Flag of Sri Lanka. Description, meaning, flag history

The flag of Sri Lanka is filled with many symbols and meanings. They fully reflect the spirit of the country, especially its culture and history. What is shown on the flag? What does it matter?

Sri Lanka flag: description

Most world flags are dominated by simple geometric shapes or colorful stripes. The flag of Sri Lanka (see photo below) has a more complex composition, each detail of which has a symbolic meaning.

sri lanka flag

A thin golden frame along all sides of the flag serves as a contour. Inside it, the main composition unfolds. The flag of Sri Lanka is divided into two areas in a ratio of 1: 2. Closer to the pole is a narrower part. It is composed of two vertical stripes of green and orange.

The area further from the pole is wider. It is fully painted in dark red or burgundy. In the very center of this area is the figure of a Sinhalese lion of golden color. He stands on three paws, and in the fourth holds a sword. In the four corners of the burgundy field is located on a golden petal.

Character Meaning

All four primary colors of the flag are symbols of religious communities. The green bar, which is located closest to the pole, means Islam and all those professing it in the state. An orange bar shows adherents of Hinduism. The burgundy color is a symbol of Buddhism, which is professed by the majority of the population. Gold bordering the flag of Sri Lanka means all other religious communities of the country.

flag sri lanka photo

The central figure is the Sinhala lion. He acts as the main historical symbol of the Sinhala nation - the main population of the state. Leo represents the progenitor of this people. It means purity, the nobility of thought, wisdom and intelligence. The sword in his paw is a symbol of the independence and sovereignty of the state.

The gold leaves in the corners of the burgundy field are the leaves of the Bo tree. In Sri Lanka, it is sacred, because it was under him that Gautama Buddha gained enlightenment. The four leaflets of Bo represent the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism.

Flag Change History

The flag of Sri Lanka changed simultaneously with the change of the main political forces in the state. The most ancient state symbol had a golden Sinhalese lion on a burgundy field with four golden petals in the corners and a contour along the edges. The beginning of its appearance is quite difficult to trace, but the flag was already present during the existence of the state of Kotte (1412-1597).

During the period of Portuguese rule over a significant part of Sri Lanka in the conquered territories, the flag of Portuguese Ceylon operated (these territories were called). On a white panel was a coat of arms, which is still present on the flag of Portugal, with a gold crown at the head.

sri lanka flag description

After the Portuguese, the Dutch came in the second half of the 17th century. In Sri Lanka, a three-color red-white-blue banner began to operate. In the middle of the white stripe was the Latin letter V, and near its branches were the letters O and C.

From 1796 to 1948, the island was under the protectorate of the British crown, so the flag was British. The emblem of Ceylon was located on a blue field opposite the pole. After liberation from control of the colonialist, Sri Lanka acquired its historical emblem.

In 1951, green and orange stripes symbolizing Islam and Hinduism were added to the flag of Sri Lanka. In this form, it still exists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6218/

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