Newborn care: how to swaddle in the hospital and at home

One of the important skills that a new parent should have is swaddling. It helps to gradually adapt to the unusual world of the baby, who until recently was in a tight mother’s womb, and relieves the pain of a small tummy (colic). Improper swaddling can lead to diseases and deviations in the development of the child, therefore, during the procedure, it is necessary to adhere to generally accepted norms. This article will discuss how to swaddle a newborn: tips, methods and step-by-step recommendations will be given below.

how to swaddle in a hospital

If necessary?

Until recently, the question of whether to swaddle a child did not arise. Today, this topic is becoming a frequent cause for debate between specialists, generations and young mothers. A tightly wrapped infant is believed to have difficulty breathing. In addition, his legs are forcibly extended, which can lead to various pathologies. Why are all children swaddled in maternity hospitals? This method has undeniable advantages:

  • the newborn feels calmer, since swaddling partially imitates the mother’s womb;
  • thermoregulation of infants is poorly developed, and in a warm diaper they do not freeze;
  • the baby is fast asleep;
  • diapers significantly save the family budget.

Already during pregnancy, the expectant mother is worried about the question of how to swaddle correctly? In a hospital, a young parent can teach this to a doctor, but often even a few illustrative examples are not enough to master simple, at first glance, manipulations. For this reason, you should learn in advance the science of swaddling.

how to swaddle a baby correctly photo


As a rule, a woman learns about how to swaddle a baby in a hospital. Here, everything you need is already prepared by the orderlies - no need to wash and iron the baby diapers on their own. Keep tissue clean, sterile and soft. Otherwise, irritations will appear on the baby’s tender and vulnerable skin, which can cause pain and discomfort to the peanut. The procedure is carried out in a certain sequence.

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Wash the baby.
  3. To put on a diaper (if necessary), a vest.
  4. Spread a warm diaper on the changing surface, thin on top.
  5. Swaddle your baby in a convenient way.

The room where the swaddling will be carried out should be warm. A light draft, invisible to an adult, can easily provoke a cold in an infant. It will be easier for a young mother to carry out manipulations while standing, and a changing table will greatly facilitate the process. A soft washable mattress should be laid on it to make the crumbs comfortable.

Free swaddling

Parents rarely have to speculate on how to swaddle in a hospital. The first days of life, the baby is tightly fixed in the diaper, but after a few days the “grip” can be loosened, allowing the baby to learn a new world and his body. According to experts, free swaddling is safe, therefore, the best option for infants - it does not constrain the body, does not impede movements (which, as you know, do no harm to anyone), does not disturb the blood flow.

  1. The pean is placed in the center of the diaper.
  2. The edge of the tissue is located at the level of the armpits.
  3. The sides are wrapped around the body and fixed behind the back.
  4. The bottom of the diaper rises and refills in the formed folds.

With this method, the baby’s arms and legs remain mobile, so the method is not suitable for timid and weak children.

Tight swaddling

Many mothers wonder how to swaddle in a hospital? After all, there are several different ways. In modern hospitals, a conservative method is usually used - tight swaddling. At the same time, the child’s body is securely fixed with a cloth, and the handles are firmly pressed to the body.

  1. The child is placed in the center of the expanded diaper so that its edges are at neck level.
  2. Arms and legs extend along the body.
  3. The edges alternately tuck under the baby.
  4. The bottom of the diaper is straightened.
  5. The ends wrap around the baby in the chest or neck, depending on the size of the fabric.
  6. The remaining edges are fixed in the "pockets" formed during the swaddling process.

how to swaddle a baby in a hospital

The diaper should fit snugly to the body of the newborn, while it is important not to overdo it. If the baby cries after swaddling, fixation should be loosened.

How to swaddle a baby correctly: photo with instructions

In the hospital, a young mother is brought a baby already wrapped in a diaper. Moreover, many nurses help the mother and independently “pack” the baby. Once at home, many women are lost. How to swaddle? In the hospital, in the hands of experienced doctors, everything looked so simple!

how to swaddle a baby in a hospital

Above is the sequence of actions for tight swaddling the newborn. The angle that bends over the child’s head can be freed after manipulation. Then you get a kind of envelope in which the little one will completely hide. This method is suitable for changing in a blanket while walking.

Every mother should know how to swaddle the baby. In the hospital, the medical staff is far from always free, who will patiently teach the woman in labor the necessary skills. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the birth of a child and familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of care, including swaddling.


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