What is blackened silver? Products, features, properties and reviews

Recently, various blackened silver products are on the market. This metal is durable, inexpensive, in addition, it is suitable for any age. Silver itself (in its pure form) is practically not used by jewelers. For the manufacture of jewelry, craftsmen choose its alloys.

blackened silver

Blackened Silver Jewelry

Mostly silver is added to silver alloys. As a result, the product becomes solid, acquires good anti-corrosion characteristics, and its appearance improves. In the Russian Federation, jewelers work with only a few silver samples. A sample is a stigma, a passport of a product. She talks about the amount of pure silver in the item. 925 sample assumes 92.5% of the metal itself, the remaining 7.5% are various impurities. There are several types of silver, such as blackened silver.

blackened silver earrings

Varieties of silver

Silver has a white-silver color. At the moment, the following types of this metal are distinguished: filigree, matte, blackened, monetary. Each species has its own specific features.

Matte silver does not have bright patterns. To obtain it, use various emulsions applied to the feedstock. The use of emulsions allows you to make the surface rough, give it an additional charm. The product turns out original, beautiful, unusual.

Distinctive characteristics of filigree silver are a variety of openwork patterns. Since silver has a high malleability and strength, thin threads are made, giving the product a beautiful and unusual pattern. For the manufacture of filigree silver requires professionalism, it takes a lot of time. Jewelers distinguish background and openwork filigree. For openwork, a through pattern is implied.

Sterling silver is the main material used in jewelry. This material has a smooth surface, silver-white color, excellent strength, long service life. The composition of the sterling material is 92.5% pure silver, 7.5% copper.

blackened silver jewelry

Ink technology

Masters from ancient times tried to decorate their products (weapons, jewelry, utensils) with ornaments, drawings, unusual patterns. The technology of applying the ornament has changed, improved. Blackened silver is obtained by special technology. It is used in jewelry processing, as well as in applied art. In Russia, blackening has been developed since the mid-20th century. Unique blackened silver rings made by craftsmen from Veliky Ustyug (Vologda Oblast) were in demand. In the 18-19 centuries, dishes, cigarette cases, trays were made using similar technology. Master jewelers owned many subtleties of the craft, but they did not transmit their knowledge, and therefore part of the nuances was lost. Blackened silver was quite expensive, so only wealthy people could afford such products. The essence of blackening was the coating of pure metal with mobile. The product became embossed, acquired a refined appearance.

blackened silverware

Features of blackening

This technology is aimed at obtaining unusual patterns on the product. A special technology has been developed that produces blackened silver at home. First, the jewelry is engraved or minted, then a special solution is applied to it, including oxides of lead, copper, silver. The surface of the product must be clean, all grease stains are first removed from it. To melt the solution, the product is heated. As a result, a beautiful black pattern appears on the silver surface.

Benefits of Blackened Silver

Similar products have numerous advantages. Such material does not need additional cleaning, retains its aesthetic appearance. There are certain limitations to such an alloy. Boiling with soda, for example, causes the removal of blackening. Dishes created using this technology have long been used to store valuables, amulets, elixirs. In ancient times, the bactericidal properties of blackened silver were considered a manifestation of magic. People sincerely believed that blackened silver protects against failures and evil spirits.

blackened silver rings

Metal oxidation

Currently, many products similar to natural blacking are manufactured using oxidation. Today it’s hard to buy real blackened silver. The jewelry offered on the shelves of jewelry stores, for the most part, was created by coating a silver product with a thin oxide film. Over time, it wears out, and the jewelry loses its luster. Real earrings made of blackened silver have a fairly high price. At a cost of 1 gram of ordinary silver 30-40 rubles, the price per 1 gram of blackening increases 10 times. Such jewelry is of high cost due to manual labor, individual work of the master.

Useful Tips

When choosing a product from blackened silver, you need to carefully examine the jewelry, check the presence and quality of the mark, and also get acquainted with the accompanying documents for the product. In Russia, there was a belief according to which, silverware with blackening protects the family life, the owner of the house. If household goods were lost, a great misfortune awaited the owner of the house and its inhabitants. Blackened silver was used to make coins, rings, earrings, bracelets, amulets.

Currently, jewelers are trying to combine silver in jewelry with semiprecious or precious stones. Natural emeralds, rubies, garnets, and pearls are used as such β€œadditives”. If gold adds age to a person, then silver, on the contrary, rejuvenates. It can be worn by women of any age. Jewelry with precious inserts is suitable for special occasions: receptions, presentations. For everyday wear, you can choose blackened silver products that do not have inserts.

blackened silver at home


Women who buy blackened silver jewelry primarily note its aesthetic characteristics. Buyers are satisfied that the product does not need constant cleaning, and there are no allergic reactions while wearing rings and earrings. Silver jewelry lovers are convinced that it is blackened products that are the best choice. Owners of accessories made of blackened silver note their effect on mood. Rings and earrings, made with blackening, protect from evil looks, help to fight trouble. Women who wore such products for a long time found their personal happiness. Ladies of the "Balzac age" note that items made from blackened silver again make them young and beautiful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6230/

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