Temporary registration: how to do? Temporary registration: laws of the Russian Federation

Temporary registration may be needed in a variety of cases for both foreigners and citizens of the Russian Federation. Without such a document, it will be difficult to rent a house, get a job, get medical help, etc. Nevertheless, is this procedure so simple - a temporary registration? How to do it, and what difficulties may arise - read on.

temporary registration how to do

The legislative framework

Citizens who decide to change their place of residence or leave for a long time in another region should know 3 main regulatory acts: the Law “On the right to freedom of movement, residence and place of stay”, “Rules for registration and deregistration at the place of residence or stay” and, of course, the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It should also be taken into account that the legislation separates two concepts: place of stay and place of residence. The first is the place where a person lives temporarily, and the second is the permanent place of his residence. In addition, temporary registration is done without deregistration at the place of residence.

Legal restrictions

Citizens of the Russian Federation must register at the place of temporary residence. However, the right to movement may be restricted by law in the following areas:

  • in areas of environmental disaster;
  • border strip;
  • closed formations;
  • closed military camps;
  • in certain areas where there is a danger of the spread of infectious diseases;
  • in zones of martial law or state of emergency.
    temporary residence permit in Moscow

Temporary registration: documents

To register at the place of stay in a certain residential building, the following documents must be submitted to the local migration service:

1. Identity document:

  • internal passport;
  • for persons under 14 years of age, a birth certificate is submitted;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (if we are talking about registration at the place of stay of Russian citizens permanently residing abroad);
  • passport of a citizen of the USSR (a very rare case).

2. Application for registration at the place of stay (form No. 1). It should be noted that such a statement should be signed not only by the applicant, but also by the owner of the housing where the citizen will live. Thus, his signature will confirm the consent to the introduction into the apartment (house) of a certain person.

3. A document that is the basis for the use of a particular residential premises. In particular, temporary registration is possible if the owner has a certificate of registration of authority for a dwelling, a lease (sub-lease) agreement on social lease, etc. At the same time, if the owner has a certificate of ownership or a lease, then in the application it is enough to simply indicate their details.

4. If the applicant provides a contract of employment or free use of housing, then the signature of the owner of the apartment (house) in the application for registration is not required.

temporary registration in Moscow

Some nuances of registration

If between the owner or tenant of the housing a rental or free use agreement has not been concluded, then registration (temporary registration) for a nonresident will be possible only with the personal presence of the owner of the housing. With him, he must have an internal passport (or other identification document) and a document confirming his right to this housing.

If the premises are owned by several persons, then the above requirement will apply to all persons. If a home book is available, it is also provided to the FMS. If the registration of the place of stay will be made in the housing of a municipal or state housing fund, then in addition to the application of the tenant, permission will be required from all tenants who live with him.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that officials who are responsible for registration cannot refuse to accept an application for a temporary residence permit. In addition, the application can be addressed by mail or online. The inaction or actions of FMS employees can be appealed to higher organizations.

temporary residence

Terms of the procedure

It is important to consider the timing of registration. Firstly, it should be noted that a citizen must undergo a temporary registration procedure within 90 days from the date of arrival in another region. The deadline for registration is determined by agreement with:

  • the owner of the premises;
  • the leadership of housing cooperatives (if its members are not full owners of these premises);
  • tenants and tenants living together with them (for houses of the municipal and state fund).

All these questions should be clarified in advance to everyone who needs a temporary residence permit. How to make it for the period you need? Everything is very simple: its term is determined only on the basis of a voluntary agreement between the applicant and the owner (owner, user).

Sometimes in practice, officials of the FMS units illegally limit the time period for temporary registration, for example, to a 5-year period. In such cases, you need to refer to the Administrative Regulations (namely, paragraph 56) and insist on a temporary residence permit for a longer period (if this, of course, is necessary).

After submitting documents, temporary registration (without a permanent residence permit) is issued by the FMS passport office within 6 days. This period is extended to 8 days if the applicant did not provide a certificate of ownership of the property or a social contract of employment, but only indicated their details in the application.

registration temporary registration

Temporary place of stay for children

Temporary registration of children is carried out only at the place of stay of the parents and should be issued regardless of the consent of persons who live in the premises of the municipal or state fund. If you need a temporary residence permit for a child, then the FMS unit should submit:

  • passport (other identification document) of parents (adoptive parents);
  • birth certificate of a child.

Data on citizens who are under the age of 14 are entered in the alphabetical cards of parents or in apartment (house) books. Persons from 14 to 16 years old are issued a certificate of registration at the place of temporary residence.

Temporary registration in other premises

For those who settle temporarily in other premises, a simplified temporary residence permit is provided. How to make it, for example, in a hotel, hospital, boarding house? To do this, it is enough to provide a passport and fill out a special form upon arrival at the administration of these institutions. Further, all actions for registration of a citizen will be performed by officials of the hotel, rest house, boarding house, etc.

Registration of military personnel

Military personnel are registered in a temporary place of stay on a common basis. However, there are exceptions to these rules. You do not need to go through this procedure:

  • sailors, soldiers, foremen and sergeants who serve on conscription;
  • if the military has a travel certificate or vacation ticket.

Officers, contractors, members of their families, even before receiving housing, are registered at the location of military units.

Registration of immigrants

A temporary residence permit for a temporary settlement can be obtained only after citizens have sent a request to the FMS or to the migration affairs department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to recognize them as internally displaced persons. After granting them such status, registration of residence in a new place is carried out on a common basis.

Residence in the capital

Temporary registration in Moscow and the Moscow region involves its own nuances. The advantages of obtaining temporary housing in the capital are obvious: citizens and foreigners will have the opportunity to find a well- paid job, apply for a driver’s license, apply for documents to open their own business, stand in line for housing, and receive medical assistance.

Temporary registration in Moscow also allows you to apply for a passport. However, it should be remembered that its action will end after deregistration at the place of stay. If you have registration for a certain period of time, you can order the registration of a passport yourself.

If you have registration, you can even take a loan from the bank. Many financial institutions allow you to apply for a loan if the payer is registered in the region where the bank is located.

To issue a Moscow temporary residence permit, you need to contact the FMS or passport offices. The certificate for provisional registration in Moscow is also issued at the same institutions. The list of documents remains the same as for obtaining registration in other regions.

Registration Result

If a foreigner or a citizen of the Russian Federation correctly provided all the necessary papers, then they should be issued a certificate of registration at the place of stay at a specific address. It must be issued no later than the next day after registration.

The applicant, if desired, may also require the FMS employees to send this certificate to his place of residence by mail.

We emphasize that temporary registration in Moscow and other regions is done without deregistration at the place of permanent residence. Nevertheless, persons who do not have a permanent residence permit can also receive a temporary stay. In this case, they will receive a temporary residence permit in the same manner as those who have it.

temporary registration without permanent registration

Issue price

The law guarantees that temporary registration is free of charge. To do this, you will not need to pay a fee or cover any other costs. According to the legislation, the owner (employer) also cannot demand from the settler any payment for the procedure for registering him in the apartment (house).

All documents that must be completed to issue a certificate of provisional registration are filled out by officials free of charge.

It turns out that you do not need to spend any funds on registration. Unfortunately, not all citizens know that they do not need to pay for a procedure such as temporary registration. How much this service costs for different companies is a difficult question, on average, the price for such a procedure for many companies ranges from 6,000 thousand for registration for six months and from 12 thousand rubles for registration for a year. Remember that many companies often offer supposedly legal registration. In fact, their activities usually come down to mediation between corrupt officials and gullible citizens. In such cases, temporary registration is fraught with negative consequences in the near future.

Loss of evidence

If a person has lost a certificate of provisional registration, one should not think that it is fatal. The way out of such an unpleasant situation is provided for in the Administrative Regulations.

To obtain registration at the place of stay again, you must contact the same department of the FMS, which initially issued you the certificate. Service officials will give you a duplicate and put the previous registration number on it . Moreover, no sanctions or penalties for the loss of this document are provided.

temporary registration how much


We hope that in this article you have found comprehensive information on such a procedure as temporary registration. How to do it, what documents are needed, the procedure for obtaining the consent of the owner, the particulars of providing registration for certain categories of people, the timing of obtaining a certificate of temporary residence, exceptions and restrictions we have found out in full. In general, if you strictly adhere to the legislation, there should not be any special problems with its design.

And remember: for the lack of a temporary registration, administrative responsibility is provided. And in general, without temporary registration it will be very difficult in a new place. You will lose a number of advantages such as getting a job, a passport, a driver’s license, loans and other privileges. Without registering at the place of temporary residence, it will be impossible to go to the clinic, register a car, take a child to kindergarten, school, etc. As you know, a temporary residence permit is needed primarily in your interests, therefore this legal requirement should not be ignored.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6215/

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