m.

The fruits of edible dacryodes have an elongated elliptical shape. In length, they grow up to 12 cm. The peel of this exotic fruit has a purple or blue tint. That is why the African pear looks like an eggplant.

fruit africa photo with names

The flesh of the fruit is soft and buttery. It has a dark green color. Locals eat the fruits of African pears raw, boiled, fried and stewed.

This amazing fruit contains many trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, fats and triglycerides. African pear is very nutritious and high in calories. After all, even when boiled, its flesh contains up to forty-eight percent of fat.


In the forests of tropical Africa you can find a beautiful tree with a wide dense crown and bizarre fruits. This is the feathery kigelia belonging to the Bignonius family. Another name for the plant is sausage tree. Of course, it seems a little strange. But the fact is that the fruits of this tree have an amazing shape, reminiscent of liver sausage loaves due to their brownish-gray color . And they hang on long pedicels as on ropes. This whole picture resembles sausages suspended immediately after manufacture. The pedicels are so strong that a person can swing on them if desired.

fruit africa photo and description

The fruits of kigelia hang on their ropes for several months, gradually increasing in size. After ripening, their peel bursts.

It should be borne in mind that, despite the appetizing name, the sausages of the African tree are inedible. The local population eats only the seeds of these fruits, and even then only after preliminary frying. Raw seeds are poisonous. Only giraffes, monkeys and hippos eat the sausage tree. Kigelia seeds are a great treat for parrots. These amazing fruits are used by people as fuel, and also for the manufacture of red dye.


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