"Fenistil": instructions for use for children, analogues and reviews

When it comes to treating children, parents always carefully choose drugs so as not to harm their child with side effects and active components of the drug. It is quite difficult to do this without the recommendation of a doctor, since today in pharmacies you can see a huge assortment of medicines for the same diseases. A particularly wide selection of drugs for allergies. However, not all of them are suitable for children up to a year. "Fenistil", the instruction to which states that it can be used literally from one month, is practically the only remedy that has a minimal number of negative effects and acts on babies within fifteen minutes after the first dose. If your baby is suffering from allergic reactions and dermatitis from birth, then most likely the doctor will prescribe this particular remedy for you. From the article you will learn information about the instructions for "Fenistil", its analogues and features. We will also give reviews of parents who gave their kids this tool.

General description of the drug

In the instructions for use, "Fenistil" is positioned as an antihistamine drug that can be given to children from one month old. In rare cases, it can be prescribed with two weeks of life crumbs, but it should be used at this age very carefully. Usually avoid giving "Fenistil" to premature crumbs. Parents should be aware of this and categorically refuse to take drops, even if they are prescribed to them by an allergist and pediatrician.

The instruction "Fenistila" gives a complete picture of the mechanism of action of the drug. It indicates that it acts on receptors in the body, thereby reducing the permeability of capillaries to various allergens. It is convenient that the Fenistil drops (the instructions indicate that this form is best suited for treating children) have a very accurate dosage. Parents, using them, can be sure that they will give the crumbs as many drops as necessary, and no more.

In their reviews of Fenistil drops (instructions are included in each package of the product), mothers and fathers note that they are quite pleasant in taste. Children older than a year take them with pleasure and without dilution with water, and for babies from a month they can even be added to bottles with the mixture. Although many of them are not capricious, as the medicine has a sweetish aftertaste.

Often drops of Fenistil (indicated in the instructions and reviews) begin to relieve unpleasant allergy symptoms within fifteen minutes after administration. In some cases, this time interval is delayed up to forty minutes. Pediatricians in many cities prescribe the drug before and after vaccination; it reduces to zero the risks of allergy to the vaccine and facilitates its perception by the body.

drops "Fenistil"

Release form

The instructions to Fenistil indicate all forms of the drug that can be found in pharmacies in Russian cities. At approximately the same cost, patients can acquire three forms of drug release. We will briefly talk about each of them:

  • Drops "Fenistil". The instruction gives information that this is the only drug that is suitable for babies from birth. In addition, drops remove not only the external manifestations of allergies, but also itching, which does not give rest to newborns and their parents.
  • Gel "Fenistil". From the instructions for use, you can find out that this form of the drug is used only externally. Most often, it is prescribed for adults, but in special cases it can also be prescribed to infants from a month, taking into account the insignificant areas for use.
  • Emulsion "Fenistil". The instructions describe how the tool is used. It is used only externally and effectively removes skin rashes and relieves itching. However, it is rarely prescribed for babies, as there is a danger of swallowing small particles of the emulsion.

Judging by the instructions to Fenistil, only drops are suitable for children. However, all forms of drug release have the same mechanism of action and identical efficacy. Since we are interested in the use of the drug for children, we will consider only information and instructions for drops of Fenistil in the article (up to a year, the drug should be taken very carefully so as not to cause the effect of apnea).

Composition and packaging

Focusing on the instructions for drops "Fenistil", you can get information about the appearance of the product and its features. The drug has a uniform structure and does not have a pronounced color and smell. Drops are quite transparent and in sunlight can exhibit an opalescent effect.

In all forms of the drug contains the same active substance - dimethindene maleate. In one milliliter of drops, about one milligram of the active ingredient. It is worth considering that one milliliter of Fenistil is approximately twenty drops from the pipette attached to the bottle.

The product contains seven additional components, of which, for example, purified water, propylene glycol, citric acid can be mentioned.

Drops "Fenistil" (the instructions noted all the features of the drug) go on sale in glass bottles. Each is made of dark glass and is designed for twenty milliliters of the drug. Parents of babies note that the lid of the bottle is a convenient pipette that allows you to accurately dose the product. This is very important when treatment is given to infants from one month old.

contraindications to "Fenistil"

What does Fenistil treat?

The instructions for "Fenistil" (gel, emulsion and drops) provide a complete list of indications for use of the drug. Most often, the drug is prescribed in case of allergy diagnosis. These may be the following diseases:

  • hives;
  • allergy to food or medicine;
  • hay fever;
  • year-round rhinitis.

Also, "Fenistil" relieves itchy skin with eczema and dermatitis. Based on this property, it is prescribed for rubella, chickenpox or measles. Many use drops after an insect bite, noting their high efficiency.

Often drops "Fenistil" for children (the instruction gives not only a complete description of the product, but also a table for calculating the dosage) is used to alleviate the symptoms of sunburn, relieving pain and itching.

indications for use

Number of contraindications

Despite the relative safety of the remedy indicated in the instructions for use with Fenistil, there are a number of contraindications for children. They must be taken into account, especially when it comes to newborns.

So, the list of contraindications is headed by age restrictions. Drops can not be prescribed to babies up to one month, since in case of dosage violations they can cause respiratory arrest in a dream. It is also worth abandoning the drug in case of hypersensitivity to it and bronchial asthma.

The general list of contraindications includes such problems as glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia. Pregnant women are not prescribed a drug in the first trimester, while breastfeeding should also be avoided.

dosage "Fenistila"

Drops "Fenistil": instructions for use

In the reviews, parents and pediatricians note that the main condition for the safety of the drug is compliance with the dosage. It is determined by the doctor or taken from the treatment regimen given in the instructions for use. Drops "Fenistil" for children are used taking into account the daily dosage, which is determined based on the body weight of the child. For example, for children under twelve years of age, it is calculated based on one tenth of a milligram per kilogram of weight (usually not more than two drops per kilogram). If your child has already crossed the twelve-year line, then the dosage is from nine to twelve milligrams per kilogram of weight (this dosage provides from sixty to one hundred and twenty drops).

Parents should consider that the daily dosage should be divided into three doses. Thus, the desired effect is achieved, and the drug does not give side effects.

Keep in mind that "Fenistil" can not be used without consulting a doctor. He can change the dosage indicated in the instructions. But if this did not happen, then infants from one month to a year should be given three to ten drops at a time. In no case should the daily dose exceed thirty drops.

Children from one to three years old can receive from ten to fifteen drops of Fenistil at the same time, while the total amount per day is limited to forty-five drops.

If your child is older than three years, but has not yet reached twelve, then he can be given from fifteen to twenty drops of the drug. The maximum allowable dosage is equal to sixty drops.

In some cases, Fenistil causes drowsiness. Therefore, it is possible to replace the treatment regimen, focusing on two methods of the drug.

Keep in mind that adding drops to hot liquids is prohibited. Dilute the preparation with admissible boiled water at room temperature or with infant formula and milk with a temperature that is acceptable for use.

Side effects

"Fenistil" rarely causes unpleasant consequences of admission. That is why it is shown to babies. But nevertheless, in a number of clinical trials, side effects that may occur during the treatment period have been identified. Parents and adult patients should be familiar with them in order to stop taking the drug on time.

Some patients experienced an allergic reaction to drops. It manifested itself in edema of soft tissues and larynx, respiratory disorders, rash and muscle spasm.

In children, nervous irritability may increase during treatment. In reviews, parents complain that babies become very restless and often naughty.

Not always taking drops passes without a trace for the gastrointestinal tract. He responds to treatment with indigestion, dryness, nausea, and so on.

If one of the effects manifests itself in your case, then you can wait a while and observe the situation. If others are added to one symptom or one of them has intensified in its manifestation, then treatment should be stopped. In the future, only the doctor will determine how to use the drug or completely abandon it.

fenistil drops up to a year instruction

Overdose cases

It is known that in case of violation of the recommended treatment regimen, an overdose occurs in the body. In children, it has its own characteristics. For example, if an overdose in adults is characterized by drowsiness, then in children, on the contrary, it manifests itself with anxiety, excitability, heart palpitations and fever. Also, an overdose can be determined with the following symptoms:

  • rare urination;
  • muscle spasms;
  • low pressure;
  • hallucinations;
  • feverish conditions.

If you noted the above symptoms in yourself or your baby, then consult a doctor who will prescribe a number of measures to help alleviate the condition. Typically, a patient is prescribed simple activated charcoal in combination with saline laxatives. In severe cases, drugs are added to these drugs to maintain the cardiovascular system.

The main thing with an overdose, doctors consider ridding the body of intoxication. If all measures were taken in a timely manner, then the patient will quickly recover.

use of the medicine by children under one year old

Combination with other drugs

Usually, babies are not prescribed many drugs, so do not be afraid that Fenistil will be incompatible with them. But still, parents should understand with what means drops should not be taken.

The antihistamine described in this article enhances the effects of certain drugs. For example, in the case of the simultaneous appointment of Fenistil and sleeping pills, the effect of the latter will be more pronounced. Therefore, adult patients taking these drugs should not drive vehicles.

Tranquilizers also go poorly with Fenistil, their effect may be enhanced several times. Doctors advise patients with a similar treatment regimen to spend several days at home. It is better to stick to bed rest.

Those who drink antidepressants, "Fenistil" is better not to prescribe. In combination, drugs can cause increased depression.

reviews and analogues of the drug

Analogues of the drug and reviews

There are a lot of analogues of Fenistil on sale, and some of them have a lower cost. On average, a package of drops will cost you from two hundred and seventy to three hundred and seventy rubles. This amount is considered average, but for some categories of the population the tool becomes unavailable. Therefore, you can consider analogues of "Fenistil", sold in all pharmacies of Russian cities.

Of the most inexpensive means, specialists and patients are called "Vibrocil" and "Tsetrin." They belong to the same generation, and also have a similar mechanism of influence. However, children are prescribed these drugs with great care.

Also, Tavegil, Claritin and Diazolin are considered analogues of Fenistil. In addition to them, you can use "Loratadin", "Zirtek" and "Diprospan." However, in any case, the replacement of the drug should be discussed with the doctor.

If we analyze the reviews about the drug, then we can say that they are mostly positive. Moms of young children say that Fenistil was very effective. Kids stop worrying about itching in literally twenty minutes, and the rash and redness on the skin disappear after a couple of days of taking the drops.

Many write that they are satisfied with the absence of side effects. Even when used by children from a month old, they did not appear in any way. This indicates the high safety of the drug and its versatility.

The disadvantages of the drug of mom and dad include the fact that Fenistil does not neutralize the disease itself. It is effective when necessary to remove the symptoms of allergies, but it does not work on its cause. Therefore, parents consider it as a kind of ambulance and an opportunity to save children from itching and external allergic manifestations.

Summing up, we say that mothers and fathers recommend Fenistil for use by children at a very young age, considering it the most ideal option for babies suffering from allergies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6208/

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